


Mya( ^ω^ ).MINOR//SFW BLOG


(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”

(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”

✿\(。-_-。) “Kick his ass, baby.  I got yo flower.”

i found it

the original post

i found it

this should have the opportunity to be on everyone’s blog. 



I’m honestly in tears. I am incredibly upset, I am shaking, I am furious. I need this post to reach as many people as possible, because I want everyone to be aware about this and we need to work together to help bring this young girl home safely. I have a lot of followers so I’m hoping this will spread quickly so more people are aware of this.

This is Kennedi High. You may have seen her circling through your dashboard. She’s 16 years old and she has gone missing, and so far everyone has pieced together through her snapchat story that something is really, really wrong. She’s acting funny, and recently her snapchat story has been updated: “I’m with this other man and he telling me I’m never going back home to see my family.” A lot of people think this may be a case of sex trafficking, and it most likely is, and I’m honestly terrified for her. 

She’s originally from Baltimore, MD, though it’s said that she may currently be in the Mountain View California region. Please spread this if you can, reblog any other posts you find about her and get this story out. I’m absolutely sickened and shaken and I just want her to be safe. This is so important to me.

Not to mention, there’s been reports of over 64,000 black girls missing across the United States, and it’s most likely due to sex trafficking. 64,000 black girls. That’s just crazy. This is terrifying and needs more media coverage, this needs to be spread everywhere. We need to protect black girls. They need our help.

If you guys have any more information to add to this post or correct, please please feel free. I’ll try to add any other updates I find on the situation. In the meantime, if you can, please this reblog or any other posts relating to Kennedi and spread the word. Tell everyone about it. This needs everyone’s attention.


“i’m not complete yet, but i’m more than perfect already” – weightlifting fairy kim bok joo (2016)


Meaning of your birthday in Japanese

1日:欠片(かけら): Fragment 2日:天使(てんし):Angel 3日:涙(なみだ):Tears 4日:証(あかし): Evidence 5日:夢(ゆめ):Dream 6日:心(こころ):Heart 7日:しずく: Drops 8日:ようせい:Fairy 9日:音楽(おんがく):Music 10日:光(ひかり):Light 11日:鮫(さめ):Shark 12日:けっしょう:Crystal 13日:ささやき:Whisper 14日:おつげ: Prediction 15日:おぼじない: Spell 16日:偽り(いつわり):Lie 17日:祈り(いのり):Pray 18日:猫(ねこ):Cat 19日:みちするべ: Signpost 20日:熊(くま):Bear 21日:保護者(ほごしゃ): Guardian 26日:バナナ:Banana 27日:狼(おおかみ):Wolf 28日:翼(つばさ):Wings 29日:お土産(おみやげ): Souvenir 30日:かいとう:Thief 31日:妄想(もうそう):Delusion Month: 1月:月(つき):Moon 2月:愛(あい):Love 3月:空(そら):Sky 4月:水(みず):Water 5月:花(はな):Flower 6月:宇宙(うちゅう): Space 7月:太陽(たいよう):Sun 8月:星(ほし):Star 9月:森(もり):Forest 10月:影(かげ):Shadow 11月:天(てん):Heaven 12月:雪(ゆき):Snow

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