
super mega family butchers.

@idlebicyle / idlebicyle.tumblr.com

top prizes.

Peter and James

There are two Serefinowiczes. I thought it was one guy, who did a lot.


Solicitors are dreadful but vital people.

If a solicitor is out of the office because of Illness, everything grounds to a halt until he or she is better. Regardless if proceedings are vital or not. If anyone else is sick in other workplaces then that company gets someone else to cover the work. If a chef gets sick than that chef probably is lying and went to the disco last night. The chef is probably now in a gutter in vauxhall just trying to grasp hold of reality/the pavement.


London Fashion Week.

First things first, Whereas I like to wear good clothes, I hate fashion. I don’t like the crap that comes with it. I do however like well made intelligent clothing that looks smart and elegant. I am not unaware of fashion as my girlfriend really knows her shit, and living in East London for years it’s nigh on impossible to ignore it. I did though work at London Fashion week, in the capacity of a chef. 

Cooking at fashion week is a strange thing to do, fashioneastas are not gourmands, I was not kept busy. That said, I saw a wonderful exchange with some vegan protesters. 

 I saw a full blown Taradiddle escalate into a Brouhaha. Fashioneasta arguing with anti fur protesters.  "And which collection showing here uses Fur exactly?"Oliver Spencer was the next show scheduled. Oliver Spencer makes nice cardigans, "You know you're protesting during the course of a three hour break of shows". "As in, you're protesting, nothing". The Response was inaudible shouting, and a scuffle. 

I cannot abide the use of fur in modern fashion, however vegan fur protesters are idiots, almost always. I once saw a similar group protesting A large department store in Piccadilly. Protesting Foie Gras. Well fine, but do these people protest the manufactures of cheap sausages? Think how many cheap sausages are sold from Tesco and Asda. Compare this to the amount of Foie Gras made. 

Also, I should say Foie Gras is wrong. Then again, I had some in a terrine a few months ago, and it was perhaps the best thing i’ve eaten this year? 


Ideas to forward to the IOC.

Fencing should entail a mezzanine, a dining table, people swinging from ropes, and fighting with anything at hand including candelabras not just swords. One competitor should really be aiming to rescue people from dungeons, the other to stop him. Towards the end of the bout teams of swordsmen should enter the fray. (Preferably norman guards against local roustabouts who live in a local shanty village or woodland). I'm saying that the Olympics can be improved.


I don’t attend political rallies. I’ve been to plenty of protests in various forms. Although I tend to not be around when the tear gas comes out. Please excuse my lily livered fair weather attitude. Please don’t find the appropriate Billy Bragg song. It’s the case I don’t hold with crowds. I did go to see The Corbynator come to town though. I went because he was in town, and because, I support him. Now before you tell me what i’ve heard before, don’t bother. If you don’t think he cannot win the Labour contest thats fine but really I don’t have any need to hear that again.Labour have another horse in the race, it’s a shit horse though, a shit horse who thinks, if I say Nye Bevin enough times people will think i’m a Socialist.  Smith spoke to an audience in Milton Keynes too, pictures i’ve seen show a perhaps dedicated but certainly tichy crowd in a room. Corbyn drew a large number. Momentum estimate 1000s, I suggest about 1500.  I’m not talking it down. Milton Keynes is a comfortable city thats been Conservative for eons. Not only that it’s a cracking hot  day today, so over 1000 people is a decent effort, it’s a tough deal to drag the electrate from the pub garden, the picnic and the BBQ. The one thing I wanted to see though was the crowd. Tom Watson swears blind the party has been infiltrated by members of the Socialist Workers party and assorted Trotskyists. It’s a bizarre claim, bold perhaps, deluded certainly. The SWP has a membership of 6000 people. Many of whom are only active insofar as paying subs. 300,000 people have joined the rank and file of Labour. Now, i’m not a mathematician but I don’t think some of 6000 is really a significant amount of bolsheviks. So I went to see. What I found was not Moscow in 1917, but more varied people of varied backgrounds. I’m pleased to see that typical british liberal/lefty was on show but this felt more like a fairport convention gig than a bastille storming. The British hard left likes allotments, lentil bake and hand me down clothes. I did see unionists with their flags, I did hear music. Why is it always the same old hackneyed guitar led trite old crap? A working class hero by John Lennon and a new version of Which side are you on? Please. I admit It was a surprise not to hear Pete Seeger, I admire the restraint. Among this lot though there were others, not other tribes, but more, other people. A fine display of the British peoples. I’m not saying fine specimens as such but a decent cross section. Young people in box fresh nikes, muslims in jilabas, poles, accidental portuguese hipster old men with wide brimmed hats and natty braces. Young mothers, and skateboarders. (Milton Keynes Railway Station & Bus Station is a mecca for skateboarding). In all it was a decent crowd, a choir for the Corbinator to preach to. You’ll know the message, i’m not writing about it. You either like him or you don’t you can read about that and actual real analysis elsewhere. I saw unionists, I saw people who will tonight go home and cook lentil bake on a narrow boat, I also saw the same sort of people you see every day in Milton Keynes.  I didn’t see a single Mauser Rifle, I didn’t see any situationists, I didn’t see any veterans of the french civil war and I didn’t see Gerald Winstanley or the Levellers. Tom Watson is wrong and he knows it. 

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