

@kagesgone / kagesgone.tumblr.com

The following blog exists as a home for the Persona 4 fan fiction Animus.
As well, it serves as an RP/Ask Blog for the fiction's Shadow Naoto (named Kage). Ask him lots!
Kage Asks!>> Omakage Asks!>>
Tracking: KageShirogane
Yes: RP, Ask Blog, commissions, art trades, personal art, NSFW
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List of things the Shadow should not be allowed to do:

Seduce Naoto Freak out other Shadows for fun Discuss eating habit with none Kage beings Stop making mass insect robots that explode when hit Stop seducing Naoto seriously Never ever be allowed to make candy Give presents to people that’s not Naoto or Kage Stop seducing other Shadow Naotos too Stop mentioning your drill

By all means, the Shadow is a terrible influence.


Kage walks up and crosses off the second last item on the list, and replaces with "Stop thinking about screwdrivers."


Stay With Me (Fortunatedefenseattorney)

Indeed, that photograph was exactly the thing Naruhodou was looking for. He hadn’t paid much attention to it before, but now they had all of the information regarding the possible way Kazumi was killed, a more attentious look could be quite benefical.

On the content itself, it showed the doctor standing proud at the office, the shelf still intact and a wall clock indicating 8:43, probably AM considering the light coming from the window. There was no visible data at the photo, not even at the verse, but something on it could help them in dating it: there was soda and snacks at Kazumi’s desk. Some sort of celebration?

Also, back at the fateful shelf, there was a flask quite similar to the one Naruhodou at his hands, except for one detail: It actually had a wrapping indicating what it was for. …Coldkiller X.

(I did find this flask horribly familar…) This wasn’t the time to dwell in past traumas, however. Naruhodou decided to check the flask once again. Um, there were still a few traits of glue around it, as if someone had taken off the adhesive with the drug’s name from it. A story was starting to form at the attorney’s head.

"Yumejin-san, had you noticed if Chisu-san was with a cold at the day of the crime?" He asks about it. If the answer was positive, then he’d be finally able to elaborate the sequence of events that took place in that day,


Kage tilted his head at the evidence as Naruhodou made connections between the labeled flask and the one they had in their possession, with traces of glue residue on it. It certainly matched up, but the label shown in the photo was an entirely new subject of which they had not been aware of. “Coldkiller X… That’s a pretty intense name,” the little cyborg remarked, “So it was never GHB to begin with…? Unless-…. Ohhh…” he blinked as he made some of the connections that Naruhodou probably did as well.

Of course, Chisu would have had to have taken medicine from that flask with a reason, but her reason in this case was just the common cold. That is, unless another drug happened to be slipped in before she had made it to the office. And no one else was there at the time except… that secretary.

Taro rubbed his chin as he thought about Chisu’s behavior that day. “A cold, huh…? Well, if she did have a cold, then she was doing a pretty good job at hiding it. Though now that you mention it, she did seem to be clearing her throat and sharply sniffling here and there. I think she was irritated by something, yeah,” he nodded, able to believe it, “And why wouldn’t she hide it? I mean, she’s a doctor so… she wouldn’t want her patient to worry about whether or not it’s contagious. But yeah, she definitely could have had the start or end of a cold.”


A "Thwack!" for Host-kun!


"H-Hey!" Naoto felt the slap which resulted her back stiffening. "K-Kage-kun!?What was that for!" she asked the embarrassed look on her face turned into a rather angry one seeing the Shadow behind her.

         ”Kage…..” The detective’s gaze was a cold one that would chill. She sighed as she ruffles the male’s hair. “…you know I don’t get much sleep, so it’s better to do something productive during the sleepless nights that occur.” she replied. She kept to herself about how she did not approve of the childish Shadow’s actions towards her.  Only one person would get away with it and he was not there with them.

         "I have a feeling you’re not here to discuss semantics so…" The young woman trailed off trying to rummage around for a pair of black leather gloves. 


Kage stuck the tip of his tongue out as she ruffled his hair, “Someone needs to drink more lavender tea and warm milks, and stop stressing about every little thing during even second of her day,” he advised, lifting a finger afterwards, “Or, someone needs to get a hammer to the head when bedtime rolls around. I could volunteer my services for that one, actually. I have a great assortment of hammers back in my base. It’s worth a shot, right?”


