
just trash and memes

@queertpie / queertpie.tumblr.com

Any pronouns work. Just someone who reblogs random cool stuff that they like. Will be mostly homestuck, steven universe and various other fandoms, along with human rights stuff. Also quick warning I'm horrible at tagging stuff.

"Stop saying 15 year olds with weird interests are cringe, they're 15" this is true however you should also stop saying adults with weird interests are cringe because who gives a shit

To wit:

I want to share some wisdom from my high school art teacher.

In my AP Art class, there was a girl who was just starting to experiment with mixed media. At this point she was still playing around, trying to decide what direction she wanted to go with her portfolio. So one critique day, she brought in an abstract canvas with some rhinestone highlights and painted and real peacock feathers. She loved sparkles and peacock feathers so she thought she’d try introducing them a *little*. And after everyone had given some input, the teacher gave her his advice, VERY roughly paraphrased here:

“So here’s the thing… I do not like this style. These are just elements that do not speak to me personally, but I see that you like them, and you’re doing interesting things with them.

“My biggest critique is, I only merely *dislike* this piece. I want you to make me HATE it. Go crazy with the things that you like. Don’t hold back trying to make it palatable to people like me. Because I am NEVER going to like it. And if the audience does not like it, it should drive them crazy seeing how much YOU love it.”

Her portfolio was chock full of neon colors and glitter and rhinestones and splashes of peacock feathers and it was a delight. Our teacher despised every piece lol, but she got great marks and I think even won some awards. And more importantly, she was happy and proud of the results. Because she didn’t limit herself by trying to appeal to people who were never going to enjoy what she enjoyed.

Takeaway here: be as cringe as you want. Don’t limit yourself based on other ppl’s tastes. They’re not you, and you are incredible 💕


the zillenial crowd is beginning to age out of coolness. I can feel it. Sometimes I reference things so pointless and unfunny I don’t remember why I said it. The kids will look at me funny. For a boring IT guy this is ok but for the cutting edge starving artist types with weird haircuts it must be devastating


does anyone feel the layer of plexiglass between themselves and the rest of the world or is that just a me thing

you’re the only one who understands me


you can find treasures if you use your scanner (L1)

look im just doing my job i cant help it if it feels like im "handholding" you or whatever


I think a lot of what's currently informing my fellow white people curdling like milk and shitting their pants when asked to interrogate their relationship with rap is the way many people (especially well-meaning white people) still can't help but think of racism as something that you get accused of rather than something that influences the entire world in pernicious ways.

like, I think a lot of people currently posting the most cringe takes about rap right now would very much agree that Racism Is Bad and probably even acknowledge that rap has been and is still widely maligned and devalues for racist reasons.

but that last step, acknowledging that your personal tastes and interests are also influenced by systemic racism, is where a LOT of people stumble. it's very easy to assume that because you consider yourself against racism, then your tastes and interests cannot possibly be at all informed by racist. if you're a white American, that's simply extremely unlikely to be true.

speaking from personal experience, I had to Work to decenter whiteness in my media tastes. when I was like 19 I listened to a podcast where a white Jewish man talked about keeping a spreadsheet of the books he read to make sure he was reading a roughly equal number of men and women, and I started doing the same thing to track how many authors of color I was reading. at the time I took pride in my belief that I was reading diversely, but when the year ended I was shocked to discover that people of color had written barely a quarter of the books I'd read. I had been giving myself way too much credit while still unintentionally prioritizing white authors, because white authors were the ones I knew best. so I started making an extremely conscious effort to seek out books by authors of color, both fiction and nonfiction, that sounded like my kind of shit.

music was extremely similar. I grew up a little white girl in a very white city in a very white state; nobody was offering me an education in rap or r&b or soul or hip hop. as an young adult there were definitely some Black artists I liked, like Janelle Monáe, but I had to take the initiative of seeking out more artists to find out who I fuck with. you're not going to like everybody, which is fine, but are you even giving anyone a chance? are you even looking?

racism has roots everywhere, bro. it's not enough to just acknowledge it, you have to actively get digging.


So tieflings can smell like sulfur, naturally.

I think that's why Rolan was upset "I can't go up to Loroakkan smelling like the Grove" or whatever. I mean not only have the refugees been though blood, sweat, and tears. But if I had to sleep near someone who chronically smelled like concentrated egg farts? That would be my breaking point.

Who do we think the sulfur smellers are in the grove? Zevlor looks like one but I doubt he would've been in the Hellriders for as long as he was, if he had an unmaskable smell.


probably dammon, what reason does a blacksmith have to hide his smell? hes almost perpetually alone and working constantly


just found a pile of fresh grapes on some paving stones in the middle of woods because, you guessed it, god loves me the most and wants me to prosper over others


​animals before being captured


i really like ryoko kui's dedication to making this elf chick smoke weed in every modern clothing art she appears in

by god this woman is hitting the bong in every universe except the one this story takes place in


Yes, such a claim makes him look like a small-minded piece of shit. To us. But we still shouldn't help Musk create revisionist history.

Musk bought Twitter because he fucked around and found out. He wanted to fuck with Twitter's stock price by feigning interest in buying it. Since that's illegal, he was then cornered into actually buying it for an insanely inflated price.

He's a transphobe. He's a bad father. But he's also a fucking idiot.


This. Please remember that he committed blatant market manipulation by not disclosing that he owned shares of Twitter when he was fucking with the stock market. The SEC was watching him very closely already, and so when the cost became more than what the entire company was worth, he had no choice. Remember when he had his gaggle of lawyers try to get him out of it by saying Twitter didn't disclose all of the information? That wasn't Twitter, it was him trying desperately to get out of a purchase he didn't want in the first place.

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