
im trying

@sassyassassin / sassyassassin.tumblr.com


having a crush as an adult is so embarrassing i’m literally too old for this. i should be busy with my blacksmith apprenticeship or something


honestly just dealing with abnormally intense emotions and dissociation and emptiness and paranoia on the daily and managing to stay alive is such an achievement and it shows real strength and the fact that everyone’s still here despite it isn’t celebrated enough


I was thrilled to pieces when I saw this scene. Disney could have written Gideon off like some bully character who never really amounted to anything, or got what was coming to him like a lot of those characters do in their movies.  Gideon made something of himself. He’s a pastry chef, something that’s not traditionally a job for men in media. And as soon as Judy speaks to him, he immediately apologizes to her. He doesn’t try to shrug it off as no big deal, or say that it was just boys being boys or whatever; he knows he hurt her, and he owns up to it. And Judy immediately forgives him. 

Well done, Disney. 

Also the language that he used is not something that he would have most likely grown up hearing/using. Describing his failings as self-doubt that manifested into “unchecked rage and aggression” sounds SO MUCH like therapy speak. So he’s either gotten counseling to help him with some of his problems, or sought out literature to help himself. A++ disney :)

This movie is a treasure.


Assassin’s Creed: Reflections 04

  • Connor has (at least?) 1 son and 2 daughters. Well, our “I trust my own hands” boy has grown into a wonderful father. :D
  • The girl, who appears in the preview, is named Io:nhiòte and is one of his daughters.
  • The description of Connor’s “sad and lonely death” in Abstergo Entertainment Employee Handbook is nothing but FAKE NEWS from Templars. Connor lives happily ever after. So “life is not a fairytale and there are no happy endings” seems to be wrong~

I’m quite happy that after like more than 4 years, there is finally some continuity of Connor’s story after AC3 and furthermore, it is a happy ending!


shoutout to lesbians who used to think they were bi!

shoutout to bi women who used to think they were lesbians!

shoutout to women who don’t know what the fuck they are!!!

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