
Many many Hats



im laughing so hard because no matter what song you listen to 

spiderman dances to the beat

no matter what song ive been testing it and lauing my ass off for an hour

hey guys do you want to circulate the heirloom dancing spiderman again i feel like we could stand to do that


no one prepares you for all the people you’re going to become in one single lifetime


No one prepares you for all the people you're going to become in a single conversation.


me when i get my student loan


this is the money cat. reblog in 30 seconds and you will find yourself with more wealth

and it has its right paw up! the correct paw for this. and from the markings on its ears, it looks like it might be a calico cat. which is the luckiest kind!

extremely lucky cat


I don’t even care if it actually works, I’m mostly reblogging because it’s freaking adorable.

cute cat and need money, good post, 10/10

in case anyones interested in the other versions

Y’know I reblogged this a bit ago and was saved from financial probation and getting kicked out of school because of it, just mere months from graduation. Got a call from the financial aid advisor telling me that they made a mistake with filing my account (or some other sort of clerical error) and said that, basically, they owe me money. Welp.


Last time I reblogged the money cat, I won two $100 gift cards at work.





We need shittable cities (actively maintained public restrooms).


A city without well-maintained restrooms is a city where many of the chronically ill cannot leave their homes, and where the homeless are criminalized for bodily functions. If I had a nickel for every day I haven’t gone somewhere with friends because I didn’t know the bathroom situation, I’d have enough to put in a sock and beat a couple of billionaires to death.


I literally can't visit Seattle anymore for this reason. I am glad I didn't move there.

American Restroom Association does a lot of good advocacy for things like this, and Project for Sanitation Justice maps out public toilets in the San Diego area. This article has a few more suggestions for places to start.

And for the people who seem convinced that leaving bathrooms open 24/7 is dangerous, you know what else is dangerous? Cholera.


Other people who need public restrooms:

  • Rideshare, taxi, and private drivers
  • Delivery drivers
  • Postal carriers
  • Children
  • Tourists
  • Anyone who likes to just walk around on a nice day

If you're on the Seattle waterfront, the ferry terminal on Pier 52 has public restrooms. The upstairs ones (passenger level) are open from 5am-midnight, and the ones on the auto level are around 8am-8pm.


what a way to announce your skills issue anyway how long is y'all's longest internet friendship, mine is 14 years


My longest are just shy of twenty years, and I have tons in the 15-10 year range.


@malepresentingleg 💝💖💗💗💗💞💖💞💖💞


I met two of my very best friends online in 2004, both in situations stemming from the very besotted fandom that sprung up around Alfred Molina in Spider-Man 2. I've lived with one for over a decade now. I'm going to Scotland with the other one this fall to celebrate our 20th Friendsiversary.


REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.

Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.


the fact that house and wilson rode off into the sunset together is one of my greatest sources of happiness

the fact that house and wilson rode off into the sunset together to face a future of cancer-ridden pain is one of my greatest sources of sadness


Wilson recovers, though.

His cancer is part of a pattern that happened throughout the show: House, the diagnostics guy, got misdiagnosed pre-series, but figured it out himself and did not die, though he easily could have. Cuddy, the endocrinologist, suffered endocrine system problems and couldn’t conceive a child. She still got one. Foreman, neurologist: Brain disease! He recovered fully. Cameron, immunologist: Exposed to HIV. Did not contract it. Chase, intensive care specialist: Stabbed! Wound up in intensive care. Recovered.

The pattern is that they all are affected by whatever they specialize in, and they all, in one way or another, overcome it. So of course the oncologist gets cancer; that’s how the show works. It also means he goes into remission, because that is also how the show works.

