

@838pm / 838pm.tumblr.com

10 year tumblr veteran

"Not having a carrd is a red flag!" No a red flag is you thinking you're entitled to a little pamphlet full of someone else's information.

Everyone saying something like "Yeah you just need to put [x] in your bio!" is missing the point.

This is the internet privacy version of the “yeah makeup culture is terrible...all you really need is foundation, mascara, and concealer and you look totally natural!” post


Certain words can change your brain forever and ever so you do have to be very careful about it.


Lemmings don’t jump off of cliffs unless they’re being chased. Frogs don’t stay in boiling water unless they’ve been lobotomized first. Crabs don’t pull each other back into the bucket unless they are desperately and randomly grabbing for anything to try to get themselves out, out of fear for their lives.

Actions taken in specific, negative conditions don’t exemplify the nature of all beings.

Before you mock a sheep for staying with the flock, ask what dogs nip at its heels when it strays too far, and what wolves wait just beyond the edge of the pasture.

While we’re at it, “alpha males” don’t appear in wolf packs unless they’re in captivity.


ursula k le guin was right

all of it, more or less

Oh go on, swing the bat at the hornet’s nest, post her takes on Watership Down


That’s the bunny!

I’m not going to trouble the OP of this post with more notes by fighting with people in the comments but. If people want to fight about knowing less about Watership down than I do they are welcome


So crazy that Gaylors invent broad LGBT subtext in her songs out of wholecloth when they could just listen to Utada Hikaru instead.

Listen, okay? Simple And Clean, probably one of Utada's most famous songs due to being used for Kingdom Hearts, is a song about forbidden love and complicated situations that very specifically never genders either of the people involved in this relationship.

Utada "What makes you think I'm straight?" Hikaru did this on purpose.

also they're openly non-binary


the self care industry will sell you face masks and teas and whatnot so i'm here to remind you not to forget the most important self care activity which is masturbation


idk how everyone isnt hopelessly infatuated with chickadees. they say their own names. got real close to one yesterday and it was so small and round. it looked like a toy. no way you’re real, i said. but it was. and it did a sick lil hop down to a new branch

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