
Jason “Red Hood” Todd



“Ah, Perry the platypus!”

“What an unexpected -“


“You’re trapped!”

“By societal convention!”

“Look! We’re in a fine dining environment. Everyone knows not to throw a scene in a fancy restaurant!”

“That’s right. You’re trapped. Sit down.”

This show is fucking brilliant.

did everyone else read that in his voice


Batboys as vines 2!!


Damian: Wait, you’re not coming to my tea party?

Damian: Jason*, I MADE B I S C U I T S!


Dick: *teaching Damian, has a chalkboard and reading off these words*


Damian: *only other person in the room, raises his hand. Dick points to him*

Damian: Yee?

Dick: *nods* yee.


Jason: My main goal is to blow up and act like I don’t know nobody


Dick: *putting cooking oil on the floor*

Dick: Hey Damian* run in here and get your juice

Damian: *runs in, slips and hits the oven*



Jason: So you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift?

Dick: Happy birthday?

*Jason hits sick with a glass*


Dick: *runs up*

Damian: daddy?

Dick: do I look like-


Batboys @ Bruce: You are our* dad! You’re our* dad! Boogie woogie woogie!


Tim: It’s summer time, I got my hat on backwards and it’s time to f*ckin party

*Hits garage door*


Dick: I’m washing me and my clothes!

Jason: he* drunk as f*ck

Dick: bi*ch I’m washing me and my clothes!


Dick: happy birthday Damian*

Damian: I can’t swim


YEET 🤗 I was productive and did a thing for once!

Clark and Diana understand Jason’s ways although they don’t agree with them but some other heroes aren’t so understanding. Someone once made a comment about Batman’s crazy murderous son and they found Batmans fist in their face. No one talks about his boys like that

Daddy issues a mile high…

Came back from the dead…

Sibilings that won’t stop annoying them…

Swole af…

Did you mean…


Jason Peter Todd…


Conner Kon El Kent?

Joker: We have to kill Robin and make it look like an accident.
Harley: Say no more.
Bruce: Looks like someone beat him to death.
Bruce: Then put a banana peel by his foot.

Reasons Bruce Wayne is Stressed:

  • Tim left a cupcake on the monitor of the batcave. Alfred missed it while cleaning. It was there for 3 days. It’s still there, but now there’s a bite missing. One of the heathens took a bite and he doesn’t know which one did it
  • Duke and Cassandra keep eating whole bags of marshmallows together every time they go out in public. The paparazzi haven’t gotten a photo of them in months where those two aren’t snacking on jumbo-sized marshmallows. If organized chronologically, you can see Bruce grow more and more done as time goes on
  • He came home to Batcow in the manor. He has no idea how long the cow was in the house before he walked in
  • Damian and Duke are now friends and watch movies on the monitor in the batcave when Bruce is trying to work on cases. He doesn’t want to say anything because he’s glad they’re getting along, but how can he focus when they’re watching the Wonder Woman movie again, for the third time this week
  • Steph spilled orange juice on his favorite turtleneck
  • Barbara mocked him for having a favorite turtleneck
  • Jason shows up a lot these days, but instead of talking to Bruce he just drinks all the milk, chats with Alfred, and leaves
  • Tim fell asleep in a board meeting and when Bruce noticed, he hushed everyone in there instead of waking Tim up. Now nobody will take him seriously. He’s forever known as Dad Wayne to all of his business partners.
  • Dick got mad at him the other day and went to lunch with Vicki Vale. He told her a bunch of embarrassing stories about Bruce. Most were published.
  • His kids keep dating people and he doesn’t trust anyone with his kids.
  • Cass keeps picking up his books to look at them and losing his place.
  • He’s getting old and Jason won’t let him forget it.

Marvel: nearly everything can be explained by some sort of science. From mutants to parallel universes to infinity stones, basically everything has a logical explanation

DC: lol bitch there’s aliens, magic, and green goo that brings back the dead. No one really knows how anything works but Batman doesn’t trust any of it


Yeah, i AM salty and whiny.

