
Doodle Palooza

@kalkiedoodles / kalkiedoodles.tumblr.com

Illustrator and Story Artist Kalkie likes to draw here.
Anonymous asked:

Hey Kalkie! I adore your arts and your OCs very much hehe, I just wanna ask something. How was EfN for you? I've heard about all the dramas that happened, I think before the tourney and on round one, yknow with all the long wait of judging and the host changing, ect, I can't help but to feel kinda bad for what happened.. I've heard some even deleted everything because it was horrible in a way for them? Was the drama really bad?

Sorry if this is too personal or anything, I'm really curious, you don't have to answer if it's, maybe... too much to talk about?

Aw thank you for the adores :'D Honestly I was a noob in regards to scrolling around DA even in it's heyday because I was just happy posting my art and replying to the nice folks who commented on them. The only reason I found other people's art before OCTs was just browsing the favorites of my mutuals and going from there haha;; So all the EfN Drama? Totally flew over my head except for the bits I read on the official EfN journals and only way afterwards when I befriended some of the competitors did I learn how bad some of it was who actually followed the forums (I did not even realize then that such forums existed. OTL). As far as I recalled (its been more than a decade mind you) the drama revolved around people going up in arms about the judges and their decisions, which was hosted by a few people who thought they were going to be doing a little OCT and not expecting over 800+ entries and veterans of previous big tourneys and all the fans and spectators that came with them. Then for the artists there's the burnout of trying to pump out copious amount of content every few weeks for roughly less than a year, then getting the results of the rounds with criticisms coming from people who were not professional artists (at the time, dunno what they're doing now) just trying their best to be articulate or critical on their decisions. So all that can really leave a bad memory to the whole lot of artists. The only reason I have good feels with EfN was that I was in a very very lucky point at the time just living at home and being supported by my family to just do art. Then when I had to go back to school right at the semi-finals did I finally implode having to juggle between schoolwork and OCT and I prioritized school. I also made lifelong friends from that tournament and I wrote the experience for my art school transfer and got me a scholarship so I can't help but be more nostalgic about it. Sorry for the wall of text;;;


So I have a question. Lately I’ve been trying to get more into watercolour painting and I was wondering if you would have any tips or advice for me about it?


Omg I'm really sorry I don't know if I ever got this notification and I rarely check the inbox tab;;;;;;; If you're still interested in watercolor painting, here are some things that range from technical to personal: -materials will really make and break how you feel when you paint. But I think in hierarchy of importance I think Paper> Paint> Brushes. The less cotton percentage there is to a paper, the more it will buckle or how it effects the pooling/flow of your water paints or how intense the colors could be. -Unfortunately the more cotton the paper is the more expensive. But when I started out I was using strathmore and fabriano for my classes and EFN comics with a 12 color artist grade paint set and was satisfied with those at the time.

Then I thought I was being big brained when I bought these gigantic XL Canson watercolor paper for sale for comic making and then I thought my skills went to dust cause painting felt so hard and the paper fought me with a lot of paper breakage and ugly color blends results. -Lol I thought watercolor would be the easiest then my painting teacher in college declared 'Welcome to the Hardest Painting Medium of them all!!!' and I cried. XD But all he really meant was that compared to Oils or Acrylics you have to paint and plan your lightest to darkest ahead cause you can't paint lighter tones on top of the dark ones without risk of reactivating the paints. Of course this doesn't matter if we're talking about mix mediums. And with today's tech you can always plan out your paintings first with digital tools like mateusz urbanowicz does. In terms of youtubers there's tons to look at: I like Mateusz' for the bright and light illustrations, Mind of a Watercolor for some technical know hows in materials and tree scape techniques, and then Watercolor by Shibasaki is just a Japanese grandpa teaching you to be chill and just have fun as you paint. Hope this helps and sorry again for the late reply;;;


Um hello, just wanted to post a quick blurb because August came and went and completely forgot to do an update. Comic is slowly coming along. First 2 pages have been finished but I'm trying to create a buffer set again so I can post on a regular basis. I've had a short bout of sickness (thankfully not Covid) but I've mostly recovered so hope to get back to the swing of things. I'm slowly discovering (thanks to my friends) that there are active fans of these two sillies. I dunno if it would be extremely cool or extremely intimidating if I followed accounts but I see the fanart, I greatly appreciate them and am saving them (is that weird? I hope it's not weird.)

Thank you again for the support!


In light of all the strikes occurring, artists fighting against studios trying to bring AI into the mix to further mine and exploit workers and CEOs waiting for strikers to starve and get homeless before they'd negotiate with the unions, FUCKIT. BIRTHDAY COMMISSION CAUSE.

From now until my bday the 19th donate to a strike cause (Twitter thread for links), send me a receipt and I'll draw you an OC pic.

$15 for a BW OC with flat color

$20 1-2 OCs with some color

$30 BW OC with bgs.


Hey, folks. Starting today and continuing through July 13th, all of Penguin King Games' non-PWYW titles are 50% off. This includes Zach Welhouse's Cerebos: The Crystal City – a surrealist travelogue game about riding trains and getting mixed up in existential shenanigans – as well as my own Costume Fairy Adventures (a game whose title is entirely self-explanatory) and its various supplements. You can get the whole lot for $22.50, or pick and choose individual games for half price – it works out the same either way.

It you're are interested in seeing any of the games I've got cooking right now go 1.0, the back catalogue is what pays to keep the lights on, so why not send a few bucks our way? In particular, if you've picked up Costume Fairy Adventures but not the supplements via one of those charity bundles on itch.io, this is a great chance to round out the collection – all three CFA playsets are only $7.50 with the sale.

(Credits for the preceding illustrations go to @shelandsorcery for the crab on the left and @kalkiedoodles for the queen on the right!)

Aww, a blast from the past. <3 Go support this if you can. 

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