
Gaia Nova

@berrynooboos / berrynooboos.tumblr.com

TS2 ONLY Discord: QueerBear#0217 Please say who you are when requesting! Sean | 32 | Male Hello, I'm an autistic simmer, who plays mostly supernatural sims. I would also like to point out that all my sims are homosexual. I feel more comfortable playing sims that are more like me. If this isn't your thing, please just ignore me. There's no need to be unkind. If you would like to use my hair colors or my textures, you can find them and actions HERE.
Anonymous asked:

Hi! Are your Flower Power skins still available for download? I found just a few of them in my Downloads folder but I can't find the rest on your blog.

Yes they are, you can find them HERE.


new help post

i'm a person who is disabled by severe depression who is still struggling to get on SSI. i desperately need some help buying some groceries i wasn't able to put on my food list, and some that i was but am now out of, like my dad's meal replacement shakes.

please help me if you can. i only need like $30.

paypal: paypal.me/furbyq cashapp: $furbyq venmo: @ furbyq

my food list is here if you can help that way. like i said, i'm looking for the meal replacement shakes which are $20 on amazon for twelve. i can also get six packs for $7 at walmart if you give me money instead. thank you.

i really need help and haven't received any. please consider helping, guys.

i received some help but i'm out of meal replacement shakes for my dad again, after buying some other necessities we needed. please consider donating to me, whether it's a dollar or ten. it all helps <3


i have been having a constant period due to running out of my birth control pills and not having any refills and i need pads really badly. i just need $5 or so for them, if anyone can swing it.

Anonymous asked:

could you please reupload your purple sky box? the link is no longer working!

Fixed it, luckily I had that one uploaded somewhere else, as I currently do not have a computer and would not have been able to reupload.


This April fools thing I can definitely get behind. LET ME BOOP ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE! ❤️


Thank you!

Thank y'all so much. I reached my goal to be able to pay my heating bill. I genuinely thank each person who donated and reblogged my post for me. I was really struggling and you all came through for me. I promise, once my computer is fixed, which it's currently being worked on by my dad. I will release a thank you gift for both TS2 and TS4.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for saving my ass.


My CC is trans, and if you put it in your game, your game is now trans. Thems the breaks. That goes for hair retextures, object recolors, literally anything that I make, I make it from a position of gender inclusivity, and love for my community. Someone else using my resources to make their own CC? Still trans. You cannot separate my content from my inherent transness. I love you trans women I love you trans men I love you nonbinary people I love you people who are so gender and people who are no gender and people who are some gender and people who are indifferent to gender. My blog is for you, my CC is for you, and for those who love and supports us.


So here is a final look at what my palette looks like now. I ditched Hito completely, switched it with Umbra so I could put a cyan color in, and than added 4 new colors so?

I’m about 80% of the way fixing the old files and then I have to add the four new swatches to the hairs. So yea catastrophe almost fixed? xD

UPDATE: I named the multicolor options. The colors that will be on special hairs often named ombre, streaks, or two tone. Furthermore, all hairs that have multicolor options, will have SOLID, in their normal swatch filenames to indicate there is a multicolor choice.

As for file fixing, I’ve added the four swatches to all the previous hair files, I’ve binned them, and now I’m working on fixing the multicolor files, and binning those. Once that is done they will be ready for upload!


Hair Color PSA

Almost done fixing my older recolors. (Lost my computer for a while, so yea it took that long to do this.) I've decided to give special names to my Ombres, and TriOmbres, to make them more unique. However I can't think of good names for the TriOmbres, so I'm open to suggestions! First, here's what I named the ombres to give you an idea of the naming scheme.

And here is what the TriOmbres look like; any suggestions for names would be great, as I've only named five of them xD!


Thanks for all of the recent feedback around Community Labels being incorrectly applied to content. In particular, we appreciate the input we’ve received from the LGBTQIA+ community and understand the frustrations from folks who felt that their content was unfairly labeled. When we realized this was happening, we immediately investigated and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again.

The LGBTQIA+ community makes up about a quarter of the Tumblr community. It is important for us to support all Tumblr users, especially those whose safe spaces are under threat in certain parts of the world.

As you know, alongside of the rollout of Community Labels we also expanded the types of content allowed on Tumblr as a way to welcome more creativity, art, and self-expression. Our goals remain the same today. Human error happens and we apologize to anyone who has been impacted by these mistakes.

We are working to better understand what happened and will follow up with more information soon.

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