I was kinda disappointed with the newest LLFTX update today since we got two new substories but not one of them had Kenny in it ._. 

First, you don’t give him a Wedding route, and now you let him out of the substories? What did he ever do to you Voltage? T_T


Diamond in the Foxes chp 4

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3 

FIRST MISSION!!! I’ll try to make this as ‘action-y’ as possible. Action isn’t quite my best spot. But I’ll give it my all!!

The Next Morning…..(Krystal’s POV)

Last night I packed all my things. But here’s what: I’m only comfortable and do my missions best in my Black Diamond outfit. But will the Foxes recognize my outfit is the question. And I can’t really risk messing up the mission either… And I have no time to interrogate the others if they have seen Black Diamond before….Y’know what? Screw it.

I’ll just change some of my clothing…Like wear a gray long sleeved shirt instead of my gray one, change my white skirt to a gray one, and change my heels to some black sneakers. I really hope this is good enough.. I could totally make up a good excuse for why I look some-what like Black Diamond, right?

Hiro and I made our way to the airport to meet Riki and Kenshi there.

“Took you guys long enough. I’ve been waiting here for 10 minutes…” Riki sassed.

“Hey, not our fault for your impossible expectations” I sassed back.

Riki and I didn’t quite get along well since we were little. Which causes our bickering, lecturing, and sassing at eachother. But we know in the end, we wouldn’t have wanted to change a thing!

“Isn’t it ‘we’ ? You know I’m here too you know…” Kenshi frowned.

“I said “I’ve “ because I know you can wait. But I can’t” Riki explained

“What’s taking Takkun and Boss so long?? Our flight is leaving in 15 minutes!” Hiro looked around.

“You know Takkun’s not a morning person..But I’m sure he’ll be here on time.” I tried to re-assure Hiro and then mumbled “I hope anyway…”

Riki and Kenshi are calling Atsumu, while me and Hiro are trying to call Takuto.

“I’m almost there okay? Just give me 30 seconds!” Atsumu panted over the phone.

“Alright! Thanks!” Kenshi smiled and hung up.

“Shut up, I’m almost there okay? Geez..” Takuto grumbled over the phone.

About 15 seconds later, Atsumu burst through the door and yelled “I’M HERE!!!!”

“Okay, no need to attract attention…” Riki lectured.

“Sorry *pant* I just wanted to *pant* inform you that” Atsumu panted

“Maybe you should rest…You seem tired.” Kenshi observed.

“I’ll be sitting on the airplane *pant* for most of the time *pant*, so no thanks.” Atsumu said.

Just as Atsumu said that, Takuto walked in.

“Hi..” Takuto grumbled.

“Stop being so anti-social Takkun!!” Hiro whined.

“Stop with that annoying voice then.” Takuto shot back.

“At least he’s still himself..” I giggled, amused.

Takuto looked over to the panting Atsumu and commented:

“Heh, you’re so old. We should’ve left you here.” 

“Takkun!!! That’s so mean!! And I’m supposed to come with you anyways!” Atsumu pouted a bit.

“Stop being so mean to boss guys…” Kenshi frowned.

“Listen to the smart guy..” I backed Kenshi up.

“I’m the only smart one here. The rest of you are dumbasses” Takuto insulted.

“EXCUSE ME?!?!” The rest of the Foxes and I glared at Takuto

“I’m just stating the truth…” Takuto 

“Look, either drop this and leave with us, or drop this and we drop you.” Riki threatened.

“If it means not getting to see Beardy’s face all the time, I’m happy with staying here.” Takuto told Riki dryly.

“That wasn’t a choice. We’re leaving now. Whether you like it or not.” Riki dragged Takuto with us.

“If you already made your decision, don’t ask.” Takuto informed him.

“The way you responded to me just means that I need to be more strict with you..” Riki growled.

