
On indefinite hiatus

@ragingnewborn / ragingnewborn.tumblr.com

i guess the real question is how can you not like tesla
he thought women would eventually rule the world because we’re the dominant sex
he liked pigeons
he was a vegetarian
he was a babe
he was shy
he hated edison
he’s perfect
Yup, as long as…

He was basically a proto-MRA who thought that the cruel, cruel women were going to take over and subjugate men.

Some choice quotes:

"Now the soft-voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies in making herself as much as possible like man—in dress, voice and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind."

"The world has experienced many tragedies, but to my mind the greatest tragedy of all is the present economic condition wherein women strive against men, and in many cases actually succeed in usurping their places in the professions and in industry. This growing tendency of women to overshadow the masculine is a sign of a deteriorating civilization."

"Perhaps the male in human society is useless. I am frank to admit that I don’t know. If women are beginning to feel this way about it—and there is striking evidence at hand that they do—then we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world’s history."


I really hate criticism about not being “inclusive” when you’re literally talking about your own personal experiences

The deaths of two kids over an unpaid bill highlights the horrible state of fire protection on Canada’s reserves.

"The 911 call was automatically forwarded to the rural municipality (RM) the First Nation shares a border with, but the Mayor of Loon Lake, who is also the volunteer fire chief hung up the phone and went back to bed."


Hello, welcome to Australia, may I interest you in a 10kg ball of spikes falling without warning? It’s okay though, you’ll know if you’ve stepped under one: they carpet the ground in spikes. 

Everything in Australia was meant to kill you.


if you had to drop out of a class you are not a failure

if you had to take time off school you are not a failure

if you had to leave school for good you are not a failure

your worth is not determined by academia and this goes doubly so for disabled people and others for whom school is set against them


It’s so weird when people are squeamish about seeing brains because that’s their own brain making a decision that it looks disgusting. Brains don’t like how they look.

self conscious brains aww

brains that don’t like what they look like because they’re not supposed to be visible

because if they’re visible something is deeply wrong

you might say it’s braingerous  

a brain made the decision to make that joke


this is going to sound dumb but does anyone else feel like they have good and bad face days? like some days i’ll look in the mirror and be like ‘yes my face is kind of attractive’ and then others i’m like ‘did i get hit in the face with a frying pan or something’


Kanye: “When Beyoncé records her album… she puts pictures of kim on the wall as inspiration of powerful women”

Bey’s actual wall: *is full of pictures of herself*


i love when religious dudes are like “jacking off isn’t a sin but it is frowned upon” like god’s watching me pummel my meat with a big sour look on his face like “technically this is my fault for not being more specific but i’m not happy with this at all”


how is screaming “I wanna suck your dick” to a band member you just met any different from someone catcalling you on the street

Read this Read it again and again

Applies to actors, athletes, and other famous people as well.


Just because you’ve been fantasizing about them forever doesn’t mean that in their eyes, you’re anything more than a very creepy stranger sexually harassing them 


people will honestly criticize lesbian weddings no matter what like if they both wear dresses then they’re “enforcing traditional gender roles” but if one of them wears a tux they’re “imitating heterosexuality” but if they both wear tuxes then they’re “proving that they’re basically men” so like what the fuck do you want us to wear lol

I vote glam rock catsuits.


I love that at first she thinks it’s misogynistic, and isn’t afraid to call him on it, but then we see him do what we almost never see a male superhero do : He admits he’s scared.  He’s not trying to belittle her, he’s not trying to tell her or even the kids that they’re not strong,  He’s trying to protect what he loves most because he’s terrified of losing them. The big, giant robot ripping apart BUILDINGS doesn’t scare him at all compared to losing what he loves. I love this movie for so many reasons, but this scene is one of the bigger ones. A hero movie where the males are allowed to be emotional without appearing weak? A hero movie where females are allowed to be strong without being callous or woefully 2D? A hero movie where children are allowed to explore their potential instead of being shitty sidekicks? YES PLEASE.

“When I was in high school, I was obsessed with Mary Wollstonecraft; she was one of the very first feminists ever. My friend and I were always making videos, and we made this movie called Mary Wollstonecraft and the Renaissance Rangers. It was like a Power Rangers spoof, taking all these historical characters out of context. Mary Wollstonecraft, Robespierre, and Marie Curie—they would all fight crime together. This is the kind of stuff I used to do.”
- Aubrey Plaza
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