luz y sombra, colores y líneas

@the89thkey /


Today’s the birthday of Claudette Colvin (September 5, 1939).

On March 2, 1955, she was the first person arrested for resisting bus segregation in Montgomery, Alabama, nine months before Rosa Parks. At the time, Claudette was a high school student who’d been studying civil rights in school and had just finished a paper about discriminatory practices in Montgomery.

When told to move to the back of the bus to make room for a white passenger, she refused. When asked about it later, she said,  "I felt like Sojourner Truth was pushing down on one shoulder and Harriet Tubman was pushing down on the other—saying, ‘Sit down girl!’ I was glued to my seat.“

She was arrested and the community rallied behind her. When she got pregnant shortly after, though, they were afraid that an unwed teen mother would not make the best public representative for their cause. But when the case against bus segregation was taken to the Supreme Court, she was one of the five women listed as plaintiffs. It was this court case that ended bus segregation in Alabama.

Never forget ✊🏻


My weather app is showing a strange green dot from Uptown to Wrigley. So I'm assuming weather satellites have been updated to now track high concentrations of vomit.


What change in the stars made ordering things online such an Odyssean exploit for me this year??

It is more difficult for men to do the work of emotional development because this work requires individuals to be emotionally aware—to feel. Patriarchy rewards men for being out of touch with their feelings. Whether engaged in acts of violence against women and children or weaker men, or in the socially sanctioned violence of war, men are better able to fulfill the demands of patriarchy if they do not feel. Men of feeling often find themselves isolated from other men. This fear of isolation often acts as the mechanism to prevent males from becoming more emotionally aware.

bell hooks,

The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love


For future reference


a note

again,  there is wash to be done, there is work to be done, i am aching to supply different product than is demanded. 

in an effort to spring clean in a spring far from coming, i found an old necklace in a drawer last night. i am ever again becoming myself even though i hear again (from others) and that it is far more freeing (from others) to instead Be Who I Am. 

file under: low-light silhouettes, tunes written in 9/8 and 7/8, saving tax-returns for ink.


note to all interested: i am going to try blogging under this blog for a while (images and et cetera, not always limited to stream-of-conscious mind dumps like the above, ha), and let the89thkey rest. the notes from that one 'two birds one stone' viral post are far too overwhelming for me to see what energies are exchanged with me intentionally. 


Burrowing in my electric blanket forever bye


I believed that someone’d Take care of me tonight Anyhow, anyway, so I split Oh just getting out of there What’s going to get me out of this? I spent the night in the map room I humanize the vacuum



Oh god I'm drunk at 3am with a 9am class and an hour commute #tooOldForThis


Going to have a new blog I think Message me if you want to know it

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