“Who died and made you my dad anyway?” Takuto retorted.

“No one died and I aint your father. I’m your leader. So listen now.” Riki dragged us all on the airplane.

Okay, OW!! He really didn’t have to pull my hair! It’s precious!! 

We pretty much almost hogged one row of the airplane. There were 4 seats in the middle, and 2 seats on the sides. Which amounted to 8 seats in one row. I got the window seat, YAY! And Riki’s sitting next to me. Bummer.

Hiro was in one of the 4 seats in the middle with Kenshi, Atsumu, and Takuto.

Hiro sat the furthest away…boo…

We sat on the airplane for a good 15 minutes until it finally took off.

“Finnaaaalllllyyyy!!!! It took FOREVERRRR!!!” I whined.

“Stop the complaining, at least we took off now instead of later.” Takuto shot at me.

Okay, he may be right, but I’m an impatient bitch okay?

“Whatever…How long is this supposed to be? I hate airplanes.” I stated and questioned at the same time.

“Also, the decor here is boring as fuck. There’s nothing interesting. There couldn’t have been a pink airplane with like…flowers?? Or black with stars? Or-” I got cut off though.

“Geez, you talk like there’s no tomorrow. The plane ride is supposed to be 16 hours, no one likes airplanes kay? And yeah, this is an airplane. And your decor ideas are awful. No wonder why they made it gray. And we get it, you’ll complain about every living thing there is.” Riki explained and insulted me.

“Coming from you, Riki? Heh, sorry but you complain about every living thing when you’re drunk.” Kenshi chuckled.

“Wait what? How bad can Drunk Riki be?” I asked

Oh yeah, reminds me, I need to get him drunk one day.

“Hey, what I do drunk is no one’s business-” Riki sassed but got cut off by Takuto

“He’s a complete buffoon when he’s drunk. End of story.” 

Takuto didn’t even look up from his laptop…

“Hello there! What can I get for you?” The flight attendant lady looked at Riki.

“Some peace and quiet, thank you..” Riki said, dryly.

“Be nice to the lady would you?” I snapped.

“How about no? I’m focusing right now..” Riki glared at me.

“Sure you are…” I continued looking out the window.

“A-Anyways…You’re really hot…” The flight attendant lady blushed.

“Yeah, I know now if you excuse me, I have more important things to do than grace you with my presence…” Riki continued playing with his phone.

“U-Um..Alright then…” The flight attendant lady walked away.

I don’t know whether to feel bad for the lady for either 1. Being stupid enough to bother talking to Riki, or 2. Actually falling for Riki.  Hmm…The former defiantly.

“Reeeeaaalll smooth Rikkun. You don’t treat ladies like that.” Hiro frowned.

“It’s Riki’s nature Hiro. Don’t even bother.” Atsumu reassured him.

“More like it’s his personality…” Takuto smirked.

“Very funny guys..” Riki still didn’t look up from his phone.

That’s the narcissistic jerk we learnt to know and love everyday. I don’t even know how we put up with him either…oh well.

TIME SKIP!! (Cause we -at least me- don’t wanna read -or write- about airplane stuff okay??)

We landed (FINALLY) in Germany. And boy, was this the most craziest thing ever. I’m glad I knew a bit of German from my German aunt and uncle. Oh well, let’s roll!

“Uggghh finally. I really can’t feel my bones..” Atsumu stretched.

“Maybe because you broke them on the ride here.” Takuto suggested.

“I DID NOT DO SUCH THING!” Atsumu denied.

“All I did was walk a few times to the bathroom…” Atsumu added softly.

“Maybe….Maybe it was too much??” I hesitantly half-assumed.


“People of all ages could crush their bones either way.” Hiro said a matter-of-factly..

“He has a point y’know..” Riki pointed out.

“See? Even leader agrees with me!” Hiro bragged.

“Yeah whatever…can we go now?” Takuto asked, impatiently.

