
the next right thing.

@hannahhhopes / hannahhhopes.tumblr.com

24, recovering, mother

ice cream asks

chocolate: when was your first kiss?
french vanilla: how old are you?
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
cheesecake: what's your zodiac sign?
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
chocolate chip: what's your most popular post?
bubblegum: books or movies?
pistachio: manga or anime?
salted caramel: favorite movies?
birthday cake: favorite books?
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
black cherry: four words that describe you?
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
toffee: a card game that you're good at?
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
dark chocolate: turn ons?
fudge: turn offs?
peach: how do you relax?
praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?
superman: do you like sweaters?
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
I feel unspeakably lonely. And I feel - drained. It is a blank state of mind and soul I cannot describe to you as I think it would not make any difference. Also it is a very private feeling I have - that of melting into a perpetual nervous breakdown. I am often questioning myself what I further want to do, who I further wish to be; which parts of me, exactly, are still functioning properly. No answers, darling. At all.”

Anne Sexton, A Self-Portrait In Letters (via ntrvrts)


Here We Are.

It’s ironic really, that I write for a living, but when it comes to writing anything personal I completely freeze up and draw a blank. This is a new development over the last year or so - it’s as if that side of my mind has completely shut down.

But I’ll give it a go, baby steps.

I’m at that awful stage of recovery where you know you need to change, you want to change, but the process of putting things into action is entirely up to you, and it’s all far easier said than done. For the past week I have not binged, not purged, and have eaten regular meals and snacks per a vague meal plan that I have in my head from the past. I’m already feeling that nagging, daunting sensation of expanding flesh and I can see that this is a significant moment. A fork in the roads, I suppose.

The discomfort and anxiety I feel on a daily basis are intense, so I could either opt out and turn back to the comfort and familiarity of disordered behaviours, or stick with what I’ve been doing (plus more, really) and allow the process to happen despite my fears. I know rationally which path is the correct one if I want to have any chance at a positive future, but the argument carries on in my head regardless of how many times I make that choice each day.

I feel such immense frustration towards myself at the moment. I’ve been here before so many times, so why am I back here again? What pulls me back over and over, even when I know that it only ends in having to drag myself through this incredibly uncomfortable, painful process? You’d think after 14 years I would have figured this out, but it’s still cunning/baffling/powerful.

I suppose this time around feels more uncomfortable (I know I keep repeating that word, I’m sorry, it’s the best I have right now) because I’m entirely alone with the ED, with only my own will to be well keeping me moving forward. I have no therapist, no dietitian, no doctor telling me, ‘This is how much you need to eat, this is how much you need to gain, this is how to sort out the tangled web that’s clouding your vision.’ I have no access to any formal support so I’m alone in my head all day, every day. I google the same things constantly, hoping for reassurance and guidance, re-reading blog posts about nutrition and hunger and feelings. It helps a little bit, to know that my feelings and symptoms and fears are not unique to me, but it’s also not enough.

Part of me feels compelled to make a stereotypical recovery Instagram or start using this account in the same way others do; posting photos of what I’m eating, rambling about my fears and progress, but frankly I feel too old for all of that, and I’m sure it wouldn’t be all that helpful. I just feel so lonely and frightened and lost, and I know I need support from somewhere but I have no clue where to find it.

That’s reality, though, folk. That’s what happens when you don’t seize recovery when the resources are available to you. One day you find yourself a real-life Grown Up, with a family to support and work to do, and a head still packed full of disordered thoughts. And then what? Then where do you turn? You just try your best, and hope that you can drag yourself out of the quicksand before it’s too late.


Thoughts on eating disorder advocacy

I wish more people were willing to admit that getting access to treatment isn’t easy and isn’t always an immediate option. Therapy, medication. It’s not just hard to find, it’s hard to pay for. Even with insurance, all the fucking forms and phone calls.

I wish more people were willing to admit that certain treatment centers, medications, and therapeutic approaches don’t work for everyone. Not everyone will have the same mind-blowing epiphany Susie had when she started referring to her eating disorder as “Ed”.

I wish more people were willing to admit that setting up a DIY treatment at home can also be hard. Expensive as hell. Strains relationships. Paying for treatment centers is hard but so is paying for the “right” food to make those #gainz or otherwise return to perfect health ◕ᴗ◕ Doesn’t mean you can’t get to a better state of health going at it DIY but it’s not all homemade banana bread and smiles across the dinner table.

