

@marvelcommitteeusa / marvelcommitteeusa.tumblr.com

We are the Avengers/Marvel Committee for Dashcon USA, a con by tumblr users for tumblr users. Contact us through our ask or by emailing us at avengerscommittee@yahoo.com.

The Doctor Who Committee is searching for panelists to staff our panels! Apply here if you’re interested in staffing this one!


Same panels, more descriptive graphic! Science panels!

DashCon is looking for panelists! You can apply to run any number of great panels, and below we’ve listed just a few! Panelists have say in what happens in the panel, but we’ve come up with some guidelines to make things a little easier! All of the below panels are from Friday Night during the convention. Remember, if you get enough people in your panels, you’ll earn a free badge! 

Science and Technology Panels: 

Friday,6:00PM-7:00PM, Knowledge- Modern Gadgets: Technology of today and how it’s progressed to this point. Discussion about gadgets that awe and baffle.

Friday, 8:00PM-9:00PM, Schaumburg C- How Technology Has Changed Our Lives: Technology has advanced plenty of things in our lives, even when we aren’t looking for it or expecting it. Explore the ways it has influenced every day items, and those that inspire greatness.

Friday, 9:00PM-10:00PM, Schaumburg D - Weird Science: We live in a wacky universe and we could spend years talking about it, but all we’ve got is an hour.  Join us for an action packed look at how silly our world is.

Friday, 4:00PM-5:00PM, Schaumburg A - Astrology 101: This isn’t your high school Astronomy course.  We’ll explore the myth, magic, and science behind the art of divination through the stars.

Friday, 10:00PM-11:00PM, Schaumburg C- Our Closest Neighbors; Neighboring Galaxies: Space, the final-no wrong thing. Space! Who doesn’t love space? It’s so…spacy…Learn everything you want to know about other galaxies!


Night Vale is a friendly desert community where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while its inhabitants all pretend to sleep, but from July 11-13, 2014, Night Vale invades DashCon. 

DashCon 2014 is proud to announce that the Welcome to Night Vale crew will be joining the guest list for our inaugural event. Attendees can expect a both a live performance and Q&A session. There will also be a private meet & greet event, where you’ll have the opportunity to meet the writers, Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, and the voice of Night Vale, Cecil Baldwin.

Watch this space for more information on how to attend the meet & greet! For now, we can only say that you should prepare to find yourself at the meet & greet with no memory of how you got there and no obvious entry point, with only a brick and a small window provided for your eventual escape. Settle for nothing less than the full DashCon experience. ALL HAIL THE DASHCON!

But wait! Don’t be caught unprepared, Eternal Scouts:

Subscribe to the WTNV podcast on iTunes or SoundCloud, and keep track of them on Twitter and Facebook!

 © WTNV logo by Rob Wilson


To properly welcome Amber, who lives in the ~future~, we’ll be hosting a ‘night blogging anon hour’ tonight. We want this to be the strangest, crackiest anon hour that has ever dared exist. Don’t let her down!

Night Blogging Anon Hour will begin tonight at 11pm CST/12am EST. We’ll be sure to tag accordingly, so as not to flood your dashes. Please be on the look out for #nb anon hour (and simply #anon hour for ‘normal’ questions).

Give us your weirdest, Tumblr. We can take it!




"what the fuck is that?" you may ask

well lemme tell ya

dashcon is a huge tumblr themed convention packed full of events involving almost every fandom imaginable

areyoutryingtodeduceme and enerjax will also be there, as well as featured author megan l. eli!

there will be:

  • a cosplay contest
  • several fandom panels including a featured artist/author Q&A
  • a superwholock hunt
  • an artist’s alley filled with awesome artists
  • tabletop gaming
  • video games
  • a dealer’s room
  • fandom/cosplay Q&As
  • a convention wide book exchange
  • and much, much more!!!

Last night for the auction!

The Marvel Committee Craft auction closes tonight at 12pm EST! The time to get any last-minute bids in is now!


To anyone who has sent us an email within the past few weeks

We have not been able to log in to our email account for the past several weeks up until right now, due to some weird stuff going on with Yahoo.

Apologies for not seeing your emails sooner!


DashCon is looking for panelists! You can apply to run any number of great panels, and below we’ve listed just a few! Panelists have say in what happens in the panel, but we’ve come up with some guidelines to make things a little easier! All of the below panels are from Friday Night during the convention. Remember, if you get enough people in your panels, you’ll earn a free badge! 

The below panels are all related to one fandom or another, but we don’t have a committee to staff them! We do have other fandom panels, but if there is a committee for it, generally they will be the ones running it, but feel free to apply just in case if you see one which catches your fancy! 

Fandom Panels:

Friday, 4:00PM-5:00PM, Schaumburg D - Gleeks: Glee fans, unite!  A panel of slushies and flashmobs.  With the Gleeks, anything is possible.

Friday, 7:00PM-8:00PM, Schaumburg B- Marvel vs DC: Comparing the movies, history, and AU’s of your favourite superheroes and heroines.

  10:00PM-11:00PM, Knowledge-The Rise of Deadpool: Your favourite vigilante used to be stuffed in the back of Marvel T-shirts, and now he’s moved on up to the front! Find out why he’s so awesome, and how he’s so awesome.

  Friday, 9:00PM-10:00PM, Nirvana B and C- Dexter: 18+, Bring ID! Want to talk about your favourite blood splatter analyst gone serial killer? Well this is definitely the place for you. Talk all things Dexter.

  Friday, 10:00PM-11:00PM, Schaumburg B- Hannibal; Where Did We Come From?: 18+, Bring ID. The surprising uproar on tumblr from the Fannibals was a shock to just about everyone, but where did they come from? Find out here.

  Friday, 10:00PM-11:00PM, Schaumburg D- The Hub: Dedicated to the fabulous John Barr-I mean the fabulous show, Torchwood! Show, character, plot, and all sorts of show talk.

  Friday, 10:00PM-11:00PM, Nirvana B and C- The Vampire Diaries: Sharp teeth, plenty of drama, and hot people. All about The Vampire Diaries!

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