

@jgurtz / jgurtz.tumblr.com

Because water tumbles

Things that have helped me (coding related)

jsfiddle - Helps you test out your code instead of using tumbr’s shitty customization page

cssportal - offers a variety of services,including: testing out your css code (gives you a live demo), generators (box-shadow etc) and others

dirtymarkup - Cleans up your code. Basically makes it legible

patternify - creates small patterns (it’s what I use to create my icons). This is honestly my favorite tool.

w3schools, codeacademy, learn-shayhowe, learnlayout - all of these websites help you learn the fundamentals of html/css and more

google - it is literally your best friend. It’ll answer any question you have no matter how vague

stackoverflow- very helpful website. Helps you answer any questions you may have (code related). BUT PLEASE, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SEARCHED YOUR QUESTIONS BEFORE ASKING. These are actual people who are taking their time to answer your questions, and they will take your “question asking” privilege away from you if you abuse it

tutorialzine  codrops- tutorials to help you with coding. It can go from very simple, to “that’s way too much time investment for me”

css-tricks - it’s like a combination of helping you code, to asking questions, to tutorials (this is my favorite website)

behance, dribbble, awwwards - great place to find inspiration

 validator - checks the validity of your code

iconfinder - holy grail of icons. Some are free some aren’t

fount - it can identify any font that a webpage is using

colourcode - just check it out. 

colorlovers- color palette galore 

caniuse- says in the name

Now if you’re trying to see how your code/theme etc looks on different screen resolutions this is how you do.

Google chrome

right click on page then click on inspect or (Ctrl + Shift + I) look for this (it’s the two ipad looking icons)
All you have to do now is input in whatever specs you want If you don’t want it anymore, just click it again and it’s gone.


click on the menu icon (the 3 lines in the right hand corner)
click developer then responsive design view or (Ctrl + Shift + M)

I hope you found this helpful. Enjoy your day


@kceyagi have you seen this?

No, but thank you!

Also GET A GOOD EDITOR, one that supports syntax highlighting, formatting, snippets, and extensions. 

https://atom.io/ Atom is a straightforward editor purely written in javascript. This means it’s a little less performant than the others, but if you only know javascript… that might not be a big deal to you.

https://code.visualstudio.com/ Microsoft’s port of Atom, available on all operating systems, uses typescript (a language which compiles to javascript) and is a little more performant. 

https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ Here we’re getting into some more firepower, Emacs has a LOT of functionality right out of the box. For many this will be more than you need, but if you learn to use it, it might just be all you need. Don’t pick up this editor while starting something important that you need to get done, mess around with it when making text notes, or whatever. Emacs and Vim users don’t always get along. When you hear emacs, think Ctrl-alt-meta. Emacs uses eLisp a lisp variant for extension programming. 

http://www.vim.org/  | https://neovim.io/ Again a tremendous amount of firepower right out of the box and the lightest on its toes out of the bunch. If you try to start typing right away you’ll notice nothing happens. The keys on the keyboard are all commands, and to start typing normally you need to press i to go into insert mode. While it has a somewhat steep learning curve it does pay off just like emacs. While Emacs does everything imaginable, vim sticks to editing text. Neovim is a new port of vim, so that you don’t have to use “VimL” the original vim scripting language. Neovim is pretty new, and there’s still a lot of debate of whether it’s ready for primetime.

If you’re using Atom or vscode there are “Emacs” and “Vim” modes as extensions as well, so if you learn the keybindings but find out you must have javascript extensions, or decide you want to learn atom or vscode first that’s just fine. In the end though many many programmers do choose to learn either Vim or Emacs keybindings, and with good reason it can really make programming much more relaxing and quick. Since in emacs and vim all text editing keeps your hands on the keyboard there are arguments that RSI risk is reduced… buuut for Emacs I highly recommend binding capslock to control.

(Vim cheat sheet) http://vim.rtorr.com/


Haven't seen one of these lists in a while and its a great one. But, http://github.com seems oddly missing


“Programmers at work maintaining a Ruby on Rails application"  Eero Järnefelt, 

Oil on canvas, 1893

(Collaboration from Jaakko Koskenkorva)


or... "Devops troublshooting Java garbage collector at scale"


The twins are here!

Zack and I are excited to announce that our identical twin girls have arrived! They were born early this morning.  Our whole family is doing great!  Thanks to everyone for all of the support and well wishes throughout my pregnancy.






We are writing a book on Continuous Delivery and want to interview potential readers. If interested, ping me.

Photo: (cc) ceekay@flickr

I am a software architect at Yahoo. I lead Technical Excellence initiative for the company.

James Couball and I are writing a book on Continuous Delivery. We are looking to interview potential readers. 

We have a simple definition for Continuous Delivery: “Continuous Delivery = commit to production without human intervention”. 

Over the past couple of years we worked on implementing this pure form of Continuous Delivery across Yahoo. We successfully implemented Continuous Delivery across hundreds of teams and thousands of software components that serve billions of requests per day. We dealt with all kinds of technologies - from Windows to Linux to iOS, from Ruby to Java to JavaScript, from Hadoop to Oracle to Redis. 

We learned a lot in the process. By publishing this book we want to share our knowledge with the world. 

  If you are at all interested in this subject and could see yourself benefiting from our experience, please get in touch, we would like to talk to you to understand which topics you are interested in. 

Reach out to me directly with Tumblr, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Thank you!

(and please reblog)


So many possible topics (and there's a wealth of experience behind these authors).


Nvidia NULL Pointer Vulnerability - CVE-2015-1137

The Yahoo Pentest Team discovered a NULL pointer dereference flaw (CVE-2015-1137) in the nVidia GeForce (nvAccelerator) kernel driver which ships with OS X Yosemite. This bug was discovered and verified on Macbook models using the GeForce driver version “10.2.1 310.41.15f01".

The crash occurs when the affected service is opened via userclient type 1 and memory type 4. A CALL instruction at the end of the basic block executes an attacker controlled function pointer at an offset from NULL. The screenshot below shows a disassembly of the location where the flaw occurs.

It is possible for an attacker to exploit this vulnerability by mapping the NULL page which can result in code execution and privilege escalation. Using publicly available techniques a 32-bit exploit can be created that maps a page at NULL filled with user controllable data.

This issue was reported and coordinated in accordance with the Yahoo! vulnerability disclosure policy, details of which can be found here:

Special thanks to Ian Beer of Google Project Zero for his inspirational IOKit research.

This vulnerability was found and reported by John Villamil and Frank Graziano.


By Sandy Gould, SVP, Talent Acquisition

At Yahoo, we believe that diversity is key to innovation and to connecting with people from around the world. We celebrate our employees no matter their age, race, gender or sexual orientation. That’s why we’re proud to announce that for the eighth year...




Lets use XML for the log output

by john


I'm not a hater, but yea, one if the more idiotic uses of the angley brackets

Today In Solidarity (10.5.14): Voter Registration surges in Ferguson in the wake of Mike Brown’s death. The ballot box is not a singular or final solution to dismantling the systems of oppression in Ferguson and beyond, but it’s certainly an important area to focus on. Remember, the current city council/government is disproportionately white due in large part to voter apathy. It’s not too late to get registered, but many state deadlines are coming up this week! For more info visit: VOTE MISSOURI or Rock the Vote.

There’s no place where you can affect change more directly or effectively than at the local level. Don’t sleep on municipal elections. #staywoke #farfromover


Local elections are really the chance to make a difference. Local politicians become state and become federal. It's too late and the money's already gott'em at the higher levels!

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