
RIP to our Fallen Black Brothers and Sisters

@theolwhiteandblue / theolwhiteandblue.tumblr.com

Idk anymore. A lot of what is happening is making me depressed. I don't know if I can do this anymore? So many dead, so many atrocities.

The Minneapolis police are back to publicly being terrorists now that George Floyd’s death is out of the media cycle.

Directly from the article:

Bayle Adod Gelle was deep in sleep late Wednesday night at his home in Eden Prairie when he heard loud banging on the door.

The intensity of the sound at 2:15 a.m. left Bayle confused. He trudged down the stairs from his second-floor bedroom. As soon as he reached the living room, he found his wife there—surrounded by more than a dozen officers from the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office. The officers allegedly pointed their guns at him and his wife, Bayle said, and then tied their hands tightly with a cord.

Awakened by the bangs and commotion, three children—ages 4, 7, and 9— joined their parents in the living room. Officers allegedly pointed guns at them, too, Bayle said.

“I felt very scared,” Bayle said in an interview with Sahan Journal at his home Thursday evening, some 14 hours after the police raid. “I thought they were going to kill us.”

The police search felt like it took forever—maybe two hours, he said. Bayle kept asking the officers who they were and why they’d come to his house. (In the end, the police appear to have found nothing, and took no evidence with them, Bayle said.)

They told him “shut up,” he recalled.

Bayle said the officers ransacked the house and never showed him a search warrant— until the end. That’s when they told him his son had been killed.

Bayle said that until that moment, he had no idea that nearly 8 hours earlier Minneapolis Police officers had fatally shot his 23-year-old son, Dolal Bayle Idd, in an altercation at a Holiday gas station in south Minneapolis. It was the first police killing in Minneapolis since Officer Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd about a dozen blocks away.

they had to move out of their house on new year’s eve to a nearby mosque.

please share, I haven’t seen anyone talking about this


"All of a sudden Mitch McConnell is 'worried' that someone in America might get a $2,000 check 'who doesn't need it.'

Funny. He had no problem giving a $1.4 billion tax break to Charles Koch and his family with a net worth of $113 billion.

He had no problem giving a $560 million tax break to Sheldon Adelson, the casino tycoon who is worth $34.3 billion.

He had no problem giving a $104 million tax refund to Amazon over the past three years combined after it made $30 billion in profits.

He had no problem giving a $1 trillion tax break to the top one percent and profitable corporations.

Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs. They have lost their incomes. They have depleted their life savings. They are going hungry. And they are scared to death that they will be evicted from their homes.

I say to Senator McConnell: Start worrying about the people in this country who are hurting and not just your billionaire campaign contributors.

Stop blocking legislation from coming to the floor which would provide a $2,000 direct payment that the working class of this country desperately needs.

Let the Senate vote, Mitch!"

- Sen. Bernie Sanders


We’re OK with letting them have this BAR though:

Reblogging for the “shut the nazis down while they are being ‘nice’ before they escalate and become a more serious problem.”

Don’t talk to bigots. Don’t ‘debate’ bigots. Don’t let them talk you into ‘having a civil conversation.’

The worst atrocities in the world started with people downplaying the early warning signs.


cw: anti-Black violence




Dec. 13, 2020

Racial terrorists known as “Proud Boys” steal BLM banners from D.C churches and burn the banners. Police presence amounted to protecting the terrorists, facing counter-protestors instead. Police allegedly blamed BLM for the domestic terror and assaults carried out by Trump’s base.

Michigan’s legislature’s office buildings will be closed on Monday because of “credible threats of violence” but details of the threats were not released. Michigan’s capital was stormed earlier this year by armed white nationalists, who also threatened to kidnap the state’s governor.


tbh we really need to have a conversation about digital poverty cos assuming all students have both their own laptop and a reliable wifi connection stinks of classism


One of the only good ways Oregon has handled the pandemic is they handed every student a laptop and a hotspot. And you still have kids in my district who can't attend school because their houses don't have power. Even if it was normal times and kids can go to school how can you expect them to learn properly when they go home to dark houses in the middle of winter?

The biggest barrier to education is poverty and the first step to equity is addressing that.


That's because the leak isn't in their room. If their room is leaking, something better be done about it. If someone else's room is leaking, then whoever's room it is must deal with it or get out.


This is the only subreddit

Nestle is involved deeply in child slavery for their chocolate products

Nestle lies to mothers in Africa by offering free baby formula to breastfeeding mothers, lying, insulting, harassing, coercing these mothers and saying their products are healthier than real breastmilk (lies) long enough to get them to stop lactating, and then Nestle starts charging huge prices for baby formula to these mothers. Babies starved. Nestle wants this.

Nestle is trying to privatize water rights, make it illegal to collect rainwater, and is trying to kill os off due to thirst.

Nestle is about on par, karmaically, with the aliens in Independence Day (1996)


A good summary that still only cover like, the basics of what Nestlé does. They're right down evil.



“Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Ilhan Omar introduced a new bill Tuesday that would aim to provide free meals each weekday to all school children in the U.S. Students would be able to receive free breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack at school, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The bill would also support families in the summer by providing an additional $60 per month on EBT cards.”

this law needs to be passed it’ll literally save millions of struggling families


One of the things that’s already begun to happen is the mass exodus of white people from affluent cities and neighborhoods into the hood due to covid unemployment. And thus the mass gentrification process has begun.

And it is gentrification by the way. Y’all have to kill this idea that white people who’ve fallen on harder times aren’t gentrifiers. They absolutely are.

Look at the asks I’m getting. You can litterally see where the gentrification starts.

The framing of everything is “why are you being mean to these poor, sad, destitute, white people!? They have no choice but to move into these poor neighborhoods!” The expectation is for me to feel sorry for white people who are coming to live....in a place I already live.

Once again, the neighborhoods y’all move into when you struggle are the neighborhoods we grow up in. My neighborhood is so black, dominoes won’t deliver after the sun goes down. But you know what? We’re happy and feel lucky to be here. You know why? Because we know what you don’t know and that’s that 2 streets down is the hood. And 4 streets down from that is the projects. So we’re happy to be in our little black neighborhood.

But you? You move in full of despair. You hate being here. You feel at a disadvantage to be here. You hate our culture. You hate our cookouts, our loud music, the bass at 4 am rolling through, the weed smell, the fact that we leave our dogs chained up outside, the fact that we have pitbulls, the fact that we don’t really cut the grass like that, you bemoan everything about us.

And as more of your cracker friends move in you cling together. You don’t know our names but you look at us like we’re the intruders in our own neighborhoods, you start talking shit, you start wanting to “make improvements”, and worst of all you start calling the fucking police.

So we start getting arrested, assaulted, more of you move in, our rent goes up, we move out, you’re building a “home owners association,” you’ve got us all too scared to listen to our music or cook out anymore, the rent goes up some more, we leave, more of you move in, and suddenly our little black neighborhood that wasn’t the nicest but not the worst is full of white faces. White faces that peer at the few black people left. You make them so miserable they’ll leave anyway.

And all of this? Big money hasn’t even touched it yet. You bring gentrification with you as a poor white because you bring racism with you. You bring your privilege and upwards mobility with you. You bring your “improvement” mindset with you.

So no. I don’t feel sorry for poor white people at all.

Fuck y’all. Stay out of my neighborhood and go live with the white trash.

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