
Singing with Caged Birds

@singingwithcagedbirds / singingwithcagedbirds.tumblr.com

"The things that make you different are the things that make you beautiful."
Welcome to the Berrett's Tumblr blog

This is 40!

I turned 40 yesterday, which is wild to me.

It’s important to mark this milestone and to be proud of the body I have after two years of overcoming an eating disorder I’ve struggled with since my kids’ other mom left.

I’ve been so used to looking like a skeleton, That I needed a reminder that this is what I’m supposed to look like, and that it is beautiful.


Candice how did you feel when they close granger high a couple of weeks ago? Also what do you think of the election?


They just closed us down for two weeks again this morning! We had only been back for 5 days. So, we’re off again for two more weeks.

Utah is one of the states that can’t get its act together with covid. Lots of people I know have gotten sick with it now. A few of our hospitals are at capacity too. It’s getting scary. The frustrating part is that we’ve found the kids aren’t really passing it much at school. The majority of our cases are from students who chose distance learning or those get forced into distance learning. They spread it through not staying safe, working, and socializing outside of school. The kids are actually safer in schools.... and why? Because MASKS WORK!

As far as the election goes. It’s giving me so much anxiety. I voted early, and I’m praying we get some relief from our current situation.


Officer Kim lives across the street. Quinn took pictures with her when we first met. Quinn was excited so see a beautiful-female, POC cop in uniform. Kim told us last week about being black and a cop at the same time. She sees the bias and wants to help make things better with her colleagues. The badge tattoos on the kids’ arms are still there from talking that day. We believe in good police officers and that Black Lives Matter. It’s heartbreaking that the walls of the neighbors’ home got more justice than Breonna Taylor. Her life matters to us.


Candice are you worried that the kids & you may get the virus? Also do you feel safe from school


We have been careful with the kids. Our schools are actually doing a good job of keeping the case numbers down so far.

I was really nervous at first, but it’s been good to be back.


Candice are you going to send you kids to school or going to teach them at home What do you think of Bidens VP choice?


I am teaching in school, and Quinn is going to school. Just Mon-Thursday.


Candice are you teaching online in the fall or going back to the building? Also do you think utah is a battleground state in November?


Hi! I’m teaching in the building. My school district seems to not be making many accommodations for Covid. I read something like “maybe keep your door open” and “have traffic walk on the right side of the hall”. Stupid, basic, stuff.

The districts all around us are doing rotating schedules and delay starts, and Friday clean/online days.

I’m willing to go back to school and work in the building. I do miss seeing my students, and I know we work best one on one, but I want us to be as safe as possible. I have coworkers who are having daily anxiety attacks about going back: single moms with health issues who don’t want to leave their kids orphans, teachers making wills, and teacher who will not be able to see their parents until the school year ends (or a vaccine is available).

Utah is not a battleground state. Trump has it in the bag here. The republicans gerrymandered the city so much that our overwhelming democrat votes don’t count at all. I’ll still vote though. I’m looking forward to hearing who the VP pick will be soon. There are so many great choices.


Heather, Kevin, Jenna, Amber, Taylor hubbell, chord..

I am taking a break from social media.. I just can’t anymore


In my first speech class(it's online) and was given my first assignment. The prompt was, "Informative speech that draws on your ideas." Which in my head felt incredibly broad and scary. Thankfully she gave a nice list of suggestions, one being, "Was there some particular person...who had a major impact on your life?" And that one made my gears start turning, I decided to give it about you! So2questions: 1)Would you like to see/read my speech? 2)Given thatprompt, what would you talk/write about?


I’d LOVE to! It’s sweet that you’d think of me. Thank you. It means a lot.

Hmmmmmm.... who would I write about... wow... so many options: Ellen, Michelle Obama, Malala, Beyoncé, Trevor Noah, even Madonna.

There are a lot of lines from songs that stuck out to me and made me stop and revaluate. I really clung to Beyoncé’s music when I was going through my divorce.. Ellen taught me a lot about what it means to be a member of the LGBTQ community. I value education, obviously, as a teacher, so I’ve had a lot of conversations with educators that have really inspired me. i’m reading Glenn and Doyle‘s book untamed right now, and I enjoy her voice. It seems impossible to pick just one person. It’s probably because I’m so heavily influenced by everyone and everything.


How did you feel when Mitt Romney voted to convict Donald Trump on abuse of power & were you surprised at it?


I was proud of him.

I’m culturally Mormon, even though I don’t practice the religion, and I was proud that he was from my community and saw the situation as I saw it despite his political affiliation. His speech about it was sincere, and I respect that.


I’m more vocal on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter, but I want to be clear on every social media platform that black lives matter, and that I’m working to take responsibility to teach and learn how white privilege works and can be broken.

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