
Lardo is very important


(Icon: Jlzimmermann)

I know everyone is excited that Whiskey likes men, as per the most recent chapter, but hasn’t he also expressed interest in women? Hasn’t he had a girlfriend?

So can we call him bi please?


Shruti having a girlfriend isnt surprising she was at the lgbt athletes club and shes on a RUGBY team!!!!! Rugby women are all gay!!! Whats my source?? Im on a womens rugby team!!!!


Okay but I want to know if Whiskey is in the closet, or maybe he just wants his relationship to be secret, why did they make out in a crowded party?? Here are my possible theories:

-whatever this party is (seriously where are they) it’s notorious for sports teams banning their team members from attending and they assumed no one from the sports side of campus would be there and the other students don’t care about their drama so they thought they would be safe from gossip

-whatever this party is, it’s fucked up enough that they assumed other, more dramatic shit was going on or possibly everyone would be too fucked up to pay attention

-it was a slip up, just the two of them caught up in the moment and thinking that a quick kiss in a party far from both of their teams wouldn’t kill them, and that’s when Whiskey made eye contact with Bitty and everything went off the rails

-Whiskey is actually sort of out but he’s not comfortable with the whole hockey team knowing about that aspect of him for his own reasons

In conclusion, I want to know where this party was because I feel like that’s vital to the story of What Happened and I want to know how many people know about Whiskey and the Lax Bro that he felt like he could kiss him in the basement of this sketchy ass party but panicked when Bitty saw him.


its confirmed that bitty full names the waffles when they are in trouble

But he didn’t full name Bully…. is Bully in less trouble? Still in trouble because first name was broken out, but…less trouble.

  1. It’s favouritism
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