
To the center of the sun.

@astralxocean / astralxocean.tumblr.com

i'm just a 21 year old dude who watches anime and listens to music.  CG P & 菊地真 P.

INTERVIEW: And Protector (Japan)

Hey, how are you? please introduce yourself.

[JP] 自己紹介をお願いします!

Hello, I’m Tsutomu and I sing and play bass in And Protector. Also I do the merch design and artwork.

こんにちは!And Protectorでベースボーカルをやっているツトムです。APでは作詞作曲、あとアートワークやマーチデザインも担当しています。

Could you tell us what motivated you to start And Protector? What’s the story behind the bands name? Do you play in any other bands as well?

And Protectorを始めた理由は?名前の由来は?AP以外に他のバンドはやってるの?

I used to play in a metalcore band but after we broke up, I wanted to do something new with my local friends and that ended up being the start of And Protector. We started off thinking “Wouldn’t it be interesting if we had a Title Fight-like beat with Japanese lyrics?” The band name doesn’t mean much, it’s taken from a Saints Never Surrender song called “Protector”.I play in another band called LIFEFOCUS. It’s a hardcore band and I sing. It’s got a similar sound to Cold World, Leeway and Outburst. The lyrics are all in Japanese. Also, I used to play bass in an old-school hardcore band called Potato Destroyer but we broke up. Shoutout to THE POTATO CREW!

APを始める前はメタルコアバンドをやっていたんだけどそのバンドが解散してしまって、新しくバンドを始めたいなと思って地元の友達に声を掛けて結成したのがAnd Protectorです。初期Title Fightみたいなリズムに日本人特有の世界観が乗ったら面白いかなーと思ってそれをテーマに始めました。バンド名の意味は特に無くて、たまたまBGMで流れていたSaints Never SurrenderのProtectorという曲名から引っ張ってきました。AP以外にはLIFEFOCUSというハードコアバンドでボーカルをやっています。バンドサウンドはCold WorldとかLeewayとかOutburstに影響を受けた感じ。それに日本語詞で歌乗せしてます。あとは解散してしまったけどPotato Destroyerというオールドスクールハードコアでベースを弾いていました!THE POTATO CREW!

I noticed that a lot of bands in Japan try to sing in english and despite that you sing in japanese. Why did you choose to make music in your native language?


It’s the most comfortable language for me. I feel that singing in a language other than your mother tongue could really set limitations to expressing your feelings. “I can’t speak English so why sing in it?” Is my stance.

一番使い慣れてる言語だから。母国語でなければ出来ない表現があるし、歌ってる時に自分の気持ちが言葉に乗るからかな。何より俺は英語が話せないからね(笑) You have a new record out called “Cold”. Could you tell us a little bit about it? What’s it about?


We were able to find the And Protector sound with our last record “Lime Green”. So this time we explored that sound even more. The lyrics are the same as before and I sing about daily occurrences. Sound-wise, the guitars are loud as shit. (haha)

前作の"Lime Green"からAnd Protectorらしさを見出してきたんだけど、それを更に突き詰めれた作品かな。歌詞は相変わらず日常生活で思った事やボヤキを綴っていて、サウンド的にはとりあえずギターがうるさい!笑

The record seems to be very diverse, like I hear some really melodic hardcore influenced stuff as well as stuff like Dinosaur Jr. What are your biggest influences as a band?

APの音楽は色んなタイプの音楽が混ざっていると思う。メロディックでありながら、時にはDinosaur Jr.も匂わせる!APが一番影響されているバンドたちは?

Asian Kung-fu Generation, Number Girl, eastern youth are the biggest influences. If we’re talking about foreign bands, Title Fight, Dinosaur Jr., Nirvana, Pentimento, and Gnarwolves are some of the big ones.

かなり影響を受けてるのはASIAN KANG-FU GENERATION、Number Girl、eastern youthです!海外だったらTitle Fight全作品、Dinosaur Jr.、Nirvana、Pentimento、Gnarwolvesがかなり刺激を受けてる!

