
eternally exhausted pigeon

@damnitdinkles / damnitdinkles.tumblr.com

if you're over there, and i'm over here, then who the fuck is controlling the plot?

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Source: chylerwest

Do the KKK and Westboro Baptist Church get arrested when they’re throwing around hate speech and protesting funerals, or is that only reserved for black people asking to have their humanity recognized?

This is ridiculous. This post. It’s ignoring any logic to favor their own argument. I hate this entire movement. We need another Martin Luther King Jr. NOT a Mike Brown. Rioting is not peaceful.

“A riot is the language of the unheard” - Martin Luther King, Jr. 


After a trip to Africa, actress Tippi Hedren, her husband Noel Marshall, and their actress daughter Melanie Griffith, wanted to make a movie about lions. At the advice of Ron Oxley, an animal trainer who said that “to get to know about lions, you’ve got to live with them for a while,” they had Neil the lion live with them. Their life was documented by LIFE photographer Michael Rougier.

this is so awesome holy shit


Game Of Thrones - pixelGOT #2

Pixel Artist: Charlie_pl


Part 1 with

  • Daenerys Targaryen
  • Khal Drogo
  • Gregor ‘The Mountain’ Clagene
  • Oberyn Martell

can be found


This nineteen year old white boy and a seventeen year old friend of his (also white) stole thirty-nine guns using a stolen truck to break into the store from which they stole them. They planned on taking them to Ferguson to try to sell them to protesters and loot stores. They managed to be taken in alive and the cops even said it was “all talk,” in spite of the fact that the plot was literally in motion and damn near forty fucking guns had already been stolen by the pair.

Safe and sound too? Huh.


not a scratch? hm..

do you ever get the urge to get up in the middle of the night while everyone else is fast asleep and just walk places and to be completely alone and entirely dedicated to your thoughts

yes but the problem is i dont want to get murdered u feel me

i feel you 

we all feel you 

why are so many people touching me

This is why you don’t walk around in the middle of the night

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