
times like these

@boysinperil / boysinperil.tumblr.com

BoysInPeril. BiP. Deb. This is for fun and fandom and very rare bitching about real life stuff where no one I know in real life will ever see it. Sometimes I write, but I'm more likely to make podfic (on AO3 I'm BiP). I blog mostly Supernatural, which is tumblr's fault, although right now it's all Ineffable Husbands all the time. Football is totally a fandom, especially the Saints. Shut up. Any Whedonverse but mostly Firefly. Umbrella Academy. Sherlock Holmes, Wire in the Blood, Jericho, Haven, Sleepy Hollow, Hannibal, MCU. Leverage, lots of Leverage (my ot3 is canon!). I have a thing for the Reluctant Hero and the Stoic Woobie. I multi-ship like you would not believe, in that I usually choose one character to fixate on and then read/ship them with anyone at all. Grace Hanadarko, Meg v2.0, Natasha Romanov, and Peggy Carter are my queens. I love meta and hate wank but find that it's often a fine fine line. I'm random on tagging and occasionally post spoilers and nsfw stuff, proceed at your own risk. Note that I am An Old Woman On Tumblr/In Fandom; if that will distress you please do not follow or engage. Well, no; engage, it'll be fun.

Thesis Motivation 1-3

This is what I feel like having ADHD medication must be like. Fucking hell. Clear, consistent, no crash. Actually getting stuff done. Please let the next 3 days be the same.


Clarity 5-6. Okay so here’s the final on this blend - less brain fog overall but an inability to focus on a project for more than 15-20 minutes, very distractible. Interesting side note, hunger/mindless eating is diminished. Ate half a sandwich and set down the rest.



Another AO3 app that's pretending to be official when it's not (or at least isn't making it clear its unofficial.) They're using AO3's name and logo, and embedding ads.

There is no official AO3 app

Someone else is gathering your data, potentially your log in information etc and making use of it how they please. (They say they're not but their privacy policy says otherwise)

They are making money from the ads without the fic writer's consent.

They've also rated it Pegi 3 (which is ludicrous)

Please, even if you care about nothing else, for the safety of your data, please don't use this app. Certainly don't give it your AO3 log in details.

I've told AO3 that it's infringing on its copyright. I will be requesting they remove access of my work as I do not consent to my creative content being used to generate ad revenue for them.

I will be reporting it as incorrectly rated.

The only email address I can find is Narusta@gmail.com which is included in their privacy policy, and boboxway13@gmail.com as their developer.





look, fandom as a whole certainly has its own built-in biases and problems that need to be addressed 

but like

every so often i think about all of the deep, nurturing lifelong friendships that only ever happened because one day two internet strangers were like ‘oh hey, we agree on which fictional characters should kiss!’

people who are right now helping each other survive via connections they initially forged by liking the same sailor moon girl or something

the internet is a goddamn garbage pit but it is also a goddamn miracle


Clarity 3-4: still a tiny bit of nausea early on but nothing I can’t deal with. Brain isn’t foggy, I can make lists at least, but hard to stay focused on a task more than about 20 minutes, easily distracted. Not doing as much doomscrolling, so I guess thats a bonus! 😂


There's a post going around Tumblr about how if you're post-menopausal and have bleeding, you should get it checked by your doctor. I brought some minor bleeding I'd had up in a doctor visit earlier this year, prompted by that post, and this week, after a biopsy, I found out I have cancer. It's early stage and the survival odds at 5 years are 99%. I have an oncologist appointment and we may have caught it early enough that surgery alone will be sufficient treatment (no radiation/chemo).

So that post may have saved my life and it may have made my treatment a lot easier too.

If you get into menopause and then start bleeding again, really, get your reproductive innards checked out. The life you save may be your own.


Clarity 1 - rush of nausea about 30 minutes in, very short duration. Midday sleepy. Enough focus to get through emails, but would rather be moving.

Clarity 2 - 30 minute nausea less today. Also less sleepy. Hard to get my head to focus on one thing.


I've never watched a single episode of spn but I've been thinking about the implications of being stuck inside a meme


"Show us, not tell us."

~Supernatural Then and Now podcast. BONUS CLIP: Ben Edlund Talks

They couldn't TELL US. So they kept SHOWING US. Over and over and over again.

Dean and Cas loved each other. They were IN LOVE. BOTH OF THEM. Dean was never allowed to "tell us" but he "showed us" constantly.

"Ok, we know what the subtext is, bury is a little bit"



Thought it would be nice to have ALL the parts for the South Downs Cottage series in ONE post ;)

+ bonus sketch under the cut


Aziraphale shielding Crowley from water

and Crowley shielding Aziraphale from fire

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