
Welcome to my blog

@asxpava / asxpava.tumblr.com

Regina George in Sheep's Clothing 💕
Moody Asshole

Guys rent suits for weddings even though they’d wear them for years, while women buy dresses for weddings that they’ll never wear afterwards.

Baby boomers: why don’t millennials just work 2 jobs?
Minimum wage jobs: ok so we need at least 4 full days of availability, must work holidays, can’t request a set schedule, must work weekends, and you will never know what day or what time you are gonna work until the schedule comes out :)

Millennials: so we’ll get the schedule two weeks in advance right?

Minimum wage job: nah

Millennials: so when will we get it?

Minimum wage job: it’s a surprise :)

Anonymous asked:

I'm staying in this weekend. Put me on to the hottest shit you listened to this monf or movie you saw.

I got you.

Here are a few songs I’ve been fucking with.

I listen to this track when I’m high. The rest of the album is good too but this track is my go to. @audivinity put me on.

This is another new nigga that I’m really fucking with. Also listen to “3 Below” and “Selfish”

Also check out One Strange Rock on Netflix. A will Smith narrated documentary series about the earth. This is more Earth Centric than Animal centric.

Anonymous asked:

My husband and I have just gone "sale agreed" on our first condo. This time 2 years ago both of us were unemployed, living with his mother, and we had just buried his father one month earlier. We had no savings, both of us were depressed,grieving. I almost forgot what genuine happiness felt like after the last few years. Things do get better. I'm sharing for someone who might need to hear this. If I can go from a depressed, unemployed, drug addict to homeowner in 2 years you can get through this


Anonymous asked:

I was looking up how much the CEO at my company makes and decided to look up one of the VPs I always see in the hallway. 2 links down in my google search I find out this man was convicted of manslaughter and DUI, gave up his medical license, and spent 3 years in prison. This man is now making more than a million dollars a year!! If this ain't white privilege at its finest, idk what is. I'm not going to be able to look at him the same anymore.


“It happened so quickly.  I’d just quit my job at an after school program. I’d been unemployed for three days.  I was waiting for my train at the 125th Street Station, and I noticed so much animosity.  It didn’t feel like a sharing and caring kind of place.  So I said to myself: ‘I’m going to help change the pace.’  I went to visit my high school chorus teacher, Mr. Williams, and I told him: ‘I want to sing on 125th Street.’  He thought it was great idea.  He said that he’d done the same thing when he was my age.  Together we found a cheap amp and microphone, and I gave it a try.  My first day was a Tuesday.  I stood on the downtown platform.  I’d never sung in public before.  I was so nervous that I couldn’t find my voice.  I wasn’t exactly mute, but I wasn’t fully singing either.  Then an old lady came up to me.  I’m pretty sure she was an angel.  She told me: ‘Sing Whitney Houston.’  Then she stood there, and kept saying: ‘Louder, louder, louder,’ until I was singing full volume.  I made $60 that day.  And I got so much positive feedback.  Now I’m singing four days a week and making enough to provide for me and my daughter.  And I get so much love.  So much love.  So, so much love.“


I’m not even trying to be a nurse and this was hella encouraging! #Love it!

It doesn’t matter how you start out—it matters how you finish


I’m actually surprised that anyone could look at the paintings in the Lascaux caves and think, “how primitive”. I know they’re like the quintessential prehistoric cave paintings, but the observational proportions and the line weight are actually really good. Also they have an incredible sense of movement. (In fact, some people think that’s the purpose of overlapping the different colored images - to basically animate the drawings. The only lighting would be flickering torchlight, and the pictures are very large. I can imagine it might be rather intimidating in person.)

Just to show you what I mean. You try drawing a better lion than some of these

Prehistoric art work is such an underrated and underappreciated part of our culture as humans and anyone who belittles it needs to just look at them! They are gorgeous!

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