
A Total Eclipse Of The Heart

@gevisco / gevisco.tumblr.com

Anglophile , student, fangirl : )

John's hitting on Sherock but then suddenly a ghost inerrupts

Watson: You're a living, breathing man. You've lived a life, you have a past.
Holmes: A what?!?
Watson: Well, you must have had...
Holmes: Had what?
Watson: You know.
Holmes: No.
Watson: Experiences.
Holmes: Pass me your revolver, I have a sudden need to use it.
Watson: Damn it, Holmes, you are flesh and blood, you have feelings, you have... You must have... impulses.
Holmes: Dear Lord, I have never been so impatient to be attacked by a murderous ghost.
Watson: As your friend, as someone who worries about you... What made you like this?
Holmes: Oh, Watson. Nothing made me. I made me.
moriarty: hello it's me
moriarty: i was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet

Scrivi ciò che pensi

Scrivi ciò che pensi, Non importa che sia sbagliato. Scrivi ciò che pensi, Non importa che sia insultato. Scrivi ciò che pensi, Perché così sciogli un nodo. Scrivi ciò che pensi, Perché forse la penso allo stesso modo. Scrivi ciò che pensi, Perché qualcosa la puoi cambiare. Scrivi ciò che pensi, Perché la tua idea è come il mare. È forte, è libera, è pericolosa, Ma io ne ho bisogno Più di ogni altra cosa.

Un uomo intelligente costretto a vivere insieme a degli sciocchi assomiglia a colui che ha un orologio che va bene in una città le cui torri hanno tutte orologi che vanno male. Lui solo sa l'ora giusta: ma a che gli serve? Tutta la gente si regola secondo gli orologi cittadini sbagliati, persino coloro i quali sanno che soltanto il suo orologio indica l'ora vera.

Arthur Schopenhauer (via somehow---here)

He called you beautiful when you wanted to be called brilliant. And he told you your eyes were pretty when you needed him to realize there was more to you than the surface he didn’t want to crack because he thought you were too delicate and fragile.

So one of my friends was having a party at his house, and this one guy was being a total dick and my friend wanted him to leave. My friend was pretty drunk, and apparently the other guy was hopped up majorly on coke, and the guy was refusing to leave so it turned into a fight except this guy goes crazy and pulls out a knife and STABS MY FRIEND TWELVE FUCKING TIMES, puncturing both of his lungs and leaving stab wounds on my friends lower stomach, back, and neck and my fiance was HOLDING HIS BLEEDING OUT WOUNDS AND CALLING 911 

And yeah it was pretty touch and go for a bit there but my friend made a full recovery and came home yesterday so my fiance and I got him this cake. 

He loved it.

C’mon guys. My friend got stabbed and we got him a sorry you got stabbed cake.

I told him I’d make him internet famous, don’t let me down guys.

Tre cose solamente m’ènno in grado, le quali posso non ben ben fornire, cioè la donna, la taverna e ’l dado: queste mi fanno ’l cuor lieto sentire.

Cecco Angiolieri, Tre cose solamente m’ènno in grado, sonetto, primi versi (via somehow---here)

female character in every single romance movie: it's beautiful isn't it?
male character in every single romance movie: (looking at her) yeah it is

ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.

I will always reblog things like this, it won’t ruin your blog or the look of it, and this could potentially save a life.

PLEASE reblog this.

I have reblogged this about three times now and I will never not reblog it

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