
Im Just A Transboy In Love With A Transgirl


Hello I'm Erick! I'm a 19 year old transguy. I've been on testosterone since August 18th 2015. Pre-op. Not for long though. I'm engaged to my fiancée who happens to be a translady! @veritasinchains
My lady is selling bracelets to help fund our ideas to help bring positive change to the trans community. https://www.etsy.com/shop/BunBunClaireDesigns Is the link!
Come say hi and everyone is welcome to ask questions as long as they are respectful
Me age 12: gosh I hope my boobs grow because then boys will like me! Isn't wearing a bra cool I hope I get *real* one soon! I wonder what foods I can eat to get more breast tissue...
Me now: hello yes I would like a refund

Your experiences as a middle class white trans person in a liberal city is not the universal trans experience. Stop acting like it is.

Middle class white trans masc person***

Trans masc people don't have it easier than transfeminine people. It's just that we have different problems than them.


25 Reasons Why Periods Suck

1. You constantly feel like you have to pee, when in reality, YOU DON’T.

2. You are forced to choose between sticking a foam thingamajig up “there,” or walking around with a diaper for a week.

3. You crave the most random, irrational foods. For example, I alway crave plain tortilla chips and chocolate milkshakes. Together.

4. You feel crippling cramps at the most unconvient times. Mine usually happen when I’m in the middle of a flight of stairs at school.

5. You are especially irritated at people for basically no reason at all.

6. You must bid farewell to your favorite pair of skinny jeans for a week.

7. Ditto any shoes with a heel.

8. And skirts and dresses.

9. You occasionally think that you’re done so you don’t wear a “product,” and then you get an unpleasant surprise a few hours later…

10. After you’ve been sitting down for a while and then stand up, you feel like the freakin’ Niagra Falls is rushing from “there.”

11. Sleep never comes easy, unless of course you’re trying to stay awake.

12. You’re terribly combative, especially when somebody asks you why you’re so on edge.

13. Tumblr is your best friend. (Wait a second, what’s new there?)

14. If you’re not eating or sleeping, it’s pretty safe to bet that you’re miserable. (Again, what’s new?)

15. You suddenly loathe any member of the male population, just because they’ll never have to experience what you are going through.

16. You want to hit people. In the face. With a shovel.

17. You feel like everyone is staring at your butt, so you walk in a really strange fashion.

18. Your dog is the only one that understands you. (WHAT IS NEW?)

19. You feel like you have been stabbed with a knife 297485919012 times in “that” area.

20. You cry at stupid things. For example, sometimes I cry when my mom tells me that I can’t have a milkshake.

21. When a teacher tells you that you simply can’t go to the bathroom, you want to get all up in her face and scream, “LOOK! I’M ON MY FREAKIN’ PERIOD, OKAY?!”

22. You get fuming-angry when people ask you if you’re on your period.

23. You feel like dressing like a bum for a week.

24. Sometimes it chooses to come early, so you were NOT expecting it all…if you know what I mean…

25. It’s grody.

Okay, so here’s a really funny period story…

A few weeks ago, I was on my period, and my back was killing me. “Urgghhhh!” I groaned, to know one in particular. "I’m hungry. My back hurts.“

Then, a guy asked, "What does your back hurting have anything to do with being hungry?" 

To which I responded, "Errm, well the thoughts weren’t exactly related…”

He still seemed pretty confused, so my friend Nicole butted in and said, “She meant: I’m hungry, PERIOD, my back hurts!”

…I freaked out. And then I realized the double meaning of the word “period.”

Um, im a male human being and have gotten to enjoy everything a female has to go through including periods and having breasts. I hate it just as much as you, probably more because along with all of the things you listed above, I also got major dysphoria when I had periods.

Anonymous asked:

One of your recent text posts talked about going to the doctor and you said "i’m exercising my right to not be weighed". Does that mean you told them no when they tried to get your weight? Can you do that? Being weighed is one of the reasons I HATE going to the doctor, especially if my weight is irrelevant at the time. I didn't know you could say no. I mean obviously I know I don't have to do anything I don't want to do but I just have never thought to say no? How did that experience go for you

when i went to my appointment the other day was just as simple as this: “okay kristine go ahead and step on the scale” “oh actually i don’t want to be weighed” “oh, okay! let’s go into the room then” and that was it! no fuss about it and it was great!

i hope going forward you can also summon up the courage to just flat out say no to being weighed if that’s what you want, in the meantime, here’s an article written by the lovely leslie kinzel about her experiences in this matter


Listen, petunias, unless a judge has ruled otherwise, you can legally say no to ANYTHING a nurse or doctor asks you to do.


Don’t want to be weighed?


Don’t want to be touched there?


Don’t want to try that medication?


Want them to stop what they are doing because it is hurting or upsetting you too much?


I can’t promise you that they won’t occasionally be thrown off by this but a true professional will LISTEN to you, TALK with you about what they need from you, and WORK with you to achieve the best results FOR YOU.

