
Storm Mod Blog

@stormmodblog / stormmodblog.tumblr.com

Mod Blog of the Ask Storm

online communities are so strange because people slip away so easily. you can be on here for years, folding people you've never met into the fabric of your daily life, and then they disappear, leaving only ghost posts scattered across tumblr behind. or their blog stays dormant, for weeks, months, years, until you're only still following them because you remember that they love sunflowers or they were kind to you when they didn't have to be or the last thing they posted was sad and raw and you still worry about them sometimes.

and sometimes they come back when you least expect it, years later, even, and there's this sudden rush of relief like there you are, there you are, even though you barely knew each other.

there's a strange kind of love to it. i don't know you and i want to hold your hand across miles and time zones and oceans. i can still see the imprint of you in this community you left. you don't anyone will notice or care when you're gone, but we notice and we care and we wish you well.

i hope you're all okay out there. i hope the sun is shining on your face and you are breathing deeply. i miss you.


i hate how the industry uses ai, but i'm tired of youtubers assuming any bad movie coming out nowadays was ai generated. like take disney's wish for example. the crew had a lot of great ideas for the film as we see in the concept art, but wish ended up being mediocre bc of corporate meddling. not bc the movie's script was ai generated. srsly guys.


This is actually very normal human behavior. It's just that most people (in the USA) think "Jesus strengthens me" instead of "I am a pikmin, dandori time"


This is literally why stories and fantasy are so useful to humans. We cannot tackle every mundane challenge with enthusiasm, and facing against profoundly daunting tasks can be deeply demoralizing, and you don’t get to feel cool or heroic for filing 400 pieces of paperwork.

We arm ourselves with stories and fantasy, so that the laundry can become a charming hurdle to overcome, and the daunting stack of bills is the leviathan we the brave knights must slay.

Humans have always been like this. So many cultures have stories or mythology or even rituals about literally embodying another being better suited to the challenge one currently faces.

Stories are armor. Stories are fuel.


This article is actually about a very serious problem. If you overgenerate electricity it increases the phase frequency of the power grid, and if that goes out of sync with your generators (including solar panels) it can destroy them. In the kind of way where your power grid is fucked for months. It is very very very very bad.

California started a program to make solar panels more affordable by offering very low interest rates for solar panels, to allow people to benefit from their lifetime $/energy cost that's below fossil fuels, without having to worry about the high frontloaded cost. However they did not do this for batteries. And power grid quality batteries with massive energy storage and serious charge-discharge lifetimes, are expensive.

And they did this because while solar panels are cheaper than fossil fuels per kilowatt hour of electricity over their lifetime, solar panels plus batteries are not. And California wanted a supplemented free market solution and didn't really want to think about the part that direct government intervention in the form of taxation and paying for this change would be necessary.

So everyone in California just kept adding solar panels to the grid with no disconnect mechanisms, until eventually it hit a point where at noon, solar panels generated more power than the entire grid needed. With no batteries to store the excess. This is a motherfucking power grid killer. It is a scenario where people get left in the fucking dark for months because of how badly it destroys the powergrid.

So the power grid authorities did the only thing they could do. They called up every industrial plant with heavy duty equipment and ovens they could and paid them to turn it on full blast (because using that equipment costs money in wear and tear even without the electricity cost). And in doing so, avoided disaster.

That's what this article is talking about. They are solar panel researchers criticizing a capitalist adoption strategy and promoting direct government intervention to create renewable energy. However as with most newspapers they don't get to choose the title, the editor picks the most provocative title that will get clicks.


Okay here's another case where I originally reblogged the first part without thinking, and now we have the proper context. Damn


Instead of saying motherfucker you can just say Oedipus


Half of our generation wouldn’t even understand that

yes you are right the thousands of notes on this post prove how ignorant our generation is. only you are intelligent. you are the chosen one.

only real Ancient Greek kids would understand

reblog if ur a tru 650BC kid


no fucking way


I thought crocs were so dumb, they simply tried to eat anything that caught their eye. Now they're learning?


What's next?!?

