
Effervescent Opalescent

@fraggle-spooky-rockerrr / fraggle-spooky-rockerrr.tumblr.com

Clusterfuck Artist Witch (29)  Add me on Discord: Trickpie_Ghoul#5532

The Witch of ‘Too Much’

Were you ever ‘too much’? 

Witches usually are- we grow up being ‘too much’. You saw too much, you asked too much, you knew too much. You read too much in school and you talked too much in class. When you got home, you loved too many things; stray cats, birds with broken wings, and sickly houseplants at the back of the grocery store. You had too many ratty books 'rescued’ from the libraries burn pile, and your bedroom had too much junk; rocks, seashells, bits of paper, half-finished crafts….sound familiar?

You were probably punished for your too much. You learned to push it down, to cover it up and pretend to walk with your eyes forward and your brain empty like everyone else. You knew there was more, knew that someone or something out there could help you find more, but you were stuck with 'enough’.

But over the years, your 'too much’ began sprouting through the cracks, didn’t it? Like dandelions defying the toxic concrete above them, your true self breaks through into the sunlight again and again. And just like a dandelion, I promise that each time you’re free, you brighten everything around you. Sometimes you draw attention to a flaw in the system, even while showing how that flaw doesn’t have to be one at all. Other times, your’s are the actions that say, 'This is okay! This is exciting, look, I’m doing it!’

In my personal opinion, that’s what makes a 'natural witch’. That’s the origin of the crooked path. The dirt trail that deviates from the main road, and those who dare to walk it, are where we find real magic. There’s power in repetition, yes. In tradition, and following the steps of those before you. But there’s also power in seeking, in trying and searching and finding until you’re laying there absolutely exhausted, but satisfied at last with what you found.

Real witches are an endangered species. No one minds the armchair wizard, who collects secret tomes but has never done a single ritual. They’re tame. They’re safe. But the witches who walk with open eyes and pointing fingers, well, those are nuisances. They demand change, and work both mundanely and magically for it. They’re loud, they’re brash, they’re WEIRD…

…they’re 'too much’.

And thank all the Gods for them.

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