
i'm not born to amuse the tsars

@danvedi / danvedi.tumblr.com

Fandom wanderer.

What would you rather have? Peace or Freedom?

Definitely a finale fix it :D The prompt was Dean and Cas doing something happy in Heaven. Choosing to live, free to write their own story seems the happiest ending possible to me. ;w;




Here’s to the newbies just starting out, the ones discovering their ability to twist and bend plots, characters and places to their will for the first time,

To the old faithfuls, who have kids at home and a full-time job but somehow still find the time to make us forget for a while,  

To the students who publish one-shots and sagas in-between study sessions,

To the ones who posted that one fic years ago and have since moved on, but whose story meant (and still means) so much to so many readers,  

To those of you who publish short, little things that pack the emotional punch of a freight train,

To the ones who update faithfully, and to the ones who don’t,

To the ones who weave lyrics into their stories, and the ones who deal in nothing but angst,

To those who don’t write in their native language, 

To the brave ones who do it despite their fear of rejection or criticism, 

To the ones who like to write with their friends, and the ones who do it alone because their friends wouldn’t understand, 

To the ones who spend hours researching in order to to make their world as real as possible, 

To to the poets and novelists and essayists and dreamers:  

Every single one of you is precious.  

You, along with all the other fandom artists and creators, lift us up and give us hope.  You make us laugh, you make us cry, you make us think and question and wonder.  You help us escape, sometimes, when we need it most.  You bring the unimaginable to life, you translate lofty words into ones we can smell, hear and taste, and you continually encourage and inspire us.  You’re wonderful and powerful and courageous and so, so loved, even if we aren’t always the best at letting you know it.  So this is for those of you with empty comment sections, with a concerning lack of kudos/likes/favs/bookmarks. Your stories make a difference, and they always will.  

So, from all of us to you:  

Thank you.

Spreading the love ♥


seeing all the 14-17 y/o queer kids who don’t know what v for vendetta is.... u mean the blockbuster film written by two trans women about a masked vigilante who decides to singlehandedly take down a fascist alternate version of england set in the distant year of 2020... and his driving force was getting justice for a lesbian who he never met but whose diary he found, who was separated from her wife before being killed by said fascist gov.... and it stars natalie portman.... okay


the movie is great, with amazing acting:

and the original graphic novel is phenomenal:

I highly recommend them both

and they've never been more relevant

“People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.”


There's strong subtext that V is a trans man and A)the lesbian from the diary or B)her wife.


Root x Shaw | A Sense Of Belonging

They belong together.

No words necessary.  The eyes. The long gazes. Their interlocked fingers speak volumes - a sign of a deep emotional and physical connection.

Just that. Less is more.

True love. 

But their intimacy is cut short. Obvs. Poor lovebirds!

Just look at Shaw, tho. So smitten. Hence, so visibly displeased with the interruption! Awww…..

(This moment would be their first and last intimate moment)

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