“Yeah, let’s go. It’s the evening.” Riki then whispered “We still have time before the mission.”

“What? That soon??” I whisper-shouted.

“We only have 1 or 2 days here. Better done earlier than later.” Riki pointed out.

“Hmm…True.” I grumbled.

I hated to admit other people were right. I guess that’s been a part of me. I wouldn’t exactly say it’s a trait either though…


Ughhhh Finally! We had to sort through soooooo much airplane stuff!! It took about 45 minutes, which was still really long. But here we are. during a mission. With me as Black Diamond and running away from my friends. It started a little something like this:


We were dressed in our outfits (I had a white backpack with my black backpack in it).

Though I have NO IDEA what Hiro was wearing! He looked like one of those security guards at the entrance of the museum.

He must’ve noticed my clueless face and explained to me “I’m disguising as one of the security guards. Just go ahead and carry on with the mission okay?”

“Umm…Alright…” I accepted.

So this was the premise. Riki and I were to steal the painting, Takuto is behind the scenes hacking and disabling all of the alarms and traps, Kenshi is going to be a divergence (or a distraction) to the guards guarding the safe where the gem was. And Hiro is apparently disguised as a guard for some unknown reason… Oh, and Atsumu was just somewhere, planning an emergency exit.

We all went, down and ready. Hiro went to blend in with the guards, Kenshi was sneaking in, waiting for his cue, Takuto was in a black van (HOW did they get that here, I don’t know..), Riki and I were ‘sneakily sneaking in’ the building, (this place has so many guards, but they’re all so stupid to NOT notice Kenshi, Riki, Hiro and I sneaking in.)

Riki and I were looking around, HOW DO THE GAURDS SEE IT THIS DARKNESS?!?!? Like geez! If the moon wasn’t shining, I would have bumped in to 10 objects already! But it was still dim either way.

We reached the safe where the jewel was hidden. And we silently signaled Kenshi to distract the guards while we tried to stay out of sight.

Kenshi came down a moment after we hidden and ran.

Then, Hiro came not a moment later and shouted 

“There’s someone in here!!”

And the two guards went with Hiro to chase Kenshi. 

After they were a safe distance away, Riki and I, with the help of Takuto, hacked in to the safe and took the gem, while I placed the Black Foxes card, to signal that we were here. I closed the safe and Riki and I made our escape. 

While Riki was busy telling everyone we got the gem in to the transmitter, I was hiding, changing in to my Black Diamond get-up, putting on a black backpack (and stuffing the white one in to the black one), chalk-dying my blue tips brown, putting in hazel coloured contacts, and scenting myself for good measure.

Riki finished telling everyone and turned around to find out I wasn’t there. He told everyone I was missing in the transmitter and then grumbled “I leave you for 1 minute and you get lost..” While trying to find me.  

I saw Riki gathering with the Black Foxes and I took that as my cue. I dashed and snatched the gem out of Riki’s hand.

“I’ll take this!” I spoke in a different, more snarky voice then my normal one.

“Hey!” Riki dived for me but missed because I ran away.

“Bye!!” I ran.

“WHO ARE YOU???” Riki demandedly asked.

I decided to risk my chances because my mouth works before my brain apparently..

I smirked “The name’s Black Diamond. REMEMBER ME!” 

“AFTER HER!” Riki ordered.

End of Flashback

So yeah, here I am. Running away from my friends. I saw a platform that lead to a building and that meant my escape. I leaped on to the platform and flipped on to the building. Then I jumped from building to building (this was becoming too much of a routine now) and successfully escaped.

FINALLY! That took forever!

 I went to the nearest empty ally way and changed back to my original clothes, took the coloured contacts out, sprayed back my original scent, and brushed my hair with a wet bruch to get the hair chalk out. I put the gem in the black backpack and then took out the white backpack and stuffed the black backpack in it (confusing aint it?)