You had some personal changes in the band some time ago, right? Was it before or after writing “Cold”?


After the first EP, one of the guitarists quit, and after the release of “Lime Green” another guitarist left. For this new record, we added two new guitarists and I have to say they ripped pretty hard.

一番最初の"And Protector EP"をリリースしてからしばらくしてギターが一人抜けて、前作の"Lime Green"をリリースした直後にもう一人のギターが抜けてしまったんだよね。今回の作品から新しいギター2人を加えてレコーディングしたよ!轟音ギターが炸裂してる!

In a recent interview in “Down Time With Ken” you said that you wouldn’t like to play in a band full time and that you’d rather have a regular job and let music be your hobby. I feel like such attitude is pretty rare and interesting, could you say something about that?

Down Time With Kenで 「フルタイムで音楽はやりたくない」って言ってたけど、面白い視点だと思う。それについて詳しく聞かせて!

One of the reasons why is because umm.. well we don’t want to play that many shows (haha). Not because we don’t like playing them, but because we don’t want music/shows to take over our lives. If we let it take over, I feel like someday I’ll hate playing shows.Second, I need to live a “normal” life away from music to write my songs. The inspiration for the lyrics come from daily observations and I don’t want to force anything out because of a deadline. This is the most natural way for us and we intend  to keep it that way.


So you take care of the visual aspect of the band, so you’re interested in graphics. When and how did it start? Did you make the cover art for “Cold”? It’s amazing!

アートワークも手がけているツトムだけど、美術学校に通ってたの? マーチやデザインは全部ツトムがやるの? Coldのアートワークは相当イカしてるけど、あれもツトム?

I didn’t go to an art school but I majored in design in college. I started to get serious about it once I started making merch for the band. Yes, I did the artwork for “Cold” and I’m really thankful that you said that cause I get mixed opinions about it (haha).

美術学校ではないんだけど、大学ではデザイン専攻で色々と学んでいました。本格的にやり始めたのはこのバンドがスタートしてからだけど。マーチもジャケットデザインも全部俺がやってます。Coldのアートワークを褒めてもらえるのはすごく嬉しい!あれは賛否両論だったから(笑) Thank you for your time, I wish you good luck with the band and in personal lives! I hope to see you in Europe some day!


Thanks for interviewing us, and we would love to go to Europe!!


English Translation : Kensuke Yamamoto(ex.After Tonight, Down Time With Ken)

And Protector webpage / twitter / bandcamp

COLD is out next week, catch AP on tour!


純情Midnight伝説 (M@STER VERSION)  (Innocent Midnight Legend)

Sung by: Takumi Mukai (向井拓海) [CV: Yuuko Hara (原優子)], Rina Fujimoto (藤本里奈) [CV: Mayumi Kaneko (金子真由美)], Ryo Matsunaga (松永涼) [CV: Haruka Chisuga (千菅春香)], Aki Yamato (大和亜季) [CV: Tomo Muranaka (村中知)], & Natsuki Kimura (木村夏樹) [CV: Kiyono Yasuno (安野希世乃)] From: THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS STARLIGHT MASTER 05 純情Midnight伝説


Wow, it’s Lady Kawaguchi’s suit before she was Lady Kawaguchi! Designed by Naoki for sure, I’m seeing elements of his Lighting Z in the backpack. It’s called the Lunagazer!


ハイファイ☆デイズ (M@STER VERSION) (Hi-Fi☆Days)

Sung by: Chie Sasaki (佐々木千枝) [CV: Asaka Imai (今井麻夏)], Momoka Sakurai (櫻井桃華) [CV: Haruka Terui (照井春佳)], Nina Ichihara (市原仁奈) [CV: Misaki Kuno (久野美咲)], Kaoru Ryuzaki (龍崎薫) [CV: Haruse (春瀬なつみ)], & Miria Akagi (赤城みりあ) [CV: Tomoyo Kurosawa (黒沢ともよ)]  Album: THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS STARLIGHT MASTER 03 ハイファイ☆デイズ

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