

@loveforahlulbayt / loveforahlulbayt.tumblr.com

"Your cure is within you, yet you do not sense it! Your sickness is from you, yet you do not see it! You consider yourself a small body; Yet encapsulated within you is the entire universe!” - Imam Ali (a.s)

Part 2 Salam Everyone!I have a bunch of scarves left over from a project I was working on. Message me if any of you guys are interested! They all are 100% chiffon and each of them are $10. I’m located in Southern California :)


Salam Everyone!

I have a bunch of scarves left over from a project I was working on. Message me if any of you guys are interested! They all are 100% chiffon and each of them are $10. I’m located in Southern California :)


Among the believers there are people who are true in their promise to God. Some of them have already passed away and some of them are waiting. They never yield to any change. They whisper into the ground their love for their Creator, for their religion, for their soil, for their country.


أتبكون على شيئا مضى؟

أقسم لكم لو كان خيرا لبقى

And do you cry over that which has passed?

I swear to you if there was any good in it, it would have stayed ❤️


follow @ahlulbaytposts on instagram for beautiful quotes and sayings from the Qur'an and our Ahlulbayt (a.s.)!


اَلسَّلامُ عَلى مَنْ بَكَتْهُ مَلائِكَةُ السَّماءِ

Peace be upon the one for whom the Angels of heaven wept.

[Imam Husayn Mosque, Karbala, Iraq, Oct 2015]

I am surprised at one who takes care at what he eats, but does not do so about what he believes in, He avoids that which hurts him from entering his stomach, but allows that which makes him inferior to enter his heart (and mind).

imam hassan (as)

Source: yaahlulbayt
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