
Zayn tho 👑

@deityzayn / deityzayn.tumblr.com

-Sandra. 18. - I just really love Zayn's stupid ass 😍

‘if i can be remembered as the man who did what he wanted to do and if i can remain authentic to what i believe in i will consider myself successful. success cant be measured by other peoples judgements’- a wise man ie zayn malik




Reporters arrested for doing their jobs by Donald Trump

Alexander Rubenstein, RT America

Even Engel, Vocatic

Jack Keller, Story of America


Aaron Cantu, Truth-Out

Matt Hopard, Independent Journalist

Shay Horse, Photojournalist

These are the 6 people arrested by the Trump Administration and charged with felonies for doing their job and covering unrest at the inauguration.  Their press credentials are being ignored and the basic protections of Freedom of the Press are, for the time being, suspended.

Look at these faces.  They are but the first unless we stop it.

mmmm accusations with no sources  or explanations! YUMMY!

Right I hate when people are like this happened! But never provide sources.

I didn’t provide sources because it’s literally international headlines.

Guardian (UK)

Russia Today (Russia)

Associated Press (Assorted)

Both Conservatives and Liberals are hitting him on this.  Fucking FOX News even.

Literally even just googling any of the names would have told you this.  Don’t act as if the claims were unverifiable.


I like how if you speak a language that comes from latin you can basically understand italian, spanish and portuguese while french is just like jemtuoilugduparisgujilk

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