
@zeldacourage /

Hi, I'm ZeldaCourage. I like to draw stuff and I love everything about video games. I'm really into Naruto right now, I guess.

I honestly don’t get why people are like “they’re just trolling” to dismiss hateful comments. Like, I know…? And…….?

“Oh, haha, don’t worry. They’re only hurting you out of malice! They don’t have any principles!” hahahaha, I’m more worried now.


“It’s okay! They’re not actually racist, they just wanted you to THINK they’re racist.”

Flaunting the fact that this hate can come from anywhere, at any time, with literally no repercussions for it is super comforting thanks Jillian.


in skyrim i married a homeless man and even though we are married and he lives in my huge fuckin house he still wears rags and asks me to give him 1 gold whenever i see him

that’s just what men are like


Lake Superior Monster

People who have never seen Lake Superior do not often understand how deadly and terrifying it can be. I’ve been asked many times if there is a monster legend associated with the lake, because I am an American highway legend specialist and Scottish folklorist. There are a few legends associate with the lake. For example, there is an old Anishinaabe legend that there is a sturgeon in Lake Superior that can swallow an entire city. 

However, when I have been asked this question, I often respond:

The lake is the monster.

There are old sailor’s superstitions still current among sailors and residents of the towns around the lake. I learned many of them while working on the water one summer and gaining a newfound respect for Lake Superior’s incredible power. There is a sense among the people there that the lake itself is sentient.

One example of the lake’s power is a phenomenon called The Three Sisters. This is when three rogue waves form and wash across a ship so quickly that the water does not have time to clear the decks. Many shipwrecks have been caused by The Three Sisters, most notably the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. The ship was found at the bottom of the lake split in half, and it is thought that The Three Sisters were responsible for its sinking.

Lake Superior is also so cold that it doesn’t allow the bacterial growth necessary for dead bodies to rise to the surface. The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead, as the old legend goes. There are many shipwrecks where the bodies are still there, almost perfectly intact despite having been down there for years.

The lake is a force of nature on its own, and as one explorer said, the most dangerous piece of water in the world.

The lake is the monster.


More discourse on the Terrifying Great Lakes. 


what made the witcher 3 great:

  • animations
  • story-telling
  • depth of characters including NPCs
  • lack of repetitive side quests
  • more of a main story than irrelevant side content 
  • genuinely difficult and morally grey decisions

what other developers actually include when they say they’re using TW3 as inspiration:

  • open world map
  • literally nothing else 
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