He expected a second wave of stern gazes to come his way, and was ready to counter. “I am. I’m discussing the semantics of your sleeping disorder and how to cure it.”


Revival (Open)


"We are headed to the Planet Utraxis, we have heard rumors that there is some technology we would be interested in…as for me, I am a psyker I can fight with my mind which is connected to the Maelstrom that is the warp." Boone says as she looks at you. "Would you perhaps like a demonstration?" From behind you Kondraki returns and waits to be noticed.


Kage rubbed his temples a few times as a wave of new terms were fired at him. “Utraxis… psyker… Maelstrom, warp?” he blinked. This was all very sci-fi… and he loved it! He hopped forwards with a quick nod, and apparently failed to see Kondraki behind him for quite some time considering how absorbed he was by this woman’s psychic abilities. “Oh, please do show! I guess seeing it would be better than trying to explain it,” he smiled, “I wonder if I could connect my mind to anything~ It’s pretty powerful, intuitive, and destructive.”


You see a wild Amatsu Mikaboshi tied up to a pole by a collar and leash, curled in a grumpy little ball. What do you do?


"What are you doing all tied up?" She walks closer to him and unties the leash, "There you go." The Pink Sniper scratches behind the creature’s head.


Yukari sighs, wrapping her leg with a spare bandage from her purse. “You must be really starving.” Picking up the leash, she looks around for any place to eat, “I guess we can start with the supermarket. Lets go!” She lightly tugs the leash, telling Mikaboshi to come along.


Mikaboshi hobbled after, making small nips at the leash to settle his desire to bite something, and agreed to go along with her to the supermarket. Of course, there was no way for him to predict what sort of response they’d get there… He wasn’t exactly the most natural looking creature ever. But hey, if Lilo could convince people that Stitch was a dog, then Yukari could do the same with Mikaboshi.

Walking her towards a TV, Mikaboshi scampered towards it and jumped through in one solid bound, practically pulling the woman along.


((Playing Okami and I drew a really shitty Omakage on my mask in order to blend in with the enemy Imps.

They'll never know it's me.))


You see a wild Amatsu Mikaboshi tied up to a pole by a collar and leash, curled in a grumpy little ball. What do you do?


"What are you doing all tied up?" She walks closer to him and unties the leash, "There you go." The Pink Sniper scratches behind the creature’s head.


"5 days? You poor thing, lets get you something to- AHHH!" Yukari felt a sting of pain coming from her leg. Looking down, Mikaboshi was biting a good chuck of her leg. Thank goodness her large frame and her thickness of her legs was able to handle the bite or she’ll end up with one leg.


"No! Bad…doggy!" She lightly smacks him on the nose, trying to get him off of her.


The creature gave off a whine of resentment for his own actions and quickly let Yukari go, his tongue licking a few times at the bite mark before he shuffled back a few inches. He let off a tiny sneeze from the nose smack and rubbed the bridge of his face, not looking too pleased.


“Gyuu…. Food….” he uttered, head down, “Food an’ soooorry…”


You see a wild Amatsu Mikaboshi tied up to a pole by a collar and leash, curled in a grumpy little ball. What do you do?


"What are you doing all tied up?" She walks closer to him and unties the leash, "There you go." The Pink Sniper scratches behind the creature’s head.


Yukari laughs as the creature jumps on her and licks her. “Stop it! You’re so kind for a scary creature!” She sets the happy creature down to the ground and ask, “How long were you tied up? Are you hungry?”


Mikaboshi sat down on his haunches politely as Yukari put him down and tilted his head at her question. To answer how long he had been there, he lifted up his hands and revealed 5 of his claws. What was that…? 5 minutes? 5 hours? 5 days? Well, whatever it meant, he quickly nodded to her second question. Unfortunately, he took to the idea of being hungry with a bit of eagerness and jumped towards the woman’s leg, murmuring with delight as he set a chomp down on her leg.


Revival (Open)


"Oh, greetings there Kage!" She said with a friendly tone. "Do call me Alice, or Boone. Miss is much too formal. So the Captain brought you along for the journey? Well if you are into science then you are in luck!" Boone said as she handed you a bar of chocolate. "We are about to embark…ON AN EXPEDITION!" The psyker shouts happily and jumps up.


"The Captain will explain more when she gets back."


Kage leaned back with surprise as the girl revealed her outgoing demeanour and left him feeling a bit more relaxed about the conversation. “Alright then, Alice,” he agreed to go by her first name.

Glancing down and around at himself, he presented a lop-sided smirk, “As if the lab coat isn’t any indication of it, yes. I’m most prolific in medical and engineering sciences, and… perhaps a little bit of psychology. Actually, on that note… Kondraki suggested we talk because you’ve apparently got quite the talent for that sort of thing?” he remarked, although he was also interested in the details of this expedition.


“Ohh, so where is this ship heading, then?”


A "Thwack!" for Host-kun!


"H-Hey!" Naoto felt the slap which resulted her back stiffening. "K-Kage-kun!?What was that for!" she asked the embarrassed look on her face turned into a rather angry one seeing the Shadow behind her.


"Just making sure that your nerves back there are still working, Host-kun! After all, you've been sitting in front of your laptop for so many hours every night lately. Are there really no other ways for you to research these days?"


Revival (Open)


"The crew of the Reyzor numbers just over 1,000, plus our some 600 expeditionary forces." Kondraki said as the two passed by an open hanger, strange ships were lined up as crew members in exo-suits were doing combat drills and exercise. Several have the mark of a bird on the arm of the suits. Perhaps some special squad? "Her name is Alice Boone, I saved her some months ago and she has quickly became one of my closest friends." The woman chimed and led you to the bridge. "I will fetch you the defib while you and her get acquainted." Kondraki wanders off as she leaves you on the bridge. Standing at the captains position was a young woman with pink bangs conversing with another bridge officer.


"Alright, we will depart shortly then…thank you for the update…"


“Reyzor… sounds like razor~ I like it,” he noted uneededly, tracing one fingernail across the palm of his other hand like a little blade. His eyes eventually distracted him though, and as he walked into the hanger where the number of ships and individuals packed the place, he found himself momentarily frozen with his mouth hung low. For one who was so fascinated by technology, both in himself and around his base, Kage was awestruck by the reality before him.



As Kondraki left to get the defibrillator, all he could do was softly nod and gradually redirect his attention to Alice, blinking hard. Suddenly realizing that Kondraki had left him to introduce himself, he gulped hard and made his way towards the woman, trying to catch her at a moment where she didn’t seem busy.

“Excuse me-… Ms. Boone?” he announced, feeling a bit small. Was she the captain…? Oh, the stress was on. “Ah—Kage Shirogane, medical expert and acquaintance of … Kondraki…” he paused, wondering if he was supposed to give Kondraki some sort of title. Actually, it was obvious that he was trying too hard to sound formal. “I believe I’ve just been stowed away on your ship. But regardless of that, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”


You see a wild Amatsu Mikaboshi tied up to a pole by a collar and leash, curled in a grumpy little ball. What do you do?


"What are you doing all tied up?" She walks closer to him and unties the leash, "There you go." The Pink Sniper scratches behind the creature’s head.


Mikaboshi stuck his tongue out and presented a joyful wiggle. He quickly made use of his freedom and jumped upon the Argus, tongue making quick work across her face.




Revival (Open)

"This is just above Earth, aye…" Kondraki said as she looked over to you. "I will get the thing you need post-haste." She said as she wandered over to you. "There is someone on the ship you would perhaps like to meet though, she is what we call a psyker. She can use her mind to dangerous and powerful things. I bet that would interest you."


Kage settled both feet upon the floor and held himself against the bed as he brought himself to a stand. A sighed softly, feeling the weight his new muscles put on him, especially with the lack of oxygen circulating through him. His heart felt like it wanted to go, it just needed a small boost now.

“It’s beautiful…” he noted, seeing the glow of the atmosphere coming through the large window. Walking slowly to keep up with Kondraki, he affirmed that he could walk alongside her when she got the things he needed. In the meantime, he was quite interested to meet this person that she described. “Does this ship have a large crew?” he asked, looking around, “Either way, I’d definitely like to meet her, yes. She sounds like a Shadow with a bit of control, heh~”

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