If there ARE rules (like the bullshit hoops you may have to jump through to get adequate pain meds) a doctor should be able to explain those in detail.

If they react negatively to reasonable requests, they are a shitty professional.

Circumstances sometimes FORCE us to work with shitty professionals or comply with shitty rules from third parties. Sometimes we are TOO TIRED to put up a fight.

But ALWAYS remember that it is wrong for ANYONE to tell you what to do with your body. Even if circumstances force you to do it anyway, IT IS STILL AND ALWAYS WRONG.

Your body belongs to you.

You forfeit NOTHING when you walk into the doctor’s office.


Women are so great like, all the time? Like, big boobs? Awesome. Flat chested? Excellent. Skinny? Beautiful. Fat? Gorgeous.

You could pick a random woman off the street and it’d be like damn 👋🏻 looking 👏🏻 good👏🏻

Stop thinking about what everyone wants. Stop thinking about what I want, what your parents want. What do you want?

The Notebook (via psych-facts)


CAN YOU SWIM IN A GC2B BINDER!!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

We’re getting a lot of people asking this (for obvious reasons), so we wanted to address it here for you. 

If you want to swim in our (gc2b.co) binders, you should be able to do so. If you are close to the cusp of a size, we definitely suggest swimming in a size up from your regular fit, as it’s really important to not be binding too tightly during physical activity. Most swim suits are made from spandex/nylon blend, which is what we use in our binders, so the material wearing poorly in water isn’t an issue.

The cardinal rule is to listen to your body and your comfort levels. It’s important to take the binder off/cease the activity if you notice any pain or discomfort. If you’re not sure, or if you have extenuating health conditions, we strongly recommend checking in with your doctor before binding. Know your own limits and take it easy. If you’re worried, take baby steps–get used to how binding feels on your body, especially when you’re not just sitting still. Everybody is different. 

Do not try to put your binder on while you or the binder is wet, you won’t be able to get it on and this is where you run the most risk of breaking seams or damaging your binder. When taking a wet binder off, be sure to go slowly and be gentle with it. Don’t rush it and don’t panic! Ease it off with gentle tugs. We suggest having a dedicated swimming binder to ensure that you have a dry one available after swimming. Rinse and dry the binder after swimming to get salt or chlorine out and you should be good to go! 


fictional female character trying to pass as male: cuts hair, wears pant

everyone else: ah yes. a boy. a 100% man

me, an actual boy: cuts hair, wears pants and v masc clothes, wears multiple binders, talks in a deep voice, adopts typical male mannerisms, darkens my eyebrows and cheekbones, puts on makeup to look like stubble, works out shoulders and arms, constantly reminds people i am a boy

everyone else: look at this girl, she may dress and act and look manly but she is probably just a lesbian lol


FtM Confession

I’m almost a year on T and my voice has deepened dramatically but I still make my voice deeper in public around strangers out of habit.


To those of you contemplating suicide...

Six years ago at the age of 14, I came home from school completely numb. I was miserably. I hated every aspect of my life, I “knew” I could never transition and be pretty, I “knew” I would be alone until I died, and I “knew” no one cared about me and I was alone. 

And so with tears in my eyes I OD’d on all of my anti depressants, sleep aids, mood stabilizers, and an extremely large bottle of aspirin. I carefully wrote short letters to each of my family members explaining I loved and cared about each of them but I was hurting and I did this until I passed out in the floor. 

My mother was the one who found me. And I soon woke up in the hospital and eventually my life moved on.

Now here I am. Six years later. I have a beautiful apartment, I have transitioned into the woman I am, I actually feel kind of pretty and good about myself, I have a spectacular boyfriend who I’ll be marrying next year, a cute little dog whom I love, and I moved out of my hometown into a whole other state.

I have found true happiness, and if I would have succeeded six years ago, I would not have been able to experience this.

So I’m asking you to hang on. I will not make false promises and tell you that things will get better tomorrow, or next week, or even next year. But one day in the future you will be standing in your home, looking at your spouse, feeling achieved and beautiful and you will be happy. And you will never experience that if you don’t hang on. 

You will find happiness. You will find love. You have a future.

Just hang on. 


Appreciation post for my amazing mum.

So about 4-5 years ago I bought a dress for £40 because I really liked it. I liked it for the design, just not on me. It was about 3 sizes too big anyways. So it’s been sitting in my wardrobe for years. I’ve thrown out all my other dresses (only had about 3 anyways) because I knew I would never wear them. I’ve been out as transgender to my family for a year or so now, so I thought it was clear for me to stop hiding and throw everything away that I had just got in order to hide behind. 

So my mum, being as amazing and supportive as she is, made me a waistcoat and tie from that dress so I can finally wear the design that I liked and feel comfortable. She had never made either before and tried so hard to make these for me, and I think they are amazing. She is currently working out how to make a bow-tie from the left over material because I love bow-ties too. 

I would love to show her how amazing this is and that it isn’t just me who thinks so. 

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