
PLL Addiction

@plleralynne / plleralynne.tumblr.com


Liam was busy reading over a manuscript when Jillian walked past him towards the public relations and marketing “department.” In actuality, the group of six or so colleagues were situated only a couple rows of cubicles away in a somewhat open atmosphere at the office.

“Good morning, team,” she announced, causing the group to smile and look up at her. “As you may already know, our authors Aria Montgomery and Ezra Fitz were married over the weekend,” she began.

Liam stopped what he was doing and tuned into the conversation without looking away from his screen. Yeah, he knew Ezra had proposed some time ago, but he tried to block it from his brain. It still stung a little. Knowing they were now married wasn’t settling well with his breakfast. Aria Fitz. Ugh. “But it has nothing to do with Ezra” my ass, he thought. Their breakup had everything to do with him.

“I would like you to draft a short congratulatory message for our social media platforms,” she added. “Their photographer has allowed us to use one of his photos as long as we tag his business page. I just sent the wedding details over in an email. Run it by me before it goes live.”

Jillian loved the fact that Aria had started dating Ezra. She was over the moon when she spotted a ring on Aria’s finger during a meeting shortly after. She never said it out loud, but the office knew her excitement was driven by the ideal marketing opportunity. Two authors fell in love while writing a love story? The talk shows would eat them up. The readers would swoon. It made Liam queasy. It’s not that he still wanted to be with her, but no one wants to be constantly reminded of a failed relationship—or that he inadvertently directed her into the arms of her former lover and teacher.

The team asked Jillian a few questions. Should they refer to them as the Fitzes now? Where were they going on their honeymoon? Jillian was happy to answer their questions before returning to her office.

Liam didn’t want to see how Jillian would react when the two started their family.


sleepinthegarden: Today closes the chapter on a very significant part of my life. A chapter I had never imagined or even dreamt of having written. When I left collage I thought I was headed to NYC (hopefully for some jobs on stage) Little did I know life was actually taking me to Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Where they insisted I would need to do high school for about 6 more years. Life (for reasons that will continue to reveal themselves to me ) made me a Pretty Little Liar. For 8 years. For around 10,000 hours of my life it asked me to be Spencer Hastings. It took me to days where I couldn’t stop laughing, and nights when I wished I could have been sleeping in bed, instead of running in the wet and cold for the umpteenth take at 5AM but somehow we made it through and we had fun even then. Every moment with this cast and crew, in this town, every breath I took with Spencer, every text, dead body, new suspect, terrifying scream, new relationship and “kisses, A” taught me something extraordinary. It taught me patience, and how to approach my craft, how to direct, produce, it taught me about collaboration, experimentation, risk, friendship, family, empathy, sacrifice and above all LOVE. Being Spencer Hastings in this crazy world is something I still don’t quite understand, but I know it was a rare and beautiful gift. A gift that will continue to give for the rest of my days on this Earth. And I wanted to say THANK YOU to all of the people who gave it to me. To all of the people who believed in me and made it possible, to my friends and family who loved me through it and above all to YOU, the fans, who watched, who tweeted, and posted, who theorized, swooned and screamed. We got a lot out of this experience, but I would have been nothing without you. Thank you and I love you all very much. (I love you too, Spencer, you weirdo). Enjoy tonight. I know I will. #pllendgame #spencerhastings

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