
This Modern Glitch

@wolveswillkeepyouwarm / wolveswillkeepyouwarm.tumblr.com

Ace (both in name and orientation); nb male (he/they) 23, INFP.
I hope Sufjan Stevens walks into my house and smashes a banjo over my head killing me instantly

forgot i was working in the meat section at my workplace today and briefly experienced what it's like to be an indie horror game protagonist

coworker: uhhh there's some blood leaking out from under the storeroom door can you go check that out


me, remembering that i'm working on the raw meats counter and not about to meet jeff the killer at the fridge:


I love when dogs and cats just let you pat the shit out of them and they enjoy it so much. Like yeah dude real quick I just need to play you like a bongo and they’re like god yes I’ve been waiting for someone to play me like a bongo


so funny when americans make photosets with pictures of normal eastern european buildings and describe them as "melancholy" or "desolate." like my brother that is an apartment complex. my friend Милош lives there.

oh my god???

Imagine scrolling through tumblr and seeing your own window. Slammed my laptop down and went to bed.


jerma is playing the stanley parable ultra deluxe and the devs put him on the website so he started posing funny so the devs started photoshopped a spider onto him so he opened his mouth for the devs to put a spider in and they did. and here is proof of that

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