•heaven is my baby☪

@astroteens / astroteens.tumblr.com

ellie // 20 sag sun // cancer moon // aries rising all links

⭐️ anon hour ⭐️

I’m v bored sooo

• make me choose between two things • send me FMKs • tell me about what you dreamt last night • ask for advice • truth or dare? • tell me about your crush! • rant for a bit • confess your sins • send me song recs • ask for a doodle • tell me about your day • ask me random/weird questions • anything you want !!


If someone has very big eyelids they have cancer influences If someone has lots of moles its either aries or scorpio influences Aries influence can also give someone triangular eyebrows Leo influence gives thick hair Lots of earth in the chart gives somebody a “compact” looking body while lots of air stretches it or makes it lanky But pisces influence can also give a lanky body Gemini and aquarius gives an androgynous look, and to a lesser extent libra


In love, they teach:

Aries: Teaches that love is innocence Taurus: Teaches that love is patience Gemini: Teaches that love is awareness Cancer: Teaches that love is devotion Leo: Teaches that love is ecstasy Virgo: Teaches that love is pure Libra:  Teaches that love is beauty Scorpio: Teaches that love is passion Sagittarius: Teaches that love is honesty Capricorn: Teaches that love is wisdom Aquarius: Teaches that love is tolerance Pisces: Teaches that love is compassion

In love, they must learn: 

Aries: Must learn that love is trust Taurus: Must learn that love is forgiveness Gemini: Must learn that love is feeling Cancer: Must learn that love is freedom Leo: Must learn that love is humility Virgo: Must learn that love is fulfillment Libra: Must learn that love is harmony Scorpio: Must learn that love is surrendering Sagittarius: Must learn that love is loyalty Capricorn: Must learn that love is unselfish Aquarius: Must learn that love is oneness Pisces: Must learn that love is All


Male and female signs I know

Aries Male: Very awkward at first, super easy to approach. Laughs super loud and is actually v shy. Super playful and loving, caring for those close to him. Not one for anger unless provoked

Aries Female: Loves to argue with people but never means to hurt their feelings, passionate about who and what they love, actually super lazy but athletic. Creative as fuck and very cuddly

Taurus Male: Quite at first then super funny and loud, pretty random and like never cried. Really handsome and very fashionable, a born smooth talker and kinda insensitive

Taurus Female: Worried about something literally all the time, very sweet and scared of being a burden, likes to have fun and party, super chill and loves babies

Gemini Male: laughs a lot, super awkward but actually not awkward at all, open about certain things but also extremely closed off about others, loves videos games and fun people

Gemini Female: everyone thinks you’re a Bitch at first, super funny and actually really smart, random facts all the time about anything (usually never on topic), likes clean and kinda crowded spaces, loves people but hates them all

Cancer Male: really weird sense of humour, happy being alone, loves family a lot, refuses to let go of past relationships, super shy at first, hard working, actually a sensitive nerd

Cancer Female: actually super indecisive, never fucking tells you if they’re upset, loves random adventures as long as they have people they love with them, Netflix binges are a normal things

Leo Male: cocky as fuck but super insecure, loves attention, somehow always has money for food, laughs at his own jokes more than he laughs at other peoples, “what should I do with my hair?”

Leo Female: aggressive, likes to tease people (in a loving way), loves but hates being teased back, cries whenever they feel they’re not good enough, exaggerated storied, really funny

Virgo Male: unique style, cries when they get pissed off at someone they love, constantly stressed out, simple things make them laugh really hard, not very good at telling jokes, loves people way too much

Virgo Female: bad ass TBH, easily attached, cute style, lots of stories to tell, being around them is comforting, seems to have their life together basically all the time, lowkey freak

Libra Male: knows so many people but considered like 10 of them their friends, easily excited, good advice, good at making decisions for everyone but themselves, introvert who loves people

Libra Female: makes lots of weird noises, always has a story to tell, actually really stressed out, laughs a lot, constant confusion, “what should I do/get/pick/say/eat/buy/etc.?”

Scorpio Male: a dick in a funny way, quite at first, not afraid to tell you if you’re annoying, loves to tease, shares pics about sex on fb

Scorpio Female: will fight you, not afraid to talk to strangers, loves being home and doing nothing, hood playlists, dreams about relationships, their stories are important

Sagittarius Male: fuck boy, funny as fuck, not very loud, drinks a lot, rebel who cares too much about everything, once they’re attached they stay attached

Sagittarius Female: school makes them cry, lots of relationships that last a long time, cute style but wants to look bad ass, willing to fight u, memes

Capricorn Male: really quite but somehow everyone knows them, videos games all the time, can’t express feelings and breakdowns like one a year

Capricorn Female: actually pretty loud and fun, hard to keep in touch with, can’t fall out of love with that one person, critical of a lot of things without meaning to be

Aquarius Male: knows like everyone, meme master, laughs when you laugh, not talk to them for a year and then easily pick up convo like nothing happened

Aquarius Female: super cheeky, doesn’t really argue about anything, chill as fuck, loves loud and fun people, fascinated by people and the way they do things, delicate but will kick ur ass if they have to

Pisces Male: not good at expressing things, shy, v giggly, resting Bitch face, loner, comfortable to talk to

Pisces Female: aesthetic snapchat, love fun and lowkey dangerous things, once they hate you they hate you, weird sense of humour, in their own world



Anonymous asked:

For a romantic relationship would a composite chart or a synastry be better? Thank you :)

I like Synastry for seeing how people interact and where one persons planets fall in anothers houses. but I use Davidson instead of composite for what the overall theme of the relationship is, stelliums and house placements are interesting to look at for those. You’re welcome! :)


VENUS IN THE AIR SIGNS - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 

Gemini: - Gregarious, you are very friendly indeed. You love to communicate, and thoroughly enjoy good conversation. Change, variety, and making connections are things you deal easily with. You have many avenues to explore when it comes to relating, but you may prefer to keep it light when it comes to love. Always on the move, you have many different friends and places to go. Travel will appeal. 

Libra: - A socialite, you love decorum and etiquette, and relationships are for you the true test of the art of give and take. A peacemaker, preferring to ‘break-even’ rather than gain ground, you avoid harsh and crude actions, people or things. Reconciling, you truly appreciate care, concern, equality, gentleness, and acceptance. Having the approval of your partner is important to you, as you like to bounce ideas off others to gain a more balanced perspective. Tactical response and counter-support are your harmonising agents.

Aquarius: - Marriage for convention’s sake is your motto, and Venus here often prefers affection to be expressed in words. A friend’s friend, you love what is fair and democratic, and are happiest when you can spread your affection among peers. Venus in Aquarius tends toward detachment, and avoids involvements which might curtail independence. You love to work for a great cause or purpose, and toward making the world a better place.


Mercury In The Air Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Gemini: Yours is a lightning wit. You somehow know everything about everybody. Curious, you love finding things out – speculating, investigating. You are clever but not known for your deep thinking, and any and all kinds of communication satisfy. You are always exploring, testing. Debates, games, and puzzles please you. Quick.
Libra: Yours is a reflective mind, a mirror for others. You are equality-minded and easy to talk with - a great mediator or negotiator. You find it easy to accept the ideas and thoughts of others and to hear them out. You are good at relations (politics, diplomacy, sales), not to mention considerate, helpful, courteous and calm.
Aquarius: Original and clever, you thrive mentally on the abstract and dialectical. You are an impartial thinker, democratic to the point of being impersonal, and fascinated by the latest technology. Mercury is very much at home in this sign and it often produces the most innovative thinkers and inventors. Always thinking of the world as a unity, you are idealistic and believe in putting into practice what is preached. Group-conscious and future-oriented, often witty, quick and chatty, you find it easy to see through large concepts and schemes. When it comes to ‘mindgames’, others would find it you to be a most worthy opponent.



Signs as famous cities

Aries: Mexico City, Mexico (Colorful and bright)
Taurus: Rome, Italy (A lot of rich food)
Gemini: Chicago, Illinois, USA (A little bit of everything)
Cancer: Quebec, Canada (Known for polite attitudes there)
Leo: Los Angeles, California, USA (Known for fame and luxury)
Virgo: Berlin, Germany (Authority-like)
Libra: Paris, France (Romantic central)
Scorpio: New Orleans, USA (Very magnetic to people)
Sagittarius: New York, USA (Filled with diversity)
Capricorn: London, England (Formal and higher up)
Aquarius: Sydney, Australia (Social yet distanced)
Pisces: Vienna, Austria (Known for/ranked highly for music and art)

The signs in the middle of the night aesthetic

Aries: Walking down a dim street with the few people clearing out of work, you can hear far away chatter and music from bars, the feeling of being alive and human is so prominent you feel like dancing in the street, in the silence and far away background noise.
Taurus: Laying on a picnic blanket with a pet of some sort, watching the stars twinkle above, hearing the crickets all around you the way the trees are softly blowing, there is not a care in the world in your body at that moment.
Gemini: Eating ice cream at a 24 hour burger joint, watching the few people trickle in and out, the heaviness of night upon you, a flickering light across from you and the sweet giggles of a couple next to you, you've never felt happier sitting outside eating ice cream.
Cancer: At the beach, your feet dip in the sand and the stars lighting the world up, you can hear the ocean so clearly as though it got louder for you, every now and then it brushes against your toes and leaving you warm and content in this world.
Leo: Out with friends, standing outside of a club or a party, with the streets bright with lamps and the folk around outside drinking and talking loudly, the music indoors trickles out and the fresh cool air feels soft and sweet, and you feel entirely at ease.
Virgo: Perched on a rooftop with the wind blowing your hair everywhere and the coolness of night taking your whole body over, you can hear a wolf howling in the distance, but otherwise the world is silent and for once you feel so quiet and peaceful.
Libra: On a boat with a lover and the water is still and the moon is bright and heavy over you, you feel dewy and new and the air is moist and yet cold, you can smell the last rain and the world feels so clear and beautiful.
Scorpio: Laying in the middle of an empty road, music buzzing around somewhere far off and your eyes glued to the deep blue sky, feeling the hard ground below and the chill in your body from the delight of being out in the night, immersed in the sky.
Sagittarius: Sitting on a patio with a friend, wrapped in a giant blanket swapping crazy stories back and forth and feeling the warmth in the pit of your stomach from friendship, the moon lighting your faces and giving you the feel of eerie peace.
Capricorn: Sitting in a soft chair letting the moon light your face, feeling the relaxation of not doing anything, the sweet crisp air coming in from your open window and the absolute peace that flows through your body.
Aquarius: Drawing with glow in the dark chalk, on the middle of an empty road, creating a masterpiece for the world to see, humming along with crickets in the bushes and feel ease and comfort and loving to have a little time alone, and not caring a bit about what the rest of the world is doing.
Pisces: Snuggled in bed with a giant pillow and unable to sleep because the moon is so wide and bright and your eyes are glued to it, the beautiful stars winking at you and the happy feeling of being included in the night, of almost being a part of the skies show. The dancing stars and the glowing moon, and there you are included in it all.

Moon In The Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 

Cancer: - Moon in Cancer is happiest when it has a secure, protective base from which to operate, for Cancer is the sign in which the Moon is most nurturing - good at creating the right conditions for things to grow and flourish. You are also very sensitive, sensing and understanding the moods and feelings of others. This makes you excellent at counseling and nursing. You are quite emotional, and have a natural sense of that which pleases, knowing the mood of the masses. You can be overly protective or protected, but this makes you good at parenting and creating a home - a sense of place and belonging. The pull of the past is strong, and you may take an interest in history, ancestry and genealogy. Stay open and receptive to the environment, for this will serve to help you develop the finely-tuned intuitive ‘knowing’ this Moon sign is noted for.   

Scorpio: - Yours is a passionate emotional life. Intense feelings and strong attachments make for hot times. You are fiercely loyal. Moon in Scorpio is secretive and not at all superficial. When displaying how you feel about a particular person or situation, its really ‘all or nothing’ with you. You take more than you give emotionally, and this may be due to unresolved issues from your early upbringing. However, this is also an excellent Moon placement for business, detective work and the like, giving you a keen sense for power and 'behind the scenes’ operations. 

Pisces: - Intuition is a fact of life, and you are sensitive, kind and gentle. A romantic with a tender heart, you love all that is musical and artistic. All of these aspects make you highly imaginative and idealistic. Strongly receptive, you can pick up on others’ moods and emotions like a sponge. You have great empathy with the underdog and victims generally but must constantly beware of the tendency to see yourself as one and avoid the 'woe is me’ lifestyle. There is also a hunger for emotional nourishment and for the ideal life. Don’t be afraid to dream your impossible dream!


Anonymous asked:

sorry if this is a dumb question but what is a saturn return?

not a dumb question! you’re just curious and that’s great lol

saturn return is when it reaches your saturn sign again(completes an orbit around the sun). it happens every 28-30 years or so and usually indicates huge personal changes regarding career or life lessons. it isn’t always bad but it unfortunately has a reputation of being so. i interpret it as times in a person’s life where they need to slow down and really think about what’s good for themselves (if you aren’t already that kind of person). it’s a thinking and decision time. some may have a harder time with it than others, depending on their saturn sign/placement/aspects/ other stuff. i’m glad you asked, because now i feel like i understand it better by explaining lol.


Cheat-Sheet: Lilith - Our Dark Side

Lilith is not a happy placement, she is known as the abuser, she exploits and she kills. It is the darkness in us.

My darkness….

Lilith in Aries: Is overbearing, is violent and aggressive, needs to dictate, enjoys conflict

Lilith in Taurus: Is greedy, manipulates others with money, does not cooperate

Lilith in Gemini: Is manipulative, uses words as weapons, is two faced

Lilith in Cancer: Is jealous and manipulative, enjoys keeping a hold on others

Lilith in Leo: Is self-centered and non-considerate, needs attention and admiration

Lilith in Virgo: Is critical and merciless, needs to be right no matter what the cost

Lilith in Libra: Is jealous and possessive, needs to be in control of relationships

Lilith in Scorpio: Is manipulative and cunning, enjoys power games over others

Lilith in Sagittarius: Is self-righteous, has a sense of god-given right

Lilith in Aquarius: Enjoys playing god over others, wreaks chaos for fun

Lilith in Pisces: Manipulates reality, is elusive and aloof

This darkness is present in my…

Lilith in the 1st House: Appearance and presence

Lilith in the 2nd House: Material objects

Lilith in the 3rd House: Nature of communication with others

Lilith in the 4th House: Family setting

Lilith in the 5th House: Creative expression

Lilith in the 6th House: Work life and attitude towards health

Lilith in the 7th House: Personal relationships

Lilith in the 8th House: Sex life and attitude towards death and the occult

Lilith in the 9th House: Religious/personal beliefs

Lilith in the 10th House: Reputation and career life

Lilith in the 11th House: Social life and place in society

Lilith in the 12th House: Dreams and methods of escapism

@astrollusion You forgot about Capricorn Lilith.

Fixed it

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