
It's Olive 💕

@atomic-olive / atomic-olive.tumblr.com

You thought you could get rid of me??? 🏳️‍⚧️ Trans Liberation NOW! 💻Game Designer. ☕Coffee addict. ☭ Leftist. ♒♌♍

watching twitter implode in realtime is definitely funny but also anyone else utterly disgusted at the fact that one billionaires temper tantrum cost thousands of people their jobs, countless more across its userbase and is destroying what is one of the biggest websites on the internet? one guy. literally one single fucking guy who couldn't just admit to a fuck up and is taking the whole thing down with him because of his big mouth. its one guy and he has enough money to just tear down the website. one guy.


Thinking about the Haurchefant fan to Zenos enjoyer pipeline again and mulling over how those two are more similar than they seem at first glance

Which I think makes why some people react negatively to Haurchefant make more sense, because he's very intense about his WoL crush but just a friendly dude outside that context, so the sheer intensity of his emotions could become something offputting if his being a beacon of cheerful helpfulness in a dark part of the story isn't enough to secure the player's favor.

...And then you have Zenos, who is a truly awful person, with that same emotional intensity and who could have been a mirror to Haurchefant in many ways... save that his upbringing was to mold him into a weapon of an empire, rather than someone who internalized the knightly ideal.

It is interesting, I think, to wonder how they would have reacted had they ever the chance to meet.


Just got back from feeding white babies cigarettes at the park


hi! it's midterms in the usa so there's been a lot of voting discourse on my dash and i imagine everyone else's too, so here's your friendly reminder that spending valuable time and energy viciously yelling at each other over whether to vote or to focus on other things like protest and direct action are basically meaningless because WE SHOULD BE DOING ALL THOSE THINGS ANYWAY.


"voting is one of the easiest ways to effect change and an important tool for reducing harm and if it didn't change anything republicans wouldn't be trying so hard to supress it!!" <- this is true

"yeah but voting doesn't actually cause radical change, we can't dismantle our current systems using its own tools, we need to be doing more!!" <- this is also true

do both. DO BOTH. DO BOTH. arguing over which specific method to achieve our goals is most effective is irrelevant because every method is effective in some respects and ineffective in others, and what is actually most effective is using them in combination so they cover each others' weak points. vote to help stem the tide of damage and protect lives until we can enact more meaningful change in other ways like direct action.

we are fighting an unfair battle against people who want us dead. we need to be using every tool and method we possibly can if we want to keep them from making us dead. and fighting amongst ourselves over this is doing nothing but making it easier for them to win.



Transgender women are not confused flamboyant gay men.

Transgender men are not confused butch lesbians.

Non-binary people are not confused, period.

No one in the transgender community is following a fad or a trend.

Transgender and gender diversity isn't an ideology, it's a minority group, a community of people sharing an identical or similar natural experience of life.

We're not a political statement, we're people trying to get equal rights, necessary - yes, I said necessary - medical care and equal social treatment.

Let me be more direct for those of you still confused or calling yourselves "allies" who still don't get it:

Without medication or surgery;

Transgender men are Men;

Transgender women are Women;

Non-binary are Non-Binary.

We don't owe you presentation

We don't owe you conformity.

We don't owe you palatability.

We are not new, here's the proof:

And here's more:

We are trans, we are here, we exist.

We will not be silenced.

We will not pushed aside.

We are valid.

We fight with Pride.


The Scions of the Seventh Dawn are a great group of characters because they’re canonically a bunch of weird postdocs, the two kids they adopted, an admin assistant with probable mafia connections, and an angry himbo, and they all freeload off of their only employable friend (you)


Saw this on FB months ago and then *my own company* made a post about quiet quitting…and our clients are chewing them out in the comments. It’s glorious.

So here is your reminder that “quiet quitting” is just capitalism’s new way of demonizing employees for wanting a healthy work/life balance.

[Image description: Black text on white background that reads: “The fact that a new term has been made up: Quiet Quitting is really quite funny. This neologism is a term for workers doing precisely what their contract says and no more. This is working exactly your hours, taking exactly your breaks and turning your phone off/refusing to answer calls/texts/emails when not on the clock.

“It’s called Quiet Quitting because apparently doing exactly your job is considered to be a form of leaving your job without actually quitting.

“The actual name for this practice is Working to Rule, and it is an ancient form of direct action from our unionised ancestors. They have coined a new phrase for it because the old one is so hard to criticise; you’re doing what you’re paid to do? Isn’t that what you promised you would do?

“Calling it Quiet Quitting is victim blaming. It paints workers exercising their rights as lazy shirkers trying to bilk money from the kind hearted bosses, who after all have given the workers a job. They’re doing you a favour, and you repay that by doing precisely what you signed an agreement to do? How very dare you!?

“It’s Working to Rule and it’s part of your right ti protest. A right that the monied elite want to take away. Don’t let them.”]

I know I posted this here but I can’t find it ???  Anyway Kiri got Estinien shorts to match hers while they work out 

Tumblr Community Labels PSA

hey guys, just a quick PSA message to let you all know… tumblr has released a new feature called “community labels” where you can label your posts as mature so that people can voluntarily filter or blur posts that contain certain subjects… however while your first encounter with it will likely be while posting, it’s also Already affecting your settings. if you go into your dashboard settings you’ll see a new section that looks like this…


tumblr is currently hiding all flagged mature content from you unless you manually turn it on lmao. just thought i’d let you all know!

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