
Hello Squirells!!!

@gamergirl787 / gamergirl787.tumblr.com

Hi I'm Ace ... University junior... and I have no life! I'm 20 XD...! 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷

destiel going canon only in spanish and an episode of the animaniacs reboot getting pulled for showing a number to a phone sex hotline within 12 hours of each other is the cherry on top of this batshit fucking month


why does destiel keep being the vehicle for my learning wild and completely unrelated information

I've basically given up and accepted that news will now be fed to me wrapped in destiel as if I'm a dog being given a pill wrapped in cheese.


Warehouse 13 agents meet the Librarians

  • Ezekiel and Claudia talk about hacking
  • Stone and Myka nerd-out over classic literature
  • Cassandra is really interested in Steve’s lie detection
  • Steve is low key into Stone
  • Eve feels right at home with Pete’s immaturity
  • Cassandra and Helena talk about science, Cass is a little turned on, she has a thing for accents
  • Stone can’t believe he is meeting THE H.G. Wells
  • Cassandra is fascinated by Leena’s knowledge of magic
  • Artie won’t admit it but he enjoys talking to Flynn
  • Flynn is very enthusiastic about meeting H.G. Wells
  • Is Jassekiel wasn’t OTP Stone would probably be into Helena
  • Eve and Artie bond over having to keep their children alive
  • Pete thinks Ezekiel is cool because he could be a spy
  • Mrs Frederick and Jenkins reminisce over historical events
  • Ray and the Warhouse think collecting artifacts is a competition 

me walking into the animal shelter: hi id like the stupidest cat you have

sometimes my cat won’t eat her dinner so i thought i was tricking her into eating by putting a few treats on it but she’s actually tricked me into feeding her treats and i want a stupider cat


Literally what I said to the woman at the shelter. I want the dumbest cat you have

Look at him, he’s got no brain cells. You can hear the elevator music playing in his empty skull. I love him

you look into this animals eyes and you can tell absolutely nothing is going on in there i am so happy for you


“Long boy bob”


something that people really dont understand about ADHD is that we dont “jump from one idea to the next”

we have very fast, very associative minds that connect ideas. we have a train of thought, it just goes WAY faster than yours!

example: im thinking about dogs. that makes me think of pitbulls, which makes me think of an animal planet show i enjoy. the show connects to tv in general, which makes me think of my favorite cartoon. i associate my favorite cartoon with art and animation, and i wind up thinking about shading techniques.

TL;DR: having ADHD is kinda like playing a lifelong game of 7 Degrees of Kevin Bacon



I am plagued by this but also that associative learning makes it really easy to be a hyper-generalist in terms of skills and knowledge.


This is how my brain works….

The downside is, very few people can keep pace with these jumps, and I’ve actually been told my “mind leaps” are annoying.


Let that sink in.

Being told that the way my mind makes connections between Point A and Point D while seemingly bypassing B and C is “annoying”.


… this.

It drives my husband absolutely NUTS- we’ll be having a conversation and in a lull between sentences I’ll have jumped ahead six topics, pop back in with a “Yeah, and-“

Meanwhile, he’s looking at me like I’ve grown another head. To him, whatever I’ve just said is a total non sequitur, but I can track EXACTLY how I got there… it just doesn’t make any sort of sense to anyone but me.


literally traumatizing to learn that the london bridge is in fucking arizona


The best scene in Nosferatu 1922, sound remastered because i felt that we had to have this

Me sneaking into the kitchen at 3:42 to eat leftover pasta

turn on sound and you’ll see what i mean

Slytherin: The risk I took was carefully calculated.
Ravenclaw: WE ALMOST DIED!
Slytherin: I never said I was good at math.

college is, like, really important. but if you don’t do well, remember you can still get paid to run a tumblr for a restaurant.

we’re finally unlocking the dennys admin’s backstory


Shit Slytherins Say: #196

Slytherin: Cool Hufflepuffs are everywhere but it’s such a challenge to find one Gryffindor that’s like mildly interesting to talk to… it’s like they all have the personality of an actual adidas sandal

Gryffindor: Maybe you’re a bitch

Slytherin: I mean I definitely am but you’re still boring

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