
Poe x Rey | MIT roommates au,  where Rey, the genius-freshman with one of the highest IQ of the east coast, has to share an apartement with the smart and supportive, but sometimes sardonic, senior Poe Dameron (needless to say her first robot was named BB –Poe’s idea– and worked properly only after the eighth attempt)


33% cold, 33% sleepiness, 33% anxiety, 1% glitter


Here’s the deal: You’re going somewhere very bad to do something that’s going to get you killed… Let’s go save the world! — Suicide Squad (2016) by David Ayer


i play video games and when i’m not playing video games i watch other people play video games and when i’m not doing either of those things i’m listening to video game soundtracks and thinking about video games


Teachers who call on random people are the absolute scariest beings in the universe

At one point in the middle of filming, Jared went really crazy during lunch break in front of all the catering people; in front of most of the cast and crew. He, and I’m being serious, he took a carton of milk and – listen – he drank straight from the bottle. Straight from the bottle! Nobody could believe it. He just drank like it was nothing even though there were some glasses right next to him! After he finished he smiled and said ‘got milk?’ and then started laughing wildly. I had to ask him to stop because everyone, including myself, was getting really scared… He’s going to be something else in this movie, I tell you. People are NOT ready.

Director David Ayer on his experiences with Jared Leto on the set of Suicide Squad (via i-think-i-just-shat-myself)


Thank you DC for making Wonder Woman as important as Batman and Superman.

Thank you DC for making Wonder Woman pose like a warrior in every single promo shot instead of doing a sexy pose showing her ass.

Thank you DC for not hiding your minorities, letting the poc actors speak in the tv special and making Viola Davis and Will Smith part of the five people getting top billing for Suicide Squad.

Thank you DC for planning a movie about Cyborg and a movie about Aquaman with poc actors and showing them as important members of the Justice League.

Thank you DC for treating the female and male characters equally in the Suicide Squad promotion.

Thank you DC for giving us female heroes and female villains all with different motivations, background, ages and races.

Thank you DC for making the fourth film of your universe the Wonder Woman movie and making it all about her. Steve Trevor is supporting and even Chris Pine acknowledges this with no problem.

Thank you DC for not hiding Wonder Woman has a female director and that the film will focus on female power and won’t erase Wonder Woman's femininity.

This is what I have been waiting for years. This is why I’m proud to be a DC fan.

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