I wish more people would openly admit to and acknowledge the lies and manipulative scare tactics that have and continue to be used by medical and mental health professionals to sway vulnerable, sick minds.

I wish more people were open about the fact that you can’t always #fightthestigma and speak openly about your illness. Sometimes you’re not in a position where you can safely do so. But shame! on! you! if you are complicit in perpetuating the silence! give me a break you privileged asses 

I wish more people would spread the message that you don’t need to be in full recovery to be proud of where you are from where you’ve been. And without that additional “so keep going!!! forever and ever and ever” to remind you that where you are still isn’t good enough. Not until you can eat everything you’re supposed to every day without a shred of regret. Not until you’re at a thumbs-up! a-okay! weight that’s oh so carefully calculated using a bullshit formula although some docs really do try to work with you so snaps for them. Not until you can eat just as freely as any non-disordered person around you.

I wish more people would offer reassurance that not agreeing with a popular approach to treatment isn’t always “just the eating disorder talking”. It’s not always about you just wanting to stay tucked within your sickness.

I wish more people would speak up and admit that becoming and staying well isn’t a perfect process. And I don’t mean sharing that image of recovery as a squiggly line. Even less perfect than that. The ugliest picture you will every see. It’s all the darkest and ugliest things you want to pretend never happened because you can’t imagine saying the words out loud, let alone remembering them for a second too long. Things that are taboo in your own mind because it feels too shameful.

Life can be amazing. Have beautiful moments. But the ugliest realities are still squashed for the sake of not appearing to promote anything that isn’t 100% pro recovery! everything is possible! if you can dream it you can do it!

(this is why I love the @scienceofeds blog so much. Sorry to always be that gushing creep. I know there’s not as much pressure to spread that pro-recovery warrior message on every square inch of the SOE blog as there is with wider campaigns/organizations, but just being able to read thoughtful and authentic articles not only on living with an eating disorder but the actual research being - or that has been - done is such a comforting thing, I don’t even know how to describe it.)

DISCLAIMER: I am a sad and frustrated 21 year old.


Here's the thing:

Your eating disorder will never willingly let you go. It’s never going to say to you one day, “Okay that was fun while it lasted. I’m done here!!” It just wont. You are its oxygen, the fuel to its fire, its home. It feeds off of your self-destruction, your vulnerability, your logical self. You could be seconds from dropping dead and it will still tell you, you are not sick enough. It’s not a diet, a fad, or a trial period. It’s a life-threatening mental illness with one intention: to kill you. Believe me, you are sick enough. But you are also strong enough to beat it.


breastfeeding sucks, no pun intended


I’m sure a million people have told you this already but just in case... it totally sucks at first and then 9 times out of 10 it gets way easier after the first couple weeks, and then becomes like second nature. I HATED BFing for the first few weeks and then something clicked and it was all good. Really regretted switching to bottles at 8 months because it was so much more hassle. 


Things have been bad, but I’m now actively trying to turn it around (FINALLY). I made some half-assed attempts throughout the year but my heart was never really in it. I don’t have any access to treatment but I’m really going to work hard to improve things on my own. I’ve had enough therapy over the years that I know what it is I need to do, I just need to move past the endless contemplation stage and take action. 

Today is day 3 of following a decent meal plan, sitting through intense discomfort and bloating and pain, dealing with the guilt and doing it anyway. This has to be done, I don’t want this disease in my life anymore. It’s been too long. I may still feel ambivalent about certain aspects of the process (ahem, gaining weight), but I’m willing to give recovery another shot. 

I may start posting here again just to keep myself feeling a little more accountable. I don’t have anyone IRL to support me on this, so I think even writing it out here for strangers to see might be worth something. We’ll see.

Plan for today: follow planned food, gentle yoga video, focus on positive thoughts and attempt to not feed negative thoughts, work, breathe. 



The new job fell through. They said they will let me know by the end of the week whether they’ll need me next week. I imagine they won’t.

Still haven’t made rent, 3000 words to go. I am a fuck up of note. 

And I can’t stop fighting with Sid about everything. I don’t trust him and I don’t know how to live with someone I don’t trust without going completely insane. I already feel like I’m halfway there.

I ate a huge breakfast and a giant pastry already today and it’s not even noon. What is wrong with me? Do I want to gain weight? No, not really. So stop acting like it. Shut up shut up I need to work. 

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