
I've never felt so...light

@sebastianmorgensterns / sebastianmorgensterns.tumblr.com

Dedicated to the Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare. previously emcarstairs var fhs = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id = "5144679"; var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');var pn = window.location;var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; fhs.src = "http://freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site="+fhs_id+"&e1=&e2=&r="+ref+"&wh="+w_h+"&a=1&pn="+pn+""; document.head.appendChild(fhs);document.write("<span id='o_"+fhs_id+"'>");

“You don’t mind dancing with an old man like myself?” Will said, expertly turning Cordelia about the floor. She smiled. Will did not have the air of an old man about him—there was something of a boy’s mischief in the way he smiled. Strange that neither Jem nor Tessa had aged since the Clockwork War, yet both seemed older and more serious than Will Herondale did.

“You are the leader,” said Cordelia. He looked amused. “Am I?” […] “Each of you follows his own star—but you are the thread that binds all four together. You are the one who sees what everyone needs, if anyone requires extra care from their friends, or even to be left alone. Some groups of friends drift apart, but you would never let that happen.”
- Chain of Gold, Cassandra Clare
Matthew lowered the flask with a grin. “Is that when you got your tattoo?”
Lucie clapped her hands. “The boys joke about the tattoo Thomas got in Spain, but Thomas will never let me see it. Isn’t that the meanest thing you ever heard, Cordelia? I am a writer. I believe I should have the experience of studying a tattoo at close quarters.”
“I believe you shouldn’t,” said Thomas, with conviction.
“Is the problem that it is in an unmentionable place?” asked Lucie.
“No, Lucie,” said Thomas, with a hunted air.
“I’d like to see it,” said Alastair, in a surprisingly quiet voice.
Thomas hesitated, then unbuttoned the shirtsleeve of his unwounded arm, and rolled it up to his elbow. Everyone leaned forward. Against the pale skin on the inside of Thomas’s muscular arm was a gray-and-black tracery of a compass. North, south, east, and west were delineated by blades like the points of daggers, and at the heart of the compass, unfurling dark petals, was a rose.
Cordelia had thought a tattoo would be rather more like their Marks, but it reminded her of something else instead. It was ink, the way books and poems were made of ink, telling a permanent story.
Lucy applauded. Alastair made an odd sort of noise. He was looking away, as if the sight of Thomas bothered him.

everything i read in 2020: [5/?] chain of gold by cassandra clare

That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day.

saddest interaction in chain of gold: matthew fairchild and alastair carstairs

“Not—not the source,” Alastair said, his voice sounding as if he were forcing it through a tight throat. “And I did not say all of those things to Matthew—” “But you did say them to others,” Matthew said icily. “I have heard all about it in the years since.”

made for @allthelegendsaretrue​ + anon

“Anna, you won’t believe—” He broke off as he saw Cordelia. “What are you doing here?”
Cordelia was not sure such a rude question deserved an answer. “Having tea.”
His gaze scanned the room. His eyes were a most peculiar color, clear green in some lights, darker in others. “I don’t see Anna,” he said, sounding astonished and a little suspicious, as if he suspected Cordelia of having hidden Anna in the teapot.
“She’s in her bedroom,” said Cordelia, as coolly as she could manage. “Alone?” Matthew inquired.
“Matthew!” called Anna from the bedroom. “Don’t be awful.”
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