
What is this

@revscarecrow / revscarecrow.tumblr.com

You can follow me on all of these things!!Twitter: @Rev_Scarecrow Art Website: www.colinmullin.com
If you want me to respond to an ask privately just let me know.
Anonymous asked:

Rev! I caught your stream earlier, I'm glad to see you're back and got your setup going

It's good to be back

Anonymous asked:

Hey Rev, so because of how intense my uni got since January, I haven't really been able to do any art for a couple of months since then, and only now am I finding time to draw again. Sadly, I feel like most of my skills and drive has sort of, evaporated over that break, like now I struggle to get back to drawing.

Do you have any advice for someone struggling to get back into art after such hiatus, feeling like they just, can't do much art-wise anymore?

You are rusty not broken. You gotta start small and start by being kind to yourself. Make stuff you don't intend on showing anyone just stuff you enjoy or stuff that's just for practice. Whichever feels more comfortable. Right now you just need to creative juices running again which means just getting into it at the lowest commitment level possible.

Anonymous asked:

Fuck you Peta!! Fuck you and your ads on Twitter!!

I didn't, nay!! Need to see gore of a camel!!

Fuck you!!!

Twitter is bad man. The ads are bad and you can't even block most of them.

THANK YOU REV! For letting me vent in your inbox about this. 🫡

I'm not Peta but go off I guess


funny meme that i spent too much time and effort on (fred if you see this, no you didnt) update: mike showed it to fred on stream so i guess fred if you see this then whatever LMAOOO

the original (modesty edit):

Anonymous asked:

there might be two or there might be one, who knows

I've seen one and I know a guy (my mom) who also saw one so there have to be at least two. Pretty sure my wife saw one as well.

Anonymous asked:

Reverend i am so tired

Dude I know the vibe man

Anonymous asked:

the well meaning Palestine anon isn’t good either, they assume that all Jewish people support israel until further notice

Yeah so maybe it's just one nut job

Anonymous asked:

Did you know there's bunnies out there?

Oh fuck yeah dude

Anonymous asked:

i went outside today and i didn't see a duck but i saw a squirrel. you're so right, this rocks.

So many fellas just scampering about like little fucks

Anonymous asked:

Best game that's not worth playing (such as because of DRM or some other external factor) and worst game that's worth playing once?

Steam has a lot of those in that Steam is DRM. I like tabletop sim and Helldivers 2 right now.


Hey Rev here's my boy Morgana just... Really intensely chewing on his toes instead of washing them like a normal fucking cat. I think he and Abby would be friends because he is also dumb as a bag of rocks!


Abby used to suckle on her tummy as a baby. Apparently it's a thing baby's do because she's a baby.

Anonymous asked:

Good evening Colin, we have important matters to discuss. Yesterday after a long day of virtuous sciamachy I had a truly terrible dream of you hurling vile slurs at me while slow roasting me in a crock pot full of beef stew (which by the way wasn't even that good.) Why haven't you apologized yet? I've been waiting in this Marriott for two weeks now and I'm sick of their continental breakfast.

Dream me meant every slur I'm sure. I do not condone dream mes actions. You have my full approval to kill dream me on sight.

Anonymous asked:

how well have you been adjusting to est?

Jet lag is over the big shift is going to be streaming time. Currently sitting looking out the window waiting for the desk to get here.

Anonymous asked:

Would boots modeled after a serpentine head be weird? Like metal boots, not snakeskin.

If it hasn't already been done its weird. If it's rad as shit then it's fashion. The real question is it rad? I think it could be.

Anonymous asked:

What's your favorite kind of werewolf (type, style, series/media design)? Favorite supernatural/cryptid in general?

Mothman or the Fresno nightcrawlers

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