
@119k / 119k.tumblr.com


who on here ???

“Dear old soul, on this planet right now, you incarnated on purpose. Your purpose is to show and mirror the face of God, the face of Spirit, the face of the Creator, of your Soul, to mirror that in 3D as you walk from place to place. Your purpose is to show those around you what it’s like to have wisdom, what it’s like to have benevolence, and kindness instead of all the other things that perhaps they are used to seeing with individuals around the planet.”

— Kryon


It will come, it has to.. there is no other way.


It will come, it has to.. there is no other way.


I think the hardest part is releasing yourself, detaching yourself from the story, from the narrative you keep repeating about your life. When you start to look at events and your past experiences as just that — as experiences, as something that you go through, but not as something that you are. You can begin to release and heal yourself from your story. You can move beyond it. Living an exceptionally amazing life isn’t far out of reach. It is something you build and experience daily. But you can’t create that life, if you are still holding onto the narrative of the old you — of what has been done to you, and what you have gone through. Take a step back from that story, and see your reality for what it is. A play. In which, in this moment and aspect of reality, the star of the show is you. Where you have the power to write the ending how you want to.


Final card for the Strength - Powerful, yet gentle -  we absolutely have the strength that is required of us. Inner strength, fortitude and a softer approach – not force – will win a difficult and challenging situation.

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