I gathered all my things, checked myself in the mirror one last time, and went as fast as I can back to the museum. 

Meanwhile, with the Black Foxes

“How does this happen? I leave Krystal for one moment, then that girl stole the gem..” Riki paced back and forth in the van.

“Yeah, who was that girl? It couldn’t have been Krystal because she smelled different.” Kenshi observed.

“Let’s just hope Krystal-chan is back safely! She might have been captured by that girl.” Hiro worried.

“She said her name was Black Diamond..” Atsumu pondered.

“I’ve never seen a mission fail so quickly. She was here one moment, then POOF!” Hiro made a fist, then flicked all his fingers outwards, indicating a ‘poof’ “Gone the next!” Hiro finished

“Calm down idiots, you’re giving me a head-ache..” Takuto grumbled.

The door to the van opened 3 minutes later and everyone snapped their heads at it.

“Hey” Krystal smiled.

“OMG!! KRYSTAL WHERE WERE YOU!?!?!?” Hiro pulled Krystal in and squeezed the life out of her.

“U-Um…I’ll explain *gasp* after you let…me…go…!” Krystal wheezed.

“Oh, sorry..” Hiro let Krystal go.

Krystal’s POV

Riki closed the van doors and Takuto drived away. Riki turned around after Takuto started moving the van and shouted:


“I’m SORRY OKAY?!?!” I held my hands up in surrender and squeaked.

“Explain NOW!” Riki looked pissed.

“Well, when I ‘disappeared’ ,” I used my fingers as quotation marks “I saw a girl sneaking off. So I followed her. I lost her after a second and I saw her a moment later while hearing you yelling. I tried to follow her to the best of my ability. But I lost her at about the 2 minute point. I found the van three minutes later and here I am.”  I expertly lied. 

I’ve been hiding my identity my whole life. I’ve mastered lying at this point. Not to brag BTW.

“Well, her name was Black Diamond” Kenshi told me.

I know that. I said it.

“And she stole the gem.” Riki grumbled.

“Oh…so that’s why you were yelling..” I pretended to be surprised.

“Yeah…Anyway, mission failed.” Riki grumbled.

“Don’t look so down. You have a gazillion chances on getting other pieces of grandpa’s work.” I smiled as I tried to re-assure Riki.

“I guess…Anyways, what are we gonna do now?” Riki asked.

“Easy, go back home and plan the next mission.” I sassed.

“Very funny..” Riki said.

“Okay break it up, we’ll decide later..”

The rest of the car van ride was spent in silence.

I hope I can keep this Black Diamond thing for as long as I can…

Was that good enough? Was there a good amount of action??


Dance lessons (LLFTX) Takuto x MC (mature)

This is for @kittyyumyum32. I hope it’s how you wanted it ;)

‘This is NOT how I wanted it to be,’ you think while entering the room with a faked, yet bright smile. You wear a gorgeous dress, murderously high heels and obscenely expensive jewelry while hanging on the arm of a charming, good looking man that every woman envies you for. When you pictured this evening you saw exactly this - but it was totally different. Instead of the confident man that accompanies you it should be a rather grumpy one. Instead of tall, dark and handsome he should be tall, blond and handsome. Instead of Riki it should be Takuto.

But it isn’t your boyfriend that has agreed on being your escort for this important evening. You are still disappointed and mad that Takuto refused to come with you, even more since this event was actually in your honor! You won a small award for your work and when you heard there would be even an award ceremony with dinner and music you already pictured Takuto dancing with you, all dressed up and proud of you. You were really disappointed when you told him about it and he only complained. You tried it several times, told him about the food that would get served – “No pork noddles?! And you even consider it ‘good food’? Pfft.” – told him about the band that was going to play – “Classical music?! Do you even know me at all?!” – and even about all the important people that would attend. “You want me to dress up and sit the whole evening in a ballroom full of boring people? No way.” In the same moment you wanted to open your mouth and start to argue Riki, who was sitting next to Takuto, said: “If you need an escort I would offer myself.” And with that it was decided.


