
@arom1a / arom1a.tumblr.com


web with calamistrated cribellate silk in a square-wave design . identified as Paramatachia sp. by arachnologists Piergiorgio Di Pompeo and Ethan Yeoman (photographed by Reddit user bayouturtle on the north coast of Tasmania)


A woman enters an ancient medieval church that is carved into solid rock in Lalibela, Ethiopia. Lalibela is famous for their monolithic rock-cut churches. The churches themselves date from the seventh to thirteenth centuries, and were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978. Steve McCurry.

Source: dolm
Daily Instrument — Mijwiz

The mijwiz is a wind instrument played in countries like Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Egypt and is the ancestor of the bagpipes. The mijwiz has two bamboo pipes with six finger holes, one bamboo pipe uses a single reed and the other a double reed. The instrument is played with circular breathing, a breathing technique where you exhale through your mouth and inhale through your nose simultaneously. Mijwiz translates to “double” in Arabic


People have said - and there is some truth in this - that the western world only cares when white people are killed. But unfortunately it's even worse than that. No, it turns out that our politicians only care when their personal friends are affected. The red line wasn't civilians, and it wasn't university professors and poets. The red line wasn't hospitals and doctors, it wasn't award winning surgeons, it wasn't children. It wasn't bombs, or bombing journalists, it wasn't starving children to death, it wasn't wiping out family lines. The red line wasn't aid workers, it wasn't a woman being bulldozed over, it wasn't a sniped grandmother, it wasn't influencers known around the world, it wasn't artists, it wasn't UN workers, it wasn't someone who burned themselves to death in protest in full view of the world. The red line is a celebrity chef they like having his staff murdered deliberately. And not even there - we're only drawing close to one. Turns out that to get anything done you have to start hurting the politicians themselves or people they personally have something invested in. Really makes you feel like a democracy.

Yoshitomo Nara: 'Clear For Landing' from the series 'Time of My Life' (1992-2000)

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