
not your basic average girl

@ericafuckyeah / ericafuckyeah.tumblr.com

honestly just shoot me lol

they should remake breaking bad but instead of making and dealing meth it’s a suburban white mom who makes soap and the same levels of violence, gore, and drama remain


I just love when Steve hangs out with people his age and it’s this young hot guy hanging out with a bunch of 90 year olds and they’re all laughing and joking about old times and it’s hilarious

and Sam’s thinking “wow here I am chilling with a bunch of old guys” and he realizes how out of place he feels because he doesn’t have a lot of shared life experience with them

and then he realizes how Steve feels all the time

it was good and then it was sad wtf


Jack Black: makes vids where he’s having fun with his kid

Youtuber Academics:

this is one of the exact types of youtubers i hoped jack black would piss off


I’ve been stuck in a place in my life lately where I have no freedom and no will. I promise I’m getting it back though. Won’t be too long til I’m myself again.

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