
Fingers on Lips!

@rayasaurus-rex / rayasaurus-rex.tumblr.com

Lazybones Heroine.
It’s important that Democrats keep reminding the American public, every day for the next four years, of who’s sitting in the White House and what that means. Trump ran one of most vile presidential campaigns in American history, one based on racial and religious hatred, resentment and fear. He sought to normalize toxic misogyny. He celebrated violence. He mainstreamed white supremacy. His election has spurred a wave of racist intimidation and hate crimes, as bigots across the country have become emboldened by his victory to act out their most despicable impulses. He’s a demagogue and a dangerous fool, and while Democrats aren’t going to question the legitimacy of his presidency the way Republicans did with Obama, he shouldn’t ever be treated like an ordinary president with whom Democrats just have some substantive disagreements.

when your friend/loved one is dissociating

how to tell if they are dissociating

- non-focused, “zoned out” - doesnt reply to comments, or replies very half-heartedly - eyes arent focused - doesnt seem to notice anything going on around them - repeats doing or saying the same things over and over - forgets what they said or did, whether in the last few minutes or the last few days

things you can do to help

- get them to a quiet, calm place - ask them very basic questions: “are you okay?” “how are you feeling?” “is there anything you need from me right now?” - help them recount the events theyve forgotten, whether in the last few minutes or last few weeks - walk them through what is going on, tell them, if you can, that you think that theyre dissociating - if you can, keep an eye on them and look out for things they might miss, ie: crossing the street, accidentally bumping into something, receiving important information - sometimes showing them funny stuff or having them read an article or something after doing the previous steps helps

keep in mind that i am not a doctor or professionally qualified to help with mental illness. i just wrote down a list of what i like to have people do when i dissociate. hope this helps someone!


This election has unleashed my "idgaf and have no time for your straight man shenanigans" side and man am I here for it


Today I wrote a thing.

BLM=formed as a response to the systemic targeting and oppression of PoC in the justice system. Black Panthers=formed as a response to the incredible racism and intolerance that pervaded our society for the decades after the dissolution of slavery and to help voice the frustrations of those marginalized by this pervasive intolerance. Also helped to expedite government intervention, however flawed and lackluster. KKK= literally a bunch of petty ass white folk upset that they couldn't legally abuse and assault those they deemed to be of lower quality than them. If y'all don't see the difference in these groups, it's because you're willfully ignorant of the situation. Violence sucks. Not gonna sit here and say that I'm thrilled to see violence being perpetrated in the name of equality. But the Boston Tea Party, Stonewall, the tearing down of the Berlin Wall...all of these, ALL OF THESE, were huge steps forward in the name of trying to bring an end to oppression. They were also violent. If you don't want to see violent responses to intolerant practices, take initiative to make things better for those telling you that they are oppressed and marginalized because as you don't get to sit back as a privileged person who's never experienced explicit discrimination based on uncontrollable factors and tell the oppressed what the appropriate way to respond is. I'm for everyone getting their freedoms. I'll stand and fight for you to practice your religion and have your own convictions. You can have your own beliefs that you hold dear. But the second that the practice of those beliefs threatens others just because they don't hold those same beliefs, I stand against you. This isn't me not agreeing with someone because their favorite color is green and I don't like the color green. This is me taking a stand against a group that condones violence against other members of our community based solely on their orientation or skin color because that is just straight up shitty.


Never normalize Trump.

The media will try. Don’t allow it. He can never be treated like a normal president. We can’t let this ever be seen as acceptable, not for a minute.


please look out for your disabled friends please please please i’m barely seeing any posts about them but a trump presidency is so fucking harmful to those who don’t conform to society’s ideals of ‘able-bodied’ and for all those who rely upon healthcare and please please PLEASE, in all your posts about people who are going to suffer under this presidency (hint: everyone), just please be aware of them

Under a Trump presidency, millions of disabled Americans could lose their access to medical care, life saving medication, the benefits they use to afford food, and the programs that provide them with shelter. Please keep disabled Americans in your hearts and minds. Please don’t forget about us.


I've been crying all day. Just when I think I'm going to stop, I start again. I'm afraid for my friends. I'm afraid for people I don't know. I'm terrified that open season has been declared on the LGBT community, those who aren't white, people wearing hijabs. Today we grieve. Please know that you matter and I am here for you. Cry today because tomorrow, we fucking fight.


To the 5% of people in Arizona who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 11 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 3% of people in Florida who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 29 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 5.5% of people in Michigan who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 16 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 5% of people in New Hampshire who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 4 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 3.3% of people in Pennsylvania who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 20 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

To the 5.7% of people in Wisconsin who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 10 electoral votes that would have gone to her.

Total, that is 90 electoral votes. As I type this, Hillary needs 61 to win.

Please just let that sink in for a second. 

Hillary would’ve been elected right now, at this very moment, if instead of you protesting your vote, had just voted for her. She would  EASILY be President. 

You KNEW 3rd party candidates didn’t stand a chance. You were told. But instead, you had to vote for them anyways, and guess what?

You screwed us over. Congratulations.

I hope that feeding your “both candidates are bad” superiority complex is worth a Trump presidency. 

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