
Get off my lawn.

@reaction-junkie / reaction-junkie.tumblr.com


LFB has been feeling down recently

Life has been stressful and LFB has been feeling the strain. She told me sex usually makes her feel better. We had sex this afternoon, and at dinner tonight I asked her if she was out of her funk. @littlefeministbitch said: "No, I'm going to need more Vitamin D." Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend.


I came across this amazing photo collection of a German Shepherd and a gray tabby cat. They seem to be inseparable. At the end, though, you’ll see they’re not exactly by themselves. Is there room for even more love and cuddles? I’m sure there is… ☺

By the way, I looked and looked for information on them to no avail. If you know who the photographer is, where these animals are located or their names, please let us know. Leave me a comment!

I went and followed him but there’s no way to send him messages!! Tell him I’ve been reading about him for too long not to be super duper excited about seeing him on tumblr finally!!!

Eep! I forgot to turn on asks. I fixed it. Thanks for letting me know! :D

I am Reaction Junkie. AMA.


Reaction Junkie finally started using tumblr!

I made him one a million years ago, and tonight I finally got him to at least log in.

Y’all should follow him! And send him nice messages/messages encouraging him to actually start using tumblr.

(Also, I followed some people for him. If he unfollows you or doesn’t follow you back, don’t take it personally. He’s persnickety about what he sees.)

Prove it.

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