
@lucozaynie / lucozaynie.tumblr.com

This is officially a BTS blog
kpop is coming for all of us
(still love 1d tho

Zayn getting a Happy Birthday message from Ryan Reynolds dressed as Deadpool, and the post getting liked by Drake, is literally the best gift that Zayn could have possibly gotten and I’m literally sobbing right now

Zyan and Zeadpool Zrake all in one fell swoop

Blessings on Blessings on Blessings


I think it really sucks when you realise how alone you are because you only really talk to 1 maybe 2 people and when neither of them are available you kind of just lay there in bed hoping your phone will buzz with a text from them or something so you continuously check it and you try to distract yourself and then you get sad about how alone you really are


Jikook and Japan

Jeon Jungkook, someone who has been to Japan on multiple occasions and has done and seen many things there, was asked what his most memorable moment from Japan is and answered staying up till late with Jimin followed by them sleeping in till noon together.

Park Jimin was asked to talk about something he experienced for the first time in 2017. Out of all the incredible things that happened to him in 2017 like performing on the AMAs or collaborating with Steve Aoki, he chose to talk about his trip to Japan with Jungkook.

Jikook constantly experience these spectacular and extraordinary things as members of BTS but none of them live up to their trip to Japan together. None of them live up to their personal special trip. That alone time they got to spend together away from all the craziness is the most important thing in the world to the both of them.

They are so in love.


even if jikook aren’t roommates, they’re still roommates, because let’s not pretend that jungkook won’t sleep in jimin’s bed every night


i put jergens natural glow on one part of my arm to see what would happen and now i regret it

Wow she really needs to shave her legs

im a fucking man #whyineedfeminism

I just need whatever u put on your arm… I don’t tan at all… Ever.

i literally said what it was


this post is such a fucking mess

Is no one going to talk about the perfect rectanglular shape this thing makes on her arm

i literally said i was a man already why is this still happening


Michelle is actually funnier than me. Mainly because she teases me, but I can’t tease her. (I think that’s fair.) I can’t say anything about her because she gets mad. (Nope, you can’t.) So I guess she’s funnier.


i know sia doesnt want to be seen but was all this necessary???😩😩😩

It was definitely necessary

Mirror’s Edge (EA DICE, 2008)


So is Sia like the coolest person to ever exist or something?? What kind of person comes standard with ninja moves

Isn’t she like 50


i made a college vine compilation b/c Suffering™️

(warning for loud noise in some of them)

It’s funny cause it’s true


also bts left like 8 performances ago??? what the fuck are they gonna wear

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