@netbug009 /

Kelly/"Net" - 30+ - Autistic androgynous anxious ace animation aficionado who REALLY likes robots, redemption arcs, and romance. Just trying to figure things out and be a bit kinder every day. No, I will not calm down.

Working my way through the first episode of almost every Spring 2024 anime - here's my thoughts on the first batch!

(Just don't expect any hot takes on Kaiju No 8- it really is that good.)

(Also I know people were asking for a bit more detail into why I hated the first episode of A Condition Called Love - that's in here too!


"oh you have an allergy? sorry I harassed you for being a picky eater, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a picky eater, I still get to harass those people"

"oh you have chronic pain? sorry I harassed you for being lazy, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a lazy person, I still get to harass those people"

"oh you're autistic? sorry I harassed you for being weird, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a weird person, I still get to harass those people"

"oh you're deaf? sorry I harassed you for ignoring me, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. you're just not actually a rude person, I still get to harass those people"

"man why does everything have to be a disorder now? I miss the old days when people would TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for being failures and it was socially exceptable for me to harass them, now I look like a jerk when I bully people for annoying me."


Honestly and I am 100% about this, if someone apologizes for harassing you after finding out you are disabled in a way that affects the thing, straight up in no uncertain terms ask them if they think it is okay to be mean to a person who behaves that way if they don't have that disability. Watch them panic.

If they try to come up with justifications just keep "why is that?"ing them fuck em up


Hey everyone, please consider buying the 2024 Palestinian Relief Bundle- it's 373 games, game-making assets, tabletop roleplaying games, zines, and comics for a minimum of just 8 USD! They have a goal of 100,000 USD, and as of the time I'm writing this post, they have 8 more days to reach it.

Link will be in the reblog!

Amazing news!! They reached their goal of 100,000 USD! There is now a second goal of 250,000 USD! Remember, this is 373 games, assets, and comics for a minimum of 8 USD- a bundle of items which would normally be ~1,667 USD! Let's reach that second goal as quickly as we reached the first goal!

Fantastic news!!! The 250,000 USD goal has been met, and there is now a third goal of 500,000 USD! The deadline has also been extended, and as of the time I'm writing this update, there is 13 more days to reach their newest goal!

The money raised so far has already been incredible. Let's maintain this energy and continue to provide support for the PCRF!


we should talk more about cities that are vampires. cities that are cold and wet and sink into your bones and stay there. cities that are hungry and want to live. dead cities that dont know they're dead and suck the life force of their people to maintain the delusion. cities with harbors that are actually mouths; one-way entries. cities that are devastatingly lonely and see consumption as love

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