
Lovey Dovey Bitch Disease

@turtleswithtophats / turtleswithtophats.tumblr.com

Ezra Kai. Libra. 27. Gay Nonbinary trans dude. They/He. Houston based musician. Find me on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, YouTube. This is my main blog and it’s a mix of things I like. My side blog for art and yearning and slight nsfw is @secretsunshineboy

i like to pretend i already died and asked god to send me back to earth so i can swim in lakes again and see mountains and get my heart broken and love my friends and cry so hard in the bathroom and go grocery shopping 1,000 more times. and that i promised i would never forget the miracle of being here


Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, Amy Krouse Rosenthal




do you all remember in the early 2010s where people were talking about freeing the nipple and that mixed-gender sports should become a thing and the removal of period tax and all of that and then some people realised that would mean trans people too ans they instantly decided to revert to bioessentialism 101 and now i have to see grating sentences like Well maybe jeopardy should be gender-segregated because males have a biological advantage in pressing a button


Western countries do not support Israel because they love the Jewish people or because they feel bad about the Holocaust, they support Israel because they have political and economic interest in supporting this particular power in this particular region at this particular time


“The paradox of conservatism is they want being normal to be punk. They want to rebel against authority while being the ones in power. They want to be rugged individuals and they think everyone should be the same as them. They want to overcome adversity while staying in the majority.” -@innuendostudios on twitter

from uncomfortably personal experience, to be a Nazi is to create a fantasy around oneself built on the fantasy of others. A fantasy that paints the self as a hero against evil and everyone that does not follow your writ to be less than human and your enemy the wants to take away all that fantasy you're surrounded by.

There's no peace. Always fighting. There's always a threat against you and that threat is continually shifting to whatever is convenient for the person that fucking owns your mind. Be that your pastor, or your senator, or my mother.

You are painted in the idea that it's you against the world so you should lash out and take from them because that's what they'll do to you if given the chance.

It's a viciously violent mindset that has more contradictions than words spoken in any given day, and is designed to turn you into a monster that obeys your master while thinking you're the protagonist in your own story.


"You are painted in the idea that it's you against the world so you should lash out and take from them because that's what they'll do to you if given the chance"

If you find yourself thinking that the whole world is against you, that nobody is safe unless they're people like you- be it other queer people, people who hate the things you hate, or whatever else- you are falling into a fascist mindset. The source of your victimisation being real-world oppression does not make it less harmful, it only means you have less systemic power with which to lash out.

But you still have some power, and your lashing out will still cause harm, and more dangerously, you are priming yourself for further radicalization.

This is why people who have already been victimized make good targets for radicalization; feeling depressed and socially isolated makes it easy to accept that the world is against you, and nazi rhetoric gives you someone else to blame for your situation. You don't need to do the hard work of growing and healing, you need the [insert marginalized group here] to be removed from power, cast out, silenced, killed, etc.

This is what radical feminism does: you hurt because men hurt you. You don't need to do the hard work of growing and healing, and need to topple the patriarchy. You need to remove the men from your spaces so they can't hurt you. You need to find the secret men, the ones lying to deceive you and other women, and keep them out. You need to protect yourself. You need all men to die.

Systems of oppression are real, and do harm, and cause stress and massive mental health impacts that, even with proper care and treatment, are often still a struggle to deal with as long as circumstances remain unchanged.

But the world is not out to get you, and if you're constantly looking for enemies and danger, you're going to find them no matter what. And if you decide that violence is justified- even necessary- as long as the target is appropriate, you're going to find appropriate targets in anyone you do violence to.


The funniest thing about adulthood is learning that playing never stopped at childhood. Adults play, but they couch it in so many words, unless it is sports or video games, which are apparently appropriate things to accurately call "play."

Play is important, and I hope young people know that they won't be giving up the safety and fun of play in order to become Stuffy Adults. Don't fear growing up because everybody tells you how miserable you will be. You will be the same as you were, just in a bigger body.

On a tangentially-related note, are adults trying to "extend childhood," or have they realized that broader society has pigeonholed adulthood into a profit-generating slog wherein you have autonomy (in theory) but no protection, and the idea that childhood is this magical time where that will be the last time you experience Happiness is what directly contributes to the fear of growing up?

Are adults bad for being open about finding happiness outside of work, having children, and being in pain, or have you just tacked this sign up and decided that you were Right about adults being too immature to do anything:


the funniest thing to me rn is seeing transphobic women going into bathrooms in transphobic states and then being shocked that trans men are in there and actually (gasp) look like men?!?! (shocking i know /s)

like you guys forced people to go to the bathrooms of their “biological sex” but now when they do it’s disconcerting that men look like men. (yes even if that man has a vagina.)

Transphobes are shocked to realize trans men aren’t all “uwu soft boiz” and HRT does what it’s supposed to. It’s so mind boggling to them that trans people don’t look like their bigoted characatures.

Anyways here are some men that will be forced to use the women’s restroom in states like florida, texas, kansas, etc.

thank you pointing this out + bringing up that trans men are not safe in women's bathrooms, either. a lot of times when people make the point that transphobic bathroom laws will force trans men in women's bathrooms, they act like all trans men will just be 100% unaffected by this and their presence will only make transphobes ashamed instead of. I don't know. A cis woman calling a bunch of cis men to beat the shit out of a Latino trans man (where the police reports then call him the aggressor). Transphobia makes public bathrooms unsafe for all kinds of trans people, especially if they aren't white.


hihihihiiiii though (very slightly) related to my degree, this is very much along a special interest of mine and i totally didnt just spend more than an hour falling down this rabbit hole. i am gonna try to simplify this as much as possible

@kami-no-ikku theoretically, it might be able to, but from what is being shown in the study, it's more vaginal epithelial cells where there's a few sprinkled in that decided they wanted to be prostate epithelial cells instead. the vaginal epithelium (outermost layer; eg skin is an epithelium) is what is changing (mostly), but it looks like it's mostly cells that are closest to the vaginal tissue beneath the epithelium (smooth muscle, etc), so a likely course based on timeline and present factors would be that the wall lining the vagina would still be mostly vaginal cells, but the ones just underneath (still part of the "wall") would be mostly prostrate cells.

to answer @tealhairandamateurnouns 's questions, i'll start with saying that cells like endothelial cells can be very... malleable ("high plasticity"), and messengers (hormones) can come along and tell them "heyyyy so the prostate cells didn't make it to work today, anyone mind covering their shift?" and there's probably more factors relating to location+function+cell lineage (especially since this change is seen in vaginal but not cervical epithelial cells too) but some cells, will go "sure yeah why not", get a prostate epithelial cell ID pass instead, and have certain genes activated to start performing prostate cell duties instead. (hypothetically)

it's also stated in the paper that there's no visible/extremely noticeable changes here: there's no lesions eg tumors, which is why it is highly likely that these are probably just cells changing jobs.

i also say this because this ex-vaginal tissue is not all too different in that it still provides its general function as a barrier, but these new cells are noted to be glandular, aka they secrete... things that make up the fluid that becomes a part of semen (note: not pre-ejaculate): various enzymes, zinc, citrate, other nutrients. the hrt-induced prostate cells present are somewhat sparse and aggregate in "variably well-formed glands", so rather than having the vagina make prostate fluids, it's probably more like the prostrate secretions will mix with the vaginal discharge and be slightly more compositionally similar to that of semen. (which... considering the change in discharge over the course of HRT i've already noticed myself... i am refining a Hypothesis)

one last concern i've seen both in the replies and mentioned in the paper: could this potentially lead to risk of prostate cancer in individuals undergoing HRT testosterone? the answer is quite possibly: it has been observed in a similarily-presenting intersex condition, and technically, any cell that can create progeny has the potential to develop cancer. because there's no noticeable "mass" or lesion of prostate tissue, as mentioned before, you can't really check via a typical prostate exam, but for those concerned, that is not the only way to check for prostate cancer, and a diagnosis could be determined through a prostate-specific antigen test.

@universalsatan holy fucking shit, thank you for digging into this, you're an angel 💙

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