Nah Crocodilians (the group containing all 23 extant species of crocodile, aligator, caiman etc) are actually really smart, they're just a PAIN IN THE ASS to study in the wild because they're stealthy, don't eat or move that often relative to mammals, and are largely nocturnal. That said, we've found evidence of:

  • Coordinated Group Hunting across many species of crocodilian- AKA, hunting like a pack of wolves.
  • Advanced Parental Care- we knew for a long time that American alligators and Gharials built nests and mothers kept their young close, but GPS tracking has shown that the father(s) also typically stuck around and brought mom kills, but the young stay inside the territory of their parents for 3-5 years, until they reach sexual maturity.
  • Nile crocodiles dig enormous and surprisingly complex burrows up to 40 feet deep that they share with other crocodiles- parents and children, but also adult siblings and Unrelated "Friends"- crocs that are frequently seen close together outside as well, but do not appear to be mates. many of these burrows are decades, if not centuries old, are actively maintained, and passed down through generations.
  • Amazon Caiman (a type of alligator) recognize individual humans (possibly by voice), and alter their behavior around them based on past interactions. Some of them become quite playful with humans they've had positive interactions with in the past, and others hold "grudges" against specific humans for decades.
  • All Crocodilians engage in all major types of play behavior- Locomotor play (engaging in a behavior because it brings positive stimulation), playing with toys (Sticks, leaves, carcass, and in one paper, a floating squeaky toy that had gotten into the Bayou) and social play (Playing with other individuals). Several species, but notable Caiman and Alligators also Play with animals outside their species- young caiman have been observed playing with Amazon Giant River Otters, and Alligators playing with sharks and dolphings off the US Gulf coast. Play behavior is associated with a high degree of intelligence in animals.
  • Male Saltwater crocodiles in Australia employ a variety of complex mating strategies, including offering courtship gifts (tailored to the preferences of individual females), sucking up to larger males to get better introductions to females (A Long-Term strategy that pays dividends- while the beta males don't typically mate the first two or three years they try it, the ones that stick with the strategy mate with more females as they age), and doing "Off years" where they pass on the fighting and displaying and just nap and get fat instead- another strategy that pays off long-term: Big Males that engage in Off-Years mated more in On years, and lived longer overall, for a larger lifetime genetic impact.
  • Many zoos have had success in training captive crocodilians to do "tricks"- mostly pose behaviors that let keepers examine, vaccinate or medically treat the animal with minimal stress on all sides. But they're also apparently good at "Sit up" and "Roll over".
  • And as far as "Trying to eat anything that caught their eye"- pretty much all carnivores, but especially crocodilians, make pretty complex calculations on whether or not to pursue something as prey based on, but not limited to: How hungry they are, what the future prospects for food are based on the weather/season/behavior of their prey/how many other carnivores are competing with them, the likelihood of injury (either in the process of hunting, or from the prey itself), and whether the effort expended is going to be worth the reward (based on projected strategies, how full eating something like that made them last time, and if they're going to suffer weird consequences for it).



*hits hornets' nest*

Anakin Skywalker was not a victim of the Jedi Order, they wound up being his victims on a massively catastrophic scale.

*hits hornets' nest harder*

The Jedi were not the architects or the arbiters of their own "downfall", they were the victims of a decades - centuries, even millenia - plan to put them between a rock and a hard place whereby their actions to try and mitigate damage were painted with a biased brush such that when they were victims of a genocide, the galaxy as almost a whole (and large swathes of the fandom) cheered and/or said they had it coming.

*whacks hornets' nest with all I've got*

The fact that we see Anakin crying when he goes to kill younglings does not change the fact that, you know, he consciously makes the decision to murder younglings!

I have to say that I disagree with that, simply because Anakin was also a victim.

He was, arguably, the biggest victim of Palpatine’s schemes, simply because Palpatine had been manipulating him into being capable of that act since he was nine.

NINE! Do you remember being nine? I don’t, because most people haven’t started forming many memories at that age.

We see the same thing happen when he is 19 with the Tusken Raiders, and him killing all of them, then feeling very distraught about it.

He is incapable of being able to control himself in those moments BECAUSE of Palpatine and his manipulations.

It was not the Jedi’s fault, no, because they too were the victims of decades, if not centuries or millennia of careful background manipulation by the Banite Sith.

But it wasn’t Anakin’s fault either.

He is incapable of being able to control himself in those moments BECAUSE of Palpatine and his manipulations.

You know there's a book about this, it's called See What You Made Me Do and it's about the causes of domestic abuse.

Your logical flaw in the above is assuming that "perpetrator" and "victim" are distinct categories - that a person can only be one or the other. It's not the case. Anakin is both.

His victimhood is tragic, we're meant to feel for him that's why we see his regret and pain, but that doesn't negate what he's done. He is, ultimately, still the person who looked at the children in the creche and how they brightened to see him, and still chose to kill them. He knows it's wrong, that's why he cries, but the result is the same. The children are dead, and he killed them. His family is gone, and he aided in that genocide.

As the kids(TM) say: nice motive, still murder.

He did think he was saving his wife and therefore his children though. So that's kind of a pretty big twist in the 'I was cold-blooded & murdered all these children'. He was but he was 100% doing it for THE REASON in his head. To save his family.


