Its a blog I guess?

@mystictheurge /

FFXIV and writing practice, mostly.

(flight intercom) this is the pilot speaking. yeah we expect todays flight to be normal. um if you look out your window you shouldnt see the skull


(wizard intercom) good evening passengers. this is the wizard speaking. boy do i have a treat for you


Posts that make you drop everything you're doing and open Audacity


[ begin id: a screenshot of three tweets by Ana Mardoll @/AnaMardoll. The first tweet reads “If it weren’t for racism and misogyny, we’d view Marie Kondo the way we view Mister Rogers and Bob Ross.” The second tweet reads “She THANKS THE HOUSE, you look me in the eye and tell me Rogers and Ross wouldn’t love that shit right there. They’d think she was awesome.” The third tweet reads ““Thank you for your service”, said to a t-shirt, is this generations “happy little trees”.”   / end id ]

Mr Rogers would have had her on his show and they would have sorted his cardigan collection together.


Worldcat is my bestie and my one true love!! Not only does it tell you what library a book is at, but it also price compares different used book sites against each other for easy view! It's how I got Tarot For the Master for $10!!

Oh, and since I have your attention: z-library (books and textbooks) and sci-hub (gatekept scientific journal articles.) I just ripped a textbook for class off z-library and snatched a required reading from sci-hub. Life is good and education should be accessible at every stage and station of life.


this beautiful PIZZA BROTHERS print is now available on my Streamily, i'll be doing a live twitch signing at noon PT on April 9th, if you'd like to pre-order an autographed print for yourself, you can do so here

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