Diamond in the Foxes

This is a LLFTX fanfic. The MC is a WHOLE different person, and if you don’t like OC MC’s, you shouldn’t read this. If you do, then go ahead!

Hi! My name is Krystal Renee! But I often pose myself and Krystal Shimmer to hide my identity. I’m 20 and attend art college, school, whatever you call it. I’m a thief known as Black Diamond. I often wear a black diamond necklace. I have brown hair with sky blue tips that reach down to my middle-back. I have a split personality (both personas I mastered) and I steal art from the Leonardo Japanese Da Vinci. He’s my grandfather! Cool right? I only came back here to Japan about 2 years ago, but I STILL can’t speak Japanese! But I do speak fluent English and French! I still haven’t found my friends yet, maybe they left…sigh. Oh well. I never expected to find out my friends are still here and they’re these ‘Black Foxes’ I keep hearing about! My whole life changed that very night. It started like this:

Yesterday afternoon (after school)…

I finished class to meet up with my best friend, Ranko Togoshi! She’s a journalist and her brother, Tatsuro, is an FBI agent! Cool right?

“Krystal!! What took you so long?? I was waiting for you for ages!!” Ranko exclaimed after I set my sights on her

“Sorry!! But I’ll have you know that walking from school to this cafe is SUPER FAR!!!’ I explained 

‘Especially when I can’t jump from building to building like I usually do on my missions’ I thought

“Well, sorry! But you know I never have patience!! Anyway, I saw a place call Le Renard Noir along the way, let’s check it out!” Ranko suggested

“Le Renard Noir? Sure! Let’s check it out!” I said casually

I get the feeling that black foxes is gonna be important…From what I know, Le Renard Noir is literally ‘black fox’ in French. Coincidence? I think not! 

We arrived at Le Renard Noir about 15 minutes later and went in

“This place looks…plain….” I stated

“Krystal! Not everywhere you go to has to be flashy and blingy!!” Ranko scolded

“Well, I find decor like this boring. Shine and sparkle is better!” I countered

“What am I going to do with you?” Ranko sighed, shaking her head at me

I laughed. Then the TV turned on

“Welcome to ____ News! I am your reporter Bob, and we have some breaking news for ya!” The guy on the television exclaimed

“Geez, everyone named Bob around here?” I thought out loud

“Bob is just a good name I guess!!” Ranko said

“The only thing ‘good’ about the name Bob is how over-used it is!” I sassed

“Last night, the famous, in-famous group called the Black Foxes stole a painting from the Night Watch Museum, called Mystical Dawn. Some say it was bought from an auction and the Black Foxes returned it to their ‘right full owner’ “ The news man reported

“That sounds like something I would write!” Ranko’s eyes literally sparkled

“Who are the Black Foxes?” I asked, puzzled

“ARE YOU KIDDING KRYSTAL!??!!?” Ranko shouted

All of the people in the restaurant looked at us, and some of us gave us dirty looks!

I blushed, gosh, this is what happens when you have Ranko as a friend. She’ll put you through non-stop embarrassment

“Oops…” Ranko now spoke in a normal voice

“Howdy Doody!!! Well, aren’t you a lively pair of cuties? Table for 2 I presume??” A cute orange haired boy spoke to us. I assumed he was the waiter. Wait..Howdy Doody???

“Um..yes..” Ranko spoke timidly. I guess she thought he was cute too

“Then come on~!! We have tons of space!” The cute boy lead us to a table

“Thank you.” I smiled

“You’re so cute when you smile!! I’m Hiro! And your names are?” Hiro asked us

Well, this was sure a flirty waiter. I’m not complaining though. He’s soooooo cute!! Wait…Hiro??

