
Casparleave like casparlee get it haha pls laugh

@casparleave / casparleave.tumblr.com

help I've fallen in love with the vamps but lets be real I'm in love with everyone --------------------- (blacklist "not yt" if you only want youtube related posts on your dash from me)
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MATT LeBLANC: There’s only five people in the world who know exactly what being on Friends was like, other than me. There’s five of them. David, Matthew, Lisa, Courteney, and Jen. That’s it. Marta and David were close, but when they left the stage, no one knew what they did. We could never leave the stage, metaphorically speaking. Still can’t. Still on that stage. That will follow us around forever.

More important than anything else is the look on people’s faces when you cross paths with them in the street, or in the store, or in the grocery line. You can always tell that you were—maybe still are, maybe always will be—a part of their family. Movies have this thing where it’s an event. You get dressed up, you go to dinner, and you go to the movies. You’re outside of your element. But with television, people are watching you in bed, at their kitchen table eating. You’re in their house.

I did not want it to end.

Source: frie-nds

I want to see them do an episode of The Price is Right with ultra rich people I want to see Mitt Romney try to tell me what he thinks the price of dish soap is

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