I mean I agree that it was the reason he convinced himself he was doing everything. Except he didn't actually explain his vision and plainly ask for help. And then when Padme didn't want to be his empress, he chocked her. So he 100% was not actually doing it for the reason in his head, because he never acted as though she was his priority. He was doing it for an idyllic fantasy in which she was starring.


why did people decide to add annoying character traits to dnd classes "paladin is the cop class" "bard is the horny class" shut up shut up shut up Paladins are about devotion without transaction or expectation and often without religious implication unlike warlocks or clerics!!! and they are both physically strong and full of magic and can fall any which way!!!! Devotion Glory Revenge Redemption Ancestry Oathbreaking !!!!! and Bards are just theater kids leave them alone

at their cores Paladins and Bards are about relentless passion and personal moral compasses and are objectively hard to play well. but they are full of light and love


one of the reasons that i like jaybriar so much is because i’m a sucker for long, slow burn relationships that develop naturally over time, and warriors doesn’t have very many of those. they start out as patient/doctor, then they become friends, then they become close friends and after that it feels natural for them to share a nest and curl up together. firestar and sandstorm develop naturally over 6 books, which is about a year and a half and you grow with them. they were rivals, then friends and then mates. it feels natural. bristlefrost and rootspring weren’t even friends.

briarlight gets injured just before she turns one year old, and then she dies at about 5 and a half, and jayfeather is about 6. that’s 4.5 years of living with jayfeather in the medicine den. they have spent a majority of their life together, and were together through major tragedies like hollyleaf’s real death and the great battle. she starts out as his patient, before a verdict is reached and she’s told she can’t be a “full warrior” (not getting into that now.)  after she gets well enough to start moving around again, he helps her with her exercises and stretches (as is his job) and keeps her spirits up and reminds her that she’s a valuable member of the Clan even if she can’t do typical warrior activities and he helps her come up with jobs to do, and then she is referred to as “jayfeather’s assistant” several times in the actual text (this progression from patient to assistant happens over about 2 books iirc). she very much does not put up with his grumpy bullshit, she’s shown talking back at him and they have a lot of back-and-forth banter. they’re shown to have a very close bond at this point, sharing a first Close moment when he comes back from the tunnels soaking wet and he lays beside her as she grooms him dry, and he falls asleep like that. he refuses to take her as his apprentice because he doesn’t want her to feel forced into the job like he was, or cinderpelt before him, but he teaches her a lot and she is shown sorting herbs, preparing herbs for him, and helping out with small remedies which helps her stay positive and gain confidence and feel “useful”, and he trusts her to do so (especially compared to how much he micromanaged and didn’t trust alderpaw at first). and she comforts him after the gathering where he is accused of killing flametail, taking care of him and again grooming him to sleep, and then fetching food for him in the morning. he encourages her and helps her work on her goal of climbing a tree with just her front legs. she’s the first person he thinks of when rocks start falling into the quarry, throwing himself over her to protect her. he blames himself for her death, and he chokes up to the point where he can’t continue speaking and alderheart has to take over when trying to speak at her vigil.

the two have two major gestures; jayfeather massages briarlight’s back and hind quarters, which yeah, is a medicinal thing, but it’s also an intimate gesture. cats kneed as a comfort thing. idk it’s the close skin-to-skin (fur-to-fur?) contact. it’s different when millie or alderpaw do it. it would be different if they were humans. and then the other gesture, is briarlight grooming him to sleep. he allows himself to relax only for her, and is comforted by her. not an easy feat for emotionally constipated jayfeather. i never see these two actually talking about being mates or talking about their relationship at all, and they would absolutely deny it if anyone ever asked them. but they have a very deep bond, are unequivocally and undeniably in love with each other. it just sorta… happened. it makes sense for them. their physical and emotional closeness feels natural to them because it just is.

(additionally, i’m not making this post to defend them or convince anyone! just to think out loud about them, essentially. i saw a few folks tag my most recent jaybriar post as qpp and honestly if you see them more that way, that’s awesome. if you don’t sip them at all, hell yeah. peace and love on planet warrior cats)


Good news: if you’re currently laying around and not producing anything, you are a credit to your species.

It’s recently been found that even hive insects rest. Bees will play with colorful toys. Ants sleep for about 1 minute but they do it so frequently it amounts to a few hours per day. Even trees take breaks.

The only things that work without rest are machines; literally everything that lives requires rest.


And even machines need to rest all the time. Even unfeeling blobs of steel need maintenance, upkeep, and care. They need to be turned of every now and then to cool down.

Rest is sacred

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