“I’m Ranko! And this is my friend Krystal!” Ranko introduced us

“Nice you meet you Ranko and Krystal! Nice necklace Krystal! I’ll be back in 5 minutes to get your order!” Hiro then walked away after that

Ranko squealed

“OMG!! He was sooo cute!! Did you see the way he was looking at us?? And he complemented you!!!” Ranko gushed

“Err…” I blushed. I’d never admit he was cute out loud

“But still, did you not notice that he said ‘howdy doody’ ?” I changed the subject

“Yeah. He’s sort of like you. Talking 80′s talk.” Ranko teased

“Hey!! I don’t talk ‘80′s talk ‘ all the time!!” I defended myself

“You knooowww, you two would make a perfect match!!” Ranko teasingly suggested

“Um….” I buried my face in a menu to hide my blushing face and to avoid the topic

“HA!! So you DID think he was cute!!” Ranko smugly said. 

It was obvious, she won…

“Okay, can you tell me who the Black Foxes are now?” I asked

“I still can’t believe you don’t know them!” Ranko frowned

“Because I don’t watch the news” I commented dryly

“The Black foxes are a group of thieves who supposedly steal for the greater good. By now, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of Black Diamond, right?” Ranko explained

I mentally stiffened at her question but I managed to compose myself on the outside

“Yeah. I do.” I replied

“Good. Anyway, it seems that Black Diamond and the Black Foxes are competing for the same thing: Da Vinci’s works of art. No one knows exactly what their goals are, but some people think that the Black Foxes and Black Diamond are alliances.” Ranko told me the rest of the story.

I’m interested. I’ve never noticed any cards or people who might be the Black Foxes on my missions.

“Okaayy~! I’m baack~! Figured out what you want yet?” Hiro sung.

“I’ll have an iced lemon tea.” I answered

“You aren’t hungry Krys?” Ranko asked

“No…I lost my appetite after seeing the boring decor” I replied

Ranko giggled “Just like you Krystal. Anyways, I’ll have a bubble tea”

That’s when I realized that I just insulted the place in front of the waiter…whoops. I really need a filter on my mouth sometimes.

“Okay! I’ll be back with your drinks shortly!” Hiro then skipped away.

I stared at him suspiciously. Hiro…’howdy doody’ and how he called us ‘cute’. There’s defiantly a link somewhere here…

“Heelloo??? Earth to Krystal!! You’re staring awfully hard at that cutie!” Ranko then snapped me out of it.

“Whoops! Sorry! I was…thinking” I trailed off

“Thinking about how cute he is!!” Ranko gushed

I rolled my eyes “Whatever.”

Ranko smirked, indicating that she did, indeed, win….again.

We finished our drinks and went our separate ways. I went back to my apartment and checked my mailbox. Junk, bills, flyers. Wait…I pulled out an envelope with no address, but has a black fox on it. I opened it and took out the letter:

We’re coming to get you tonight…


I rolled my eyes. This some joke or something? Or it could be real. The word ‘black foxes’’ has been coming up a lot today. I better be prepared. Knowing thief ways myself, I presume they’ll be coming in the middle of the night. While I was unconscious. So I took a shower and went to bed, careful not to fall asleep, but appear asleep. Good thing I took drama classes at school.

About at midnight, I heard hushed voices 

‘Showtime’ I thought

“she’s so cute’

‘tch, shut up’

‘yeah, she’ll wake up’

I sensed someone was in front of me and picked them up by the collar and held him against the wall.

Someone turned on the lights and I was shocked to see who I was probably choking right now.

“Can..you..let-go of me, beautiful?” Hiro asked

I glared at him and dropped him

“Ow…” Hiro rubbed his neck

I glared at the black haired dude who turned on the light and sassed:

“What exactly are you trying to accomplish?”

The dude glared back at me (rude much?) and sassed back

“What does it look like we’re doing?” 

I looked around the room and noticed a brunette and a blonde guy, who was glaring at me.

