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i’m sorry but there is no way you could have stopped me from standing on my chair and screeching like a banshee if i saw this live…




“ballet isn’t a sport”

The thing about this is, you can barely see their muscles straining from effort. The effort to keep each other and themselves balanced, definitely, but that guy’s hand is barely shaking. The amount of training and strength and balance to go into this is fucking insane.


Ballet is raw AF


Mother cat with kittens came to meet an old friend.


I can’t believe we’ve already found the best animal video of 2016.

That is too adorable. You can tell the mother cat actually does trust the dog just by her body language. Typically a mother will watch her kittens closely and be very protective of them, here she completely trusts the dog to play gentle with them. This is just too damn cute.


When he bops the kitten and looks up at Mom to make sure he didn’t overstep!

The dog is trying to make himself as non-threatening as possible!!

tarot reader: now I will show you your fortune
me: cool I guess
tarot reader: why is every card death, what the fuck, I don't even have that many death cards
me: figures

Floating Worlds by Catherine Nelson

Catherine Nelson  born in Sydney 1970 is a visual artist who uses the digital medium to paint images together into personal and imaginary landscapes. Trained as a painter in Sydney and London and with years of experience in the creation of visual effects for feature films like Moulin Rouge and Harry Potter, she now has dedicates her skills to her own art work combining the techniques from both these worlds into a new contemporary art medium. Drawing upon hundreds of nature photographs, Nelson digitally stitches together each element in a process that takes months to complete. She now combines technique and experience to create these unique and imaginative landscapes, each one becoming its own detailed microcosm.

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home - run with us.

posted by Margaret


Oh my god



oh my god I can’t believe it!!!!!!! I actually got my wig basically back into the condition that it was in when it was brand new!!!!!! DAMN I did NOT expect a result like that holy shit I’m so happily surprised since it was SO tangled and greasy like omg so I’m gonna explain what I did so hopefully other people can fix their own wigs in the future!!!!!

  1. first, I washed the wig. I put the wig on a wig head on top of a guitar stand so that it was elevated and none of the hair was touching the ground. I got a spray bottle, filled it with 3 squirts of regular shampoo, 4 squirts of regular conditioner, 2 squirts of dish soap, and the rest with water and shook it up so it was combined. then I sprayed the wig all over until it was coated, rubbed the solution into the wig hair, and then brought the wig into the shower running cold water and rubbed the solution into the hair more before washing it all out.
  2. secondly, I filled the sink with a solution of diluted fabric softener. i put one capful of fabric softener in the sink and filled the rest with water. i put my wig in the solution and let it sit overnight.
  3. in the morning, i took the wig out of the solution and rinsed off any fabric softener in the shower again with cold water. i squeezed the water out of the wig and then took a towel and squeezed any other water out of the wig.
  4. now this is the part that took forever lmao. while the wig was still wet, I carefully brushed all of the tangles in the entire wig with both a wig brush and a plastic comb. the fabric softener solution helped to loosen up all of the tangles. working in small sections, and from working from the bottom to the top from each section, i was finally able to brush out all of the tangles. after each section, again i would combine the completed sections and brush them as a whole. this took well over an hour haha
  5. then, i let the wig sit for 5 or so hours and air dry.
  6. and finally, i straightened the entire wig. again, working in small sections, i had my straightener on a fairly high setting and straightened each section, with emphasis on the bottom, because that’s where the wig was super frizzy and gross. after each section, again i would combine the completed sections and straighten them as a whole. this also took over an hour lmao orz

and there you have it!!!! my wig is good as new!!!! i was so surprised because it is such a long and thick wig i didn’t think i would be able to make it look as good as it does!!! i hope this can help other people who have horribly tangled/frizzy wigs to recover as well!!

for those who want to start wearing wigs!

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