
guess I shoulda brought some ice cream

@ace-warlock / ace-warlock.tumblr.com

26. animist. chaos blog. this jew stands with a free Palestine. shoot me a message, let's vibe

hey reminder to continue boycotting eurovision and instead turn your eyes on gaza where the last media outlet al jazeera has just been shut down so that Israel can launch its attack on the most densely populated area in the world without scrutiny. Dont stop talking about Palestine

(dont put this guy on blast, i cropped URL out on purpose)

lets use this as an opportunity for learning and growth guys. By platforming Israel, Eurovision legitimizes and enables their genocide. In the same way that Russia has been banned from participating from the Olympics in an act of solidarity with Ukraine, Eurovision had the opportunity to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Instead, they have chosen to associate themselves with Israel, a violent colonial state, uplifting them to an international stage to do pr for themselves.

In the same way, all contestants in Eurovision had the opportunity to condemn Israel or call for their removal from the competition. I'm sorry because I know people get a lot of joy from the music but in a situation as dire as Palestine neutrality is functionally the same as complacency.

I ask you to boycott Eurovision in solidarity with the 34,535 Palestinians who have lost their lives in the last few months. The 77,704 who have been wounded. The 1.5 million survivors, most of them displaced and mourning, who are packed into Gaza right now. Have the empathy and willpower to be serious for like 10 seconds and recognize that you can find entertainment elsewhere.


when my mutuals change their icons that means they have changed their entire body. my beloved mutual gerard way has transitioned into lisa frankenstein


Children's oppression and lack of humanization is one topic that makes my insides feel like they're rotting and I'll die on the hill of defending them and pointing out how fucking gross it is every single time people act like it's cool actually to hate a group of people who are the least able to defend themselves in any terrible situation

Y'all will scream "protect queer kids" "protect trans kids" "protect kids of color" then forget all that and proudly stand behind "well kids are fucking annoying in public actually so it's fine when I talk about wanting to have grocery stores and planes that are child free :)" individualism has killed humanity so deeply


Justin: Do you want me to ask Sydnee real quick?

Griffin: Yeah, yeah.

Justin: I’ll just ask her. Okay, hold on. [sounds of him walking away from the mic]

Griffin: But I wanna hear it!

Justin: [yelling, at a distance] Hey Sydnee! Hey Syd!

Sydnee: [at even more of a distance] What?

Justin: [yelling] Why doesn’t the penis gain fat? [pause] Why doesn’t the penis get fat?

[Griffin and Travis snicker for a while]

Justin: [comes back to the mic] She says Jesus.

Griffin: [bursts into laughter]


i learned about Tim Wong who successfully and singlehandedly repopulated the rare California Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly in San Francisco. In the past few years, he’s cultivated more than 200 pipevine plants (their only food source) and gives thousands of caterpillars to his local Botanical Garden (x)


Sometimes, people are really great.

This is also an example of picking One Thing and putting most of your Better The World efforts there. We have so many different important issues to care about and act toward, and it’s tempting to try and do a Little for Many Things - and I’m not saying that little bits of effort don’t add up! They do. But often you’ll make a bigger impact (and possibly have less compassion/activist fatigue) if you direct the majority of your efforts toward one or two things.


for some reason the translation of "snail" became "beefed cattle"


Beefed Cattle = 肉牛 = Ròu niú = Meat + Cow

Snail = 蝸牛 = Wō + niú = Snail + Cow

While 蝸 basically refers to snails by itself, it's always used with 牛 to refer to the animal specifically. I barely remember my high school Chinese classes anymore, but seeing this post gave me a sudden flashback to when I was delighted to learn that snails used the character for cow.

On a whim I looked it up in Korean where it's 달팽이 = dal + paeng-i = moon + spinning top, which is just delightful.

moontop and beefsteak....the snail brothers....


i hate that even self proclaimed radicals think "people shouldnt have to work to survive" is too radical. yes yes advocate for fair wages, but dont forget those wages, even if fair, are just a prize you get for being better at capitalism than ppl like me

starvation is torture and you want to inflict it on people like me for the crime of not earning every breath I take


if a debt is just a favor with a dollar value attached, then the 'cost of living' is an unpayable debt. an unpayable debt isn't a moral obligation, it's a favor you can never repay, a lifelong yoke around your neck. if we truly want to free ourselves from tyranny and oppression then we have to start with a clearing of debt. all debt, everywhere. debt is a human invention, not a law of nature or god, and we are long overdue for a biblical jubilee.

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