“Being a bunch of nosy people. Get out.” I ordered

The black haired dude scoffed and said

“We’re just doing what we wrote on the letter. You can’t boss me around. We’re doing this the hard way”

I got in to a defense stance and asked

“Exactly what is the hard way?”

“Tying you up and bring you by force” He smirked

“I have a right mind to not listen to you. And I’ll be more than happy to kick your ass right now.” I challenged

“Kenshi, grab her.” He ordered

“Sorry about this,” The brunette called Kenshi said and blindfolded me.

“Hey!!” I then decided there was no use fighting and let them take me wherever they took me. I’ll just kick their asses another time.

We came to a stop and they carried me over to somewhere. They then took off my blindfold and I found myself at black fox Le Renard Noir.

“Well hello there. I never thought I’d be back at this poorly decorated room” I folded my arms and sassed

“Well aren’t you a little ray of sunshine..” The black haired dude sarcastically mentioned

I rolled my eyes “Look, if you brought me here to lecture me, I’m going back home…”

“Wait!” Another man, several years older than me, ran out

I glared at him

“Uhh…Anyways. We’re the black foxes-” He started

“I figured. Black Fox isn’t a clever title for a restaurant, even if it is in French.” I cut him off

“Oh, never thought people spoke French here…Anyways. I’m Atsumu Kashiwabara” Atsumu introduced. Then something inside me clicked

“Wait…” I stared suspiciously at the rest of the men in front of me. Now that I look at it, they look familiar…

I turned and glared at the black haired dude

“Are you…Yanase?” I ask hesitantly 

His eyes widened “What?” Knew it. Only Riki could act so narcissistic 

I then turned to ‘Kenshi’

“Inagaki?” I questioned

His eyes also widened and his mouth formed a little ‘o’. Their reactions are priceless. Am I that hard to remember?

I turned to the surprised blonde

“Wipe that stupid look at your face Hirukawa.” I smirked

“How…wha?” He shook his head while I rolled my eyes. 

Still dumbasses, these guys.

I turned to Hiro, who looked impressed

“Sarashina, am I that hard to remember?” I acted offended

I then sat on the table

“Riki, Kenshi, Takuto, Hiro, Atsumu, have you forgot about me?” I challenged. Each and everyone one of them looked surprised when I said their first name. Except Kenshi, Hiro and Atsumu I guess…

I then laughed “You guys are dumbasses. Your reactions are priceless.” 

Kenshi’s face then lit up “Wait…Renee?

I smiled “ Transform, and roll out! Krystal Renee, remember your childhood friend?” I winked

“Oh yeah, you mean that 80′s loudmouth?” Takuto looked annoyed

My gaze darkened on him “Right, I forgot you were that shiffey fuckboy”

Takuto’s head snapped up “Excuse me?” He glared at me

I smirked, indicating I won

“Okay Black Foxes, spill or I leave”

“Right…” Riki hesitated, then regained his narcissistic composure

“Your grandfather is a famous artist called-”

“Leonardo Da Vinci, I figured” I cut him off

“ *sigh* Yes, and you hold the key to his final masterpiece. So we’ll need you to become one of us and retrieve it. After that, we can remain strangers” Riki explained

“Or just cut her finger off” I heard Takuto mutter. 

I ignored him at the time being and focused on this fuckboy I used to call my friend

“Excuse me? You’re labeling me as a stranger? We spent 6 years together Riki. And you call me a stranger…” I was ticked off…

“Fine, then we can remain acquaintances”  Riki offered

I glared at him

“Okay! We can remain friends!” Riki yelled

I smiled “Much better! I missed you all!” I pulled them all for a group hug

“Beardy’s hugging me…nasty” Takuto complained

“Takkun!! You’re so mean!!” Beardy Atsumu frowned

“Thanks for stating the obvious” Takuto said dryly

I smiled. They haven’t changed one bit. Then I panicked. But now what? How can I be Black Diamond and a Black Fox at the same time??

Chapter 2 coming soon. How do you like this?

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