Dude… DUDE this is the only time I have EVER actually believed that maybe Wilson didn’t die… I can’t believe I never realized any of this before. Wow wow wow wow


ok, this is extremely good from a “I refuse to accept sad canon outcomes” but also also EXTREMELY funny from the perspective of wilson reaching the 3month mark and then… not dying.

and then the 6mon mark, and he’s… feeling better, actually. this is twice as long as he ever expected, but he can’t be SAFE. this is just LUCK that’s gonna run OUT.

and by two years he’s sweating guilty bullets because house OBLITERATED his WHOLE LIFE and faked his DEATH to be with wilson for the last 3mon of his life, and now they’re FIVE YEARS IN, and house can NEVER GO BACK TO HIS FAMILY because he’s SO FUCKED over this ONE DECISION, and it’s ALLLLL wilson’s fault!!!!

meanwhile house is sipping mai thais, setting up illegal accounts in the caymens, and learning to forge his own documents cuz the ones he keeps buying down the street are really shoddy and he thinks he can slip a joke about his dick size onto his passport without anyone noticing.

he’s having the time of his LIFE.

I didn’t watch House all the way to the end what the fuck happened


It's gonna be such a funny mess when Donald Trump dies of a stroke on April 1st, 2024.

  • Naturally everybody will think it's fake because of the date only to lose their minds (both positively and negatively based on their opinion of trump) when realizing it's real
  • There will be massive celebrations in the streets and on social media and lots of predictable "don't speak ill of the dead" discourse about those celebrations
  • Weird evangelicals will pull some weird number trick talking about how Jesus was conceived on April 1st and that makes Trump a sort of messiah and people will make fun of that
  • The Republicans (after they're done with the faux-sadness and faux-outrage) will stomp over each other to be his successor but none of them will succeed. They'll tear each other apart and have no single nominee for the November elections.
  • There will be discourse about if Biden and the living former presidents should go to his funeral (they won't, he was a traitor insurrectionist)
  • The Ukraine-Russia War immediately goes in favor of Ukraine as morale in the Kremlin is reduced. China similarly backs off from its threats on Taiwan.
  • Ten thousand new memes are made, some sticking around for years to come.
  • Not a month later a bunch of unofficial biographies of Trump hit the bookshelves, many with new details about just how awful he was.

Extra predictions: Evangenical Trumpers will get REALLY weird 3 days later, waiting outside Mar-A-Lago to see if the stone rolls back.

Anonymous asked:

How did you choose your tattoo placement?

- I don’t have tattoos

- I don’t have tattoos (yet!)

- with a tattoo artist in consultations

- with a friend/ family member/ loved one

- someone else chose for me

- secret 5th option that I haven’t thought of


My tattoo replaced a memento I had to cut off.


Presenting my complete list of Fake Statement Ideas (with some revisions since last time), part 1:

  • “Play Nice”: statement of Sid Phillips, regarding his childhood toys. (Toy Story, Stranger) Title references Woody's threat to Sid, and Woody is of course empowered by the Stranger in the form of creepy early CGI animation.
  • “Revelation”: statement of Warlock Dowling, regarding his atypical upbringing. (Good Omens, Spiral?) Title references the Book of Revelation; I'm not sure what Fear this one is since Warlock realizing even part of what was going on with Aziraphale and Crowley would be creepy as hell, but his caretakers aren't actually malicious. Feel free to comment in the notes.
  • “Seventeen”: statement of Veronica Sawyer, regarding the 1989 suicide epidemic of Westerberg High. (Heathers: The Musical, Desolation). Title comes from the song "Seventeen," and JD is sooo Desolation in his edgelordiness-turned-homicidal rampage.
  • “Special Effects”: statement of Alissa Denton, regarding the last performance of Misty Moore. (Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City, Stranger).
  • “Mantle of Whispers”: Statement of Agent Cuspin Clark, regarding a conspiracy of disappearances and doppelgängers. (Dimension 20: Fantasy High, Stranger). Title comes from one of Fig's former subclass abilities, which let her capture the shadows of the recently deceased and adopt their persona to impersonate them; Cuspin Clark is a character from FH: Junior Year investigating the disappearance of "Hilda Hilda" (one of Fig's aliases).
  • “Romance Partner”: Statement of Riz Gukgak, regarding the abnormality in his reflection. (Dimension 20: Fantasy High, Lonely) Title comes from Baron's self-proclaimed status as Riz's romance partner, and Baron is my beloved awful Lonely Avatar supreme.
  • “Skulk”: Statement of Steven, no surname given, regarding the creature he encountered during a caving expedition. (Minecraft, Dark) Skulk is the stuff that summons the Warden, who brings a magical aura of blindess with it as it hunts you through the Deep Dark to murder the shit out of you. Why the fuck did Warden lose so hard in the Dark bracket.
  • “The White Whale”: Statement of anonymous source, regarding how he murdered his stepfather. (The Mariner’s Revenge Song, Hunt/Buried)
  • “Danse Macabre”: Statement of Gog-Agog, regarding why you should be Gog-Agog too! (Kill Six Billion Demons, Corruption (and, for spoiler-y reasons, Vast)) Title comes from one of the recent strips, which reveals certain things about Gog-Agog's backstory, and also just generally fits her fucked up performance thing.
  • “Sugar and Spice”: Statement of Ruby, no surname given, regarding the stuffed toy she received from her grandmother. (Desolation, Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse) Title is a reference to Random Encounters' musical about the game.
  • “Treasure Hunt”: Statement of Stanley Yelnats, regarding his imprisonment in a correctionary boot camp. (Holes, Buried)
  • “Sickly Sweet”: Statement of Hans Ranstott regarding his sister’s protection of him. (Transformed: The Perils of the Frog Prince, Corruption) Fellas, is it Corruption to (attempt to) murder several people with poison in your misguided efforts to protect your brother, who then was about to finish the job by offing two children to prevent you from facing justice for your crimes?
  • “Shadow Puppet”: Statement of Lena Sabrewing, regarding her troubled relationship with her aunt. (Ducktales 2017, Web)
  • “Icarus”: Statement of Donald Duck, regarding his sister’s disappearance in space. (Ducktales 2017, Vast)
  • “Worldbreaker”: Statement of Gyro Gearloose, regarding a recurring problem with his creations. (Ducktales 2017, Extinction)
  • “Solemn Vow”: Statement of Twilight Sparkle, regarding her brother’s marriage. (MLP:FIM, Corruption)
  • “Urban Legend”: Statement of Emma-May Dixon, regarding the local tourist trap in Gravity Falls. (Gravity Falls, Stranger)
  • “See No Evil”: Statement of Tate McGucket, regarding his fear of memory loss. (Gravity Falls, Spiral)
  • “War Games”: Statement of Jack Merridew, regarding his time stranded on an island as a child. (Lord of the Flies, Slaughter)
  • “Dollhouse”: Statement of Coraline Jones, regarding what was behind a door in her new apartment. (Coraline, Stranger/Web)
  • “God Save the Queen”: Statement of Julie Jenkins, regarding the murders at her high school prom. (The Ballad of Sara Berry, Slaughter)
  • “Silent Assassin”: Statement of Pam Kingsley, regarding a string of inexplicable assassinations she reported on. (Hitman, Hunt) Title is the highest rating you can get at the end of the mission, after completing it with flawless stealth and little to no extraneous aggression--just go in, murder the target, and slip away undetected.
  • “God, That’s Good”: Statement of Tobias Ragg, regarding his employment in a meat pie shop. (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Flesh) Title comes from the Act 2 opener.
  • “Future Imperfect”: Statement of Arven Toro, regarding the results of his father’s research. (Pokemon Violet, Extinction)
  • “This Be The Verse”: Statement of Beatrice Baudelaire II, regarding her a series of unfortunate events her guardians experienced. (ASOUE, Desolation)
  • “Mayhem”: Statement of Marla Singer, regarding her boyfriend’s involvement in terrorism. (Fight Club, Desolation)
  • "Bunker": Statement of Henri Clément, regarding the creature he encountered on the Western Front. (Amnesia: The